
Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"What do you mean Mason is here?" Caroline asked through the phone.

"The literal meaning Caroline. Mason Lockwood is in Mystic Falls," I said with a sigh, "He just left for the Lockwood Mansion."

"Why is he here?" She questioned again.

"It seems baby Lockwood found out the truth about his family's curse. He came across a diary and video of werewolves transformation, which Mason left in the old Lockwood cellar," I explained to her the same thing Mason told me.

"Oh," she said.

"Really, Oh?" I said, irritated by the response.

"Sorry, Kat. It's just today was crazy. I got a huge aneurysm, Dr. Martin stole Bonnie's powers, and now you are telling me Elijah is daggered and Mason Lockwood is back in town," She reasoned.

"Bonnie lost her powers?" I asked. Shit! How did I forget about this? "Are you all okay?"

Wait! Since when did I care about these pesky teenagers?

"Yeah. We went to my house as you told, and then suddenly, Dr. Martin barged in; he stuck Jeremy to the wall and gave me a huge migraine and took away Bonnie's powers for entering Luka's mind illegally," said Caroline.

"Now, how do you think he will react when he gets to know Elijah's daggered?" I said out loud.

"I don't even want to think about it. Our luck is like a bald guy who just won a comb," she said, and I chuckled at that.

"Okay. Enough of jokes. I want you to do something?" I said to her, seriously getting into Katherine mode.

"What is it?" She asked

"I want you to follow Mason. I don't think he came here alone after his nearly experienced death," I said through the phone."

"Why can't you just ask him?" She said from the other end

"Because I don't think he trusts me anymore. I don't even know if he came here for Tyler's sake," I said

"You are paranoid," she stated with a sigh.

"I a not paranoid; I am just exceedingly knowledgeable about all the things that can go catastrophically wrong in life," I explained to the young Vampire.

"That's what they call as paranoia," the blonde said in a deadpanned toe.

"No, it's not," I explained calmly.

"Whatever. I will be on it as soon as school ends," the blonde Vampire said through the phone.

"You want to go to school?" I asked. I mean, after all the shit that's going around them.

"Matt is the only normal thing in my life now, and he will be in school. He is already getting suspicious of my stories. In no time, he will get sick of it and will break up with me," She said.

"So, you want to fess up about your immortality?" I questioned. By the looks of it, she is going to tell the jock everything real soon. "Tell him the truth and - Revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a frickin' bloodsucking Vampire."

"I don't know. I mean, even if I did, Matt is going to be okay with it, right? He loves me. So, he will accept me, right?" she said nervously. Well, it didn't end like that in the show.

"You do know I had to compel Stefan, right," I retorted, "So, I should be the last person you should come for advice."

"Ugh! Why does life have to be so difficult" she groaned.

"Goodnight, Caroline," I said, cutting the call instead of replying as I don't know the answer to that question, as well.

I hope tomorrow is better.

I woke up the next day to the sound of my phone ringing. I grabbed it from the nightstand and answered it with my eyes still closed.

"Hello," I said, yawning. I slept late at night, thinking about the possible ways to keep me alive and came up with nothing.

"Hey, Katherine," the voice from the other end chirped. "How are you? Isn't the weather nice today?"

"Cut to the chase, Stefan," I asked in a bored tone "What do you want?"

"Come to the boarding house," he said and added "please" after a pause.

"No," I said almost instantly.

"Why not?" He said

"I think you guys are doing fine without me," I said sarcastically, "I will work by myself, thank you."

"We are sorry for cutting you out of the plan. " Stefan started

"There shouldn't be a plan in the first place. So, apology not accepted" I cut the broody Vampire off.

"We knew you would react badly" he completed

"You mean Damon knew I would react badly, and you followed in your brother's footsteps," I said, and he didn't say anything.

"Fine, if Klaus breaks the curse and Damon and I die, it's on you," he said.

Cocky bastard, he knows how to hit a nerve.

"Fine, I will be there in half an hour," I snapped, cutting the call.

I was at the Boarding house after forty minutes, and Rose opened the door for me.

"What do you want?" I said, entering the living room as I saw Stefan, Damon, and Elena.

"You are late," said Elena

"Be glad, I came in the first place," I replied, and before Elena could say anything, Damon interrupted, saying, "Now, why don't we just sit and talk like civil persons" and I sat as far away from him as possible. I know very mature of me, but I didn't want to face him. Though it's not my first kiss with him, it got awkward since the kiss yesterday. Our first kiss was the usual one people share after their first date. Yesterday was totally different.

" So, Bonnie lost her powers," said Stefan clearing his throat

"I know Caroline told me," I interrupted

"Elijah is daggered in the basement," he continued " John took off after you tried to kill him, and Moonstone is still missing, and Klaus will be here any day now."

"Fantastic. You called me here to say our days are numbered," I said, "yet here we are running around like chickens with their heads cut off."

"You are not helping," said Elena.

"Did you know about their daggering plan?" I asked her instead.

"No," she said

"Great, at least someone is on the same page with me," I muttered, and I looked around and saw books scattered on the couch beside me, and I asked everyone about it silently raising my eyebrows.

"They are Gilbert Journals," said Rose eyeing the books.

"And what are they doing on Salvatore's couch?" I asked.

"I wanted to know where a bunch of dead witches was massacred in this town a couple of centuries ago," said Damon.

"What will you do with that information?" I asked.

"Elijah wanted to know about it?" He explained.

"We are getting late for school," Elena said to Stefan, and he nodded.

"Ask the witch to talk to the Martin's. It will be best if they can work with us," I said to Stefan, and he nodded and hugged me a bye and went along with Elena.

"When a witch dies violently, they release mystical energy marking the place of their death with power," I explained to Damon and Rose after a few minutes. It's best if Bonnie has the power. I will convince them later to desiccate Klaus.

"Why did Elijah want to know about it?" asked Rose, "What was he going to do with it?" and I shrugged my shoulders. It best I act dumb; otherwise, they may get suspicious.

"So you don't know where it is?" asked Damon.

"I don't know the place, but I do know that Emily Bennett was murdered in the same place," I said, giving them a clue, and Damon smirked at that.

"And something tells me you know where it is," Rose said, looking at Damon's smug face.

"You are a mad genius Katherine," Damon said, getting up excited.

"Thank you?" I said. Just then, my phone rang. It was Private Investigator 2. I cut the call and got up. "I think my work here is over, I will be back after Martin's meeting. Keep me posted."

"Where are you going?" asked Damon

"Remember the plan B and Plan C, I was talking about?" I said and left without waiting for an answer. As soon as I am out of hearing distance, I called back to the number.

"Miss Pierce, I found the girl, you are looking for," he said.

"Finally. Is the girl near you?" I asked.

"She is just across the street," he said.

"Good. Give her the phone," I said to the detective.

"I am sorry, what?" He asked, confused.

"I said give her the phone, idiot," I snapped at him, angry with all the situations going on these past two days.

"Yes, Miss. Pierce," he said immediately.

I heard shuffling from the other side, "Ms. Marshall, Ms. Pierce, would like to speak with you."

"Miss. Who? Who the hell are you?" I heard a girl's voice. I heard light whispers and then.

"Hello, who is this?" A sharp voice asked.

"I am Katherine Pierce," I said.

"So?" She said.

"I would be a little more respectful, considering I am the one to help you with your parents," I said to her.

"What did you say?" She said in a sharp tone.

"Your real parents Hayley or should I say, Andrea," I said in a taunting tone.

"Is that my real name?" She asked in a small voice but then raised her voice, saying, "How should I believe you? I don't even know you?"

"Well, how about you believe the tattoo on your shoulder? The crescent moon," I said.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Why do you assume I want something?" I said.

"Because everyone wants something," she said as a matter of fact.

"Hmm. I guess," I said "I will think about that and call you later. Give your number to the person before you," I said.

"Mam, what do you want me to do now," the detective asked.

"Take her number, but don't give her mine." I said, "Now go back and forget about everything until I see you again," I said, hanging up.

That will do. According to what I saw from the show, Hayley is a highly skilled manipulator with extremely questionable morals. She has gone so far as to help orchestrate a mass murder of 12 hybrids she called friends for no other reason than to simply get the name of her parents.

So, I just need to use her at the right time and the right way to get what I want.

After a few minutes, I got Hayley's number. I saved the number and tucked my phone in the back pocket, and made my way to the woods to meet up with Mason as we planned the other night.

"Hey Kathy," Mason said, stepping down from the hood of the car as he saw me.

"Hey Mase," I said as he pulled me into a hug.

"You look good," he said, and I smiled and shrugged a little.

"So, how did it go with your nephew?" I asked.

"It didn't. I told Tyler that I will answer all his questions once he comes back from school," he said, "How was your day?"

"Well, you are not going to like what I am about to say. But I want you to calm down and listen to me until the end," I said.

"It can't be that bad," he said with a light chuckle, but I just stood there seriously, and he stopped when he got the message that I wasn't joking, "Go on."

"So after I sent you the way, I got kidnapped the next day by an ancient Vampires..." I started saying to him everything on how I started working with the Salvatore's to kill my mortal enemy and how they daggered Elijah with the help of Elena's father and at last, how I was trying to stop the sacrifice. Everything that doesn't make me good in his eyes was omitted.

"I thought you said, you will help me with the curse," he said after a few minutes.

"That's before Klaus knew about doppelgangers existence," I said

"But what if the Werewolves break the curse first. We can change at will, and maybe we can kill Klaus," he said

"That's the thing Mason an Original can't be killed by a werewolf bite. So it's better to follow Salvatore's plan. According to Elijah, there is a way to kill him. We just need to find that out," I said, trying to convince him, "So I think it's better if you leave town. Because for the curse to be broken, a werewolf should also be killed. And if you don't want to die in that stupid sacrifice, you better run before he catches you considering you are the only werewolf here," I said, and he didn't say anything.

"Think about it," I said to him, getting ready to leave.

"Thank you for informing me about this, Kathy," he murmured.

"You are a good friend Mason," I replied instead. I just hope he leaves this bloody town. I can't take any chances with Klaus. He has 500 years ahead of me, and he is as manipulative and cunning more so than anyone I had ever met.

I went back to the boarding house after a quick bite, and Stefan came at the same time, and we both entered the house talking about ordinary things.

"What did Papa witch and Baby witch have to say," Damon asked as soon as he saw Stefan.

"Elijah had no weapon to kill Klaus, but he believed that if a witch could channel enough power. They wouldn't need one." Stefan explained

"Like the power you get from a spot marked with a hundred dead witches?" Rose thought out loud.

"We just need to find it," said Stefan with a sigh.

"Don't brood so much, Stef, we know where it is?" I said, sitting on the couch, "Actually, Damon does. I helped him," I added.

"You do?" He asked his brother, surprised.

"Tell the Martin's we have a deal," said Damon.

"Are you sure it's the right thing to do? We don't know them enough to handover that much power?" said a concerned Rose. "Can't Bonnie do it?"

"Well Bonnie can't siphon the power as she has no access to the magic," Stefan explained

"Now that I think about it, I am having second thoughts," I said. Though Martin's are powerful, they are very desperate in Greta's matter. And they can go to extreme levels to get her back even it means killing an Original. I can't let Klaus die, and I can't let myself get killed.

Ugh! Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?

"The Martin's are the only option," Stefan said, looking at me.

"Unless you want to share your Plan B and C," said Damon, smugly.

Of course, I can't say to them that those plans are for me surviving Klaus, and the ideas are form the future.

My plan A was not giving Klaus the moonstone. No moonstone, no ritual, no Hybrid. A less powerful enemy.

My plan B was desiccating Klaus if, by chance, he gets to complete the sacrifice when he gets his hands on the moonstone.

And my plan C is

"Katherine?" Damon's voice interrupted me from my thoughts, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I said, clearing my throat "if the warlocks go behind our backs, I am going to kill them."

"And we will help," said Stefan. "So, since everyone agreed, I will go and seal the deal," he said, getting up from the couch and walking out.

"Now what?" I asked looking at Rose and Damon

"Now we wait," he said, going to grab a drink.
