
Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"Hey, that was cheating?" exclaimed Jeremy for the nth time.

"No, Jeremy. You are just a sour loser," I said, ruffling his hair.

"I am not a loser," Jeremy said, swatting my hand, which caused me to pout. "I should've said no to use your vampire reflexes."

Just then, we heard the doorbell ring.

"I thought you said Jenna went for a dinner party at Damon's," asked Jeremy, confused.

"I did. That would be Bonnie and Caroline," I said, hearing them talk outside the door, thanks to my Vampire hearing.

"Oh," he said, getting up to answered the door while I just stayed put. Now I should deal with a chatty vampire and a judgy witch.

"Hey guys," I heard Jeremy greet the girls.

"Who is the girl in your room? I am sure I heard someone," said Caroline.

"That would be me," I said, flashing towards the stairs and waved at them, and only Caroline returned one as expected.

"Why is she here?" asked Bonnie eyeing me up and down.

"We were playing road rash," answered Jeremy, not trying to anger his crush. "I invited her," and she nodded.

"There is so much sexual tension here," Caroline said out loud, looking at Jeremy and Bonnie.

"Totally," I said, agreeing with her, and the said teenagers looked away from each other, and Jeremy started coughing to get rid of the awkwardness.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Jeremy asked, "Not that you should not come here or anything. It's just that you won't normally come if Elena is not here.." Jeremy started saying, but I cut him off before he could make himself look like a fool in front of Bonnie. I interrupted, saying, "Jeremy, you are prattling," and he shut his mouth.

"I will get us drinks," he said, walking into the kitchen.

"He is going to ask you out real soon," I said to Bonnie, and Caroline nodded her head in agreement.

"What?" Bonnie stuttered.

"Did I stutter?" I asked, deadpan.

"You are delusional," she scoffed, denying almost immediately.

"Really? How about a bet then. If he asks you to be his girlfriend, you will owe me one," I said, and before she could reply to me, my phone rang. I excused myself, saying, "one minute."

"Isobel," I said, answering the call. "Anything new?"

"Katherine, John is in Mystic falls," she said in a severe tone.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I asked angrily.

"He is planning on taking out Elijah with the help of Salvatore brothers. He gave them the dagger," She said hurriedly, "and according to what he said, they plan to kill the original, tonight."

"You gotta be kidding me," I grumbled, thinking what to do now. "Thanks for the info, I will call you later."

I turned around to see Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy looking at me worriedly.

"They are going to kill him?" asked Caroline

"Kill who?" asked Jeremy and Bonnie.

"I have to go before someone gets killed," I said, "Don't leave the house. Actually, leave the house. If Elijah gets out alive, he is going to kill every one of us. Go someplace safe, where he is not invited," I said, looking at Caroline, and everyone nodded.

Why didn't Damon tell me anything about this? In the original storyline, he did mention about the matter even when he knew Katherine was a bitch. John also wanted to get rid of Damon by asking him to use it. What if he did that again? They don't know the rules, and if by chance Elijah gets out tonight, what if he comes straight for my head thinking I betrayed him before he goes for Elena.

Urgh!... John sucks. Damon sucks. Elijah sucks. This whole tv show sucks.

I made my way to the Salvatore Boarding house. I heard Jenna working in the kitchen. I didn't make any sound to disturb her. I then listened to some voices from the study room.

"What I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend on killing Klaus?" I heard John's voice

"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now. I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house, living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you, and you'll never see her again." I heard Elijah say in a serious tone, and I quickly made my way to the study. Before I knew I opened the door of study with a thud sound, and everyone turned to look at me only to see my anxious expression. Seeing it as the right moment, Alaric plunged a dagger into Elijah, who was facing me, while I cried a "No" in protest as he screamed due to the dagger effect. Elijah turned grey and fell on the floor with a dagger in his chest.

"What the hell did you do?" I bellowed at everyone in the room.

"I will explain," said Damon. "Just let me handle the body before Jenna gets here," he said as calmly as possible, making me sit on the sofa while he took Elijah's body and left for the basement without removing the dagger.

And I just sat there shocked trying to comprehend the recent turn of events. What should I do now? With Elijah in the basement, there is zero hope of convincing Martin's about the plan to desiccate Klaus. And they didn't even remove the dagger, something must have changed.

Bonnie is a novice witch who gets a nose bleed if she performs a locator spell, let alone desiccate Klaus. Even if I tell her about the hundred dead witch power, the incantation to siphon the magic is in Martin's possession. And the Martins won't give it unless I take it by force, which means killing them. And if I do kill them, then there is a high chance of losing my allies. I looked around the room to find John standing nervously at a corner. My whole plan went to shit because of him.

I caught John's throat in anger and pushed his head against the wall "What the hell were you trying to do by coming here?"

"Katherine," he said, choking on his breath.

"Katerina, leave him," Rose said, coming behind, but I was not in the mood for this. My anger now has no bounds credits to my vampire nature. It's intensified, and all I wanted to do now is kill John by ripping his head off.

"Oh God," I heard Damon's voice from behind me "Hey, kitty Kat, you are going to kill him," and just like that, I was pulled off as Damon dragged me by my waist away from John and he fell on the floor and started coughing his guts out.

"What's going on here?" asked a very confused and worried Jenna when she saw Damon holding me by the waist, John on the floor and a worried Rose and Alaric on either side of me.

"Jenna, it's nothing," Alaric stuttered, trying to cover up.

"It doesn't look like nothing," snapped Jenna.

"I just got to know that John is my biological father. No biggie," I said, calming down a bit. Since John didn't come to Mystic falls after he discharged as per the storyline, Jenna doesn't know about this matter until now. So I decided to say it at the moment.

"What?" she asked, shocked at the declaration.

"I need some fresh air," I gave John one last glare and left the place.

I reached Mrs. Flowers's house and started pacing in my bedroom, trying to figure out what to do next. Klaus is going to kidnap me, and he is going to torture me. Sure, he may not kill me for his own sadistic pleasure. But it can also go wrong if he gets pissed off somehow and just rips my heart out. Who is to say that after I die in this fictional world, I can go back to my first world and continue my life? What if dying here means killing for real?

"Katherine," I heard Damon's voice behind me.

"You? How could you do something so reckless? Elijah was the only hope in getting rid of Klaus, and what did you do?" I growled and threw the first thing I could find, which would be my hairbrush on the dressing table.

"You're understandably upset right now, and I get why," he said dodging the brush quickly and coming a bit forward "But I also want you to know why I did it"

"I know why you did it. That's because you are suicidal, and you have zero sense of rationality," I said, throwing my straightener at the vampire, which he dodged again.

"On the contrary, I made a perfect plan with which I took out an Original Vampire," He said, now standing right in front of me and stared at me with those blue eyes.

"Elijah is.." I didn't get to complete my sentence as he suddenly took my face in his hands, and his lips brushed mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I tried to pull away before I lose myself, but I can't seem to...In that minty moment, my senses have been seduced, and I could no longer think straight as I stood still.

"Stop talking about him," he whispered against my lips as his forehead touched with mine, and then he kissed me again with the same passion, and this time, I responded. His hand grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him as the other went under my top caressing the skin. Before the moment could get any more heated, I pulled out and distanced myself.

"I am sorry," Damon said, disappointed when he noticed me taking a step back. "I know... wrong time, my bad."

"It's not entirely your fault. I got carried away too. Even after knowing you and Rose are a thing," I said, shifting on my feet and trying to calm myself.

"Rose and I.." he started to say, but I cut him off, trying not to make the conversation more awkward.

"Why didn't you tell me anything when I questioned you this afternoon?" I asked

"Because you will think, I am suicidal," he said with a sigh.

"Well, at least, I am correct," I said, "Did you know, if a Vampire uses the dagger, it can cause his death."

"Well, John did hide that matter, but Stefan informed me about that when he saw Johnathan Gilbert's journal, and he also said the dagger must not be removed."

"And Stefan agreed with this?" I said with a scoff.

"Alaric and Rose too," Damon added like he did something great.

"You are all trying to get yourselves killed for one pathetic human who doesn't value her life," I said, throwing my hands in the air.

"It's not just because of Elena. It for you as well," shouted Damon exasperated, and I was utterly shocked, but he continues after a pause saying, "It's for everyone. If you say Klaus and Elijah are brothers and Originals, it means both of them are a threat to us. Elijah won't be able to kill Klaus, and dealing with one Original at different times is better than dealing with both of them."

"And how do you plan on killing Klaus. Because I heard we only have one dagger which you used on your assumed threat. What of the real one?" I asked

"I will talk to the witch and try to set up a meeting with Martin's," said Damon nonchalantly.

"You want to make a deal with them using this temper of yours?" I asked incredulously.

"Of course not. Stefan will take care of that. They are coming tonight," he said offhandedly.

"And what if they don't agree to work with us?" I questioned.

"Don't be a pessimist?" he said, "Look, just believe me on this. I won't let you down."

"Fine. Do as you wish," I said, sitting on the bed, shrugging my shoulders. "But I am going to prepare a plan B and maybe a plan c of my own. However, I am not going to tell you anything about it just like you did today."

"Come find me if yours fails. Until then, bye," I said, covering myself with a blanket.

"Come on, Kitty kat. Don't be like that," he said with a sigh, but getting no response from me, he left after a few minutes.

"I am surrounded by idiots," I murmured to myself, getting up from the bed. Later that night, Mrs. Flowers came home confused, saying there is something wrong about my fiancee, and I had to compel her to forget about that matter. I also informed Isobel that Elijah has been daggered, and she said another bad news to me that words are flying around about a human doppelganger being alive, and there is a high chance that Klaus already knew about the matter.

Great. Just fucking great.

Stupid Vampires, Stupid show.

As I was racking my brains for some more ideas, I heard the doorbell ring, which I paid no mind to.

"Yes, may I help you?" I heard Mrs. Flowers ask sweetly

"Is Kathy here? Katherine, I mean," I heard a male voice. I went outside to check who it was.

"Mason?" I said, absolutely shocked.

"Kathy," he said, enthusiastically entering the house and hugging me.