
The survival of the last hunter in the magical world

A young soldier is trapped inside an old fortress with a mutant monster chasing him everywhere, and the only way to survive is to escape from this world.

High_castle · 奇幻
219 Chs

The legend of Robin Hood (5)

A few hours had passed since Alexander entered the forest

  But he met two groups of bandits

  This is not normal. How have these men not been suspected until now?

  Alexander seemed to suspect that there was someone supporting them in the shadows, and that person must have some authority to make these criminals enter the forest so easily.

  The second group of bandits was made up of humans and vampires, while the first group was only humans

  Alexander captured one of these criminals, who appeared to be their leader, while killing the rest

  He asked him who was the person supporting them, but the man refused to talk and feigned ignorance

  This criminal knew that Alexander would kill him anyway, so why would he provide him with information?

  But Alexander did not expect him to confess on the first try, so he decided to use some methods to extract confessions from this man

  It didn't take long for this man to collapse under the weight of torture. He wanted to be killed to escape this pain.

  But Alexander showed no mercy and continued to play with him

  Alexander didn't like torture, he liked doing things simply

  Kill when necessary, and flee when necessary

  Simple and clean

  That's how he did things, but there were some circumstances that required different actions

  There were some mystical methods that could penetrate the target's memories and obtain the required information, but Alexander did not know any of these mysterious rituals.

  So he is forced to follow the classic method


  It might be a bit brutal, even Alexander was hesitant to use it, but he didn't have the luxury of thinking about it now.

  He must get information about the person who supports the bandits, because the monsters will smell blood and come here

  "Listen to me, my friend. Tell me what I want, and I swear to all the gods that I will not kill you..."

  The bound man's eyes lit up. His body was full of wounds while he was missing some fingers. The oath to the gods was the greatest oath in this world.

  "I don't know much...but there's a guy called Mendez, he's a merchant who lives in Cairn, and he has some connections with the guards of Gate No.10, they let us in without any inspection..."

  "Mendez..?" Alexander engraved this name in his mind. It seemed that his predictions were correct

  There was someone among the gate guards who was cooperating with the bandits

The wall extends along the length of the forest, meaning its length is several hundred kilometers

  Therefore, there were ten gates spread along the wall, because it does not make sense for there to be only one gate

  Who will travel hundreds of kilometers every day to reach the gate? Therefore, in order to make things easier for adventurers, the empire built more than one gate

  In addition, the empire imposes fees on adventurers who enter the forest, so this was a necessary step to encourage adventurers

  The adventurers will get rid of the dangerous monsters in the forest, and at the same time they will give money to the empire

  This was an ideal investment for the empire and at the same time would benefit the adventurers

  Both sides will win

  But there seem to be some parasites messing around to get some extra benefits

  I think I can benefit from this

  Alexander got up and started to leave

  "Wait...you swore you wouldn't kill me..." The bandit screamed as he struggled to escape from his chains

  "That's right, I won't kill you." Alexander answered indifferently

"But...if you leave me tied up like this, the monsters will come to kill me before I can undo these chains..." The bandit became more nervous

  "I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say I would save you. This is your problem, so try to escape before those monsters come." Alexander continued walking, ignoring the bandit's cries


  Alexander was hiding among the bushes and watching a group of young men who were sitting and eating

  Looking at their fine clothes and the weapons they carried, he could guess that they were a group of nobles

  This is his chance to get money

  Alexander took out a small metal ball

  This ball is an explosive that releases a cloud of toxic gas

  He must finish his mission as quickly as he can

  Because the poison he uses is the type that causes only temporary paralysis, because if he uses a stronger poison, it may cause the heart muscles to stop, and thus these young men will die.

  Alexander doesn't want to kill them

  Stealing nobles was one thing, but killing nobles was something completely different

  Alexander is a cautious type, so he does not rule out that someone might discover his identity by chance. Therefore, he does not want to commit irreversible actions.

  Killing some bandits wouldn't cause a big problem, but killing nobles wouldn't be tolerated, and even the Ford family wouldn't be able to protect him.

  So he was just planning to rob them, even if his identity was discovered in any way, he wouldn't be punished severely

  The group of young men consisted of five people, three of whom were sitting on a tree trunk next to each other and eating their food while taking turns talking.

  The other two were ten meters away and seemed to be arguing about something

  Alexander decided to target the three people sitting on the log first

  Alexander threw the gas bomb next to them. The bomb was small and no one noticed it

  The bomb exploded, releasing a cloud of green gas

  "What's that...cough!"

"Cough...we're under attack!"

  The young men screamed, panic overwhelming them

  The three young men tried to get away from the gas cloud, but it was too late, because they had already inhaled the gas

  The three young men fell to the ground, unable to move

  It seemed that the remaining two people had some skills, because they quickly picked up their weapons and took a defensive position.

  But Alexander had an important advantage, which was surprise

  Alexander moved skillfully between the bushes, without making a sound


He threw a poisonous needle at one of the remaining young men

  The young man felt that something had pinched his neck, but he did not pay much attention to this pinch, because he thought that an insect had pinched him.

  He was now searching his surroundings for the person who attacked them. and tension was taking over him

  Suddenly, the young man felt that his legs were no longer able to support him, and he fell helplessly to the ground

  "Leo.." The remaining young man screamed when he saw his last teammate fall

  Alexander decided to eliminate the last person quickly, so he appeared in front of him and began walking towards him quietly

  The young man saw that the enemy had finally decided to appear. It was a man wearing a cute fox mask

  The young man was sweating as he thought of a way to defeat this enemy. He couldn't figure out how this person had paralyzed his friends

  "Who are you!..". The young man shouted, buying some time to think of a plan

  Alexander paused for a moment before putting his hands on his waist and shouting proudly. "I am the one who robs the rich and gives to the poor. I am Robin Hood."