After being transported to the DC Universe through a mysterious interdimensional rift, The Superior Spider-Man—Otto Octavius in Peter Parker's body—finds himself in a world dominated by gods, aliens, and metahumans. Stranded in this unfamiliar realm, Otto vows not only to survive but to prove his superiority in a society that prizes brute force over intellect. Author’s Note Thank you for taking the time to read my fanfiction featuring the Superior Spider-Man in the world of DC. I want to clarify that I do not own the characters or settings of Marvel or DC; this is purely a work of fan creativity and admiration. The Superior Spider-Man’s story has always fascinated me, and I’ve grown a bit obsessed with his complex journey. Placing him in the DC Universe felt like an exciting way to explore his intelligence and morality in a fresh context. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic about Superior Spider-Man, and I hope you’ll join me on this adventure. Your feedback, suggestions, or ideas are always welcome, as they can help shape the story in ways I might not have considered. Once again, thank you for your time and support. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it! Update Schedule: New chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Stay tuned for regular updates!