
The Sun - Lord of Mysteries

Reincarnated as Eternal Blazing Sun, in the perilous world of mysteries during the era when the gods walked on earth. Follow him on his journey through this mysterious world. Will he be able to ascend to become the God Almighty? Or, will he perish at the hands of the Ancient Sun God?

Eren_fraser · 作品衍生
162 Chs

Light and Darkness

September 7th, 1110. Northern Continent, Unknown location.

Twilight shone through the stained windows of a massive silver tower, illuminating a large room filled with rows and rows of bookshelves.

The walls were plastered with drawings of advanced technologies and structures far beyond the present era. A massive telescope was erected on a platform to the side of the room, and it extended out of the silver tower through an opened doom.

At the centre of it all was a holographic projection of Earth made of pure information, uncovering the world's tales and stories for a woman to record and witness.

The woman was dressed in a long blue gown with a purple crown on her head. She looked up at the projection of Earth, holding a purple book in her hand.

She was none other than the Angel of Wisdom, Diana Knight.

Her face creased at the sight of the volatile fluctuations erupting from the Callide Valley, Northern continent. It dwarfed any other fluctuations erupting from other parts of the world, capable of destroying a continent. It would have if not for the authority of the Night Emperor shrouding the battlefield, preventing the chaos of war from spreading.

It's been a month since the war began. It is still going full throttle and shows no signs of slowing down. The fire and blood turned the valley into a war-torn hellscape.

Diana raised her hand, pointing to the valley in world projection. Then she zoomed in; the projection expanded, the edges fading into obscurity, finally revealing a ruined valley.

On the projection, she saw the war unfold in real time. The authority of order does, indeed, shroud the valley, but it does not prevent prying. So, she can gather information from the battlefield through her receiver and be instantly aware of the events of the war.

Her purple eyes twinkled as she scanned the battlefield for Lucas.

Her gaze was drawn to the sky, where a beam of consecrated light striking the weathered white tower, collapsing it. A sun bird soared out of the ensuing explosion of light, letting out a triumphant cry.

Diana sighed, her tense shoulders sagging, as the victory cry rang in her ears.

'Thank the sun, he won...' she thought, a wave of relief washing over her. Her gaze then narrowed as she tightened her grip on the purple book, concentrating on the armies of the three churches.

'Calm down. It won't help anyone.' She told herself, her rage smothered.

She can't leave her tower unless the situation becomes so dire that her presence in the war is required to turn the tides. 'Solitude' is an important part of her upcoming apotheosis ritual.

Still, the winds of war were not blowing in their favour. The church of the steam was introducing steam weapons into the war, completely destabilising the conflict between low and mid-sequence beyonders. The hot weapons brought their troops to their knees, blasting them to smithereens. It was a total disaster for their side.

However, not all was lost; for the majority of the month, the war between high-sequence beyonders was at a standstill.

And to break the stalemate, the three church alliance planned a collective siege, going all out against the sun and earth alliance.

The angel of steam and knowledge used the artifacts bestowed upon them by the gods to repel most angels from the Tudor Empire and Church of Earth Mother.

Meanwhile, all the remaining angels of storm and knowledge besieged the angel of the sun with all their might in a frontal assault. It was a battle to the death.

Diana was completely focused on the battle that began last night. She even temporarily paused her analysis and deduction involving world laws in order to focus on the battlefield situation. After all, they are her family.

To say the war situation is dire would be an understatement. They were completely at a disadvantage from the start of the siege. Four angels of the sun vs seven angels of the Storm and Knowledge. The odds were already stacked against them.

By the end of the battle, Madilyn Wright, Angel of Destiny, and Laius Wilson, Angel of Sun, were on their last breaths from the assault from Thunder and White Tower, and others was also not far better.

Diana had made the decision to descend, regardless of the consequences. But she stopped herself when she saw Blaise perform a miracle using all of the wishes he had collected over three centuries.

He performed a true miracle by wishing for their enemies' Godhood to fade away.

The miracle immediately changed the tides of the battlefield. Madilyn and Laius were rescued by Earth Mother and Tudor Empire angels who escaped the hold and came to their aid.

While this was going on, Blaise and Lucas slayed the angels who were besieging them and won the battle.

Diana took a deep breath and waved her hand at the projection after checking on Lucas and finding no problems. It turned back into Earth.

The battle may have ended in victory, but the war is far from over. It could go on for years, until the gods themselves arrive on the battlefield for the final battle of gods. The current battle in the Callide Valley is merely a prelude for the main event.

She finally concentrated on the purple book in her hand, pushing aside thoughts of the war of the gods.

It was the hermit uniqueness. Her lord had already granted it to her after she had digested all of her knowledge emperor potions.

And she had begun her preparations for the apotheosis ritual, which is to create a new 'law' and successfully integrate it with the 'world.'

Given the essence of her world, it was one of the most difficult apotheosis rituals.

To it put into perceptive, the world in her eyes is like a huge machine. The gods' authorities are the parts that keep it all together and prevent it from collapsing on itself.

The power source for the machine is the "Sun". The hyperlink that connects the parts of machines represented by "Door". The information is represented by "Hermit". The heart of machine is "Paragon" The incarnation of problems or mistakes is "Error". The list goes on and on.

As a knowledge Emperor, this is how she truly sees the world. So, if she wants to become the hermit, she must let the machine accept her 'Law.' This is the most challenging part.

The 'Machine' is far too complex and intricate in and of itself. As a result, it will immediately reject any laws that are even remotely incompatible with itself. So, it is nearly impossible to derive a 'Law' that is compatible with the 'Machine.'

This, however, was not enough to deter her. The expectations and sacrifices on her path are too great for her to turn back now. This is also her lifelong dream.

Diana finally sighed, feeling the weight on her shoulders. She walked towards the table at the far end of the room. She was returning to her work, analysing and deriving global 'Laws.'

She came to a halt and looked to her side. The fabric of reality began to shimmer as a flood of information rushed towards her.

Diana raised her hand and accepted it with a sombre expression. The fact that the information appeared in front of her, bypassing the restrictions and defences of her tower, indicated that it involved the Gods themselves.

Her pupils dilated. "Edward…"

"It can't be.." Diana dashed towards the window, her heart torn by searing pain.

She gazed out the window at the sky.

The setting sun in the twilight sky turned white, emitting a scorching glare that illuminated half of the entire sky.

A crimson moon rose from the horizon like a scene from the apocalypse. The thick darkness erupted with the crimson moon, heading towards the pure light, heralding the arrival of night.

The light and darkness shimmered in the sky, revealing the Eternal Blazing Sun and the Evernight Goddess, who charged at each other with their fabled sun spear and night scythe.

"No.." Diana muttered incoherently, tears welling up in her eyes.

However, before she could process it all, the light and darkness collided.


A blaze of illusory light erupted, flooding her vision and forcing her to close her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks.....


Upto 10 advance chapters on my patron,

Link - https://www.p@treon.com/erenfraser.