
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · 漫画同人
56 Chs


Hanzo was currently running while carrying Locke very fast in the forest. By now, Hanzo was very far from the village where they had seen Claire before. After arriving in a city, Hanzo stopped with Locke and learned that Claire shouldn't be able to chase them anymore.

"What are you doing Hanzo? Why are you so afraid of Claire? I'm sure Leonidas can beat him easily", said Locke.

Claire shook her head and said "Sir, you don't know either Leonidas. But I've seen Claire's true strength. No matter how strong humans are, they can't beat a god. So since Leonidas hasn't reached the level of a god, he can't beat Claire. ".

"How did you know....", just as Locke was about to ask a voice sounded in his mind.

"Notice to the host. Your character Leonidas is dead and cannot be resurrected".

"What?", Locke shouted with great surprise at the notification.


Right now, Myro couldn't sleep at all. He was worried about Claire who was fighting. After all, Myro had never seen Claire's full power. Shar stood beside Myro seeing Myro who was currently waiting worriedly, therefore Shar didn't disappear like usual.

Unable to sleep, Myro decided to cultivate. Myro started to sit up and absorb low grade mana crystals. Currently, Myro is a tier 3 apprentice magician and has 100 mana orbs in his body. He was able to gather so much mana orbs because he had previously absorbed a mid-level mana crystal obtained from a junior mage who tried to kill him.

A mid-tier mana crystal had many strands of mana that made up 100 mana orbs. So if a mid-tier mana crystal is completely absorbed then the person who absorbs it will gain an additional 100 mana orbs. To become a tier 4 apprentice wizard required 1000 mana orbs which was a lot.

As day approached, a voice sounded in Myro's mind.

"Notice to the host. Your character Claire has killed the enemy character Leonidas a Spartan. Because of that, the host has the opportunity to create and summon a new character with the rule that the character must be a Spartan. Then the host also cannot create a character stronger than people who have been killed. So the character that the host can make for this Spartan character, must be weaker than Leonidas".

"Notice: The host can create a new character that is not from The World Online by killing a character summoned by a player from The World Online or killing a player from The World Online then the host can create a new character".

"The newly created character will be weaker than the one that has been killed. But they can cultivate to strengthen themselves. If it is the character summoned by the host who kills it then the host gets the chance to create a new character".

Hearing some of the new information, Myro was quite surprised. After all, this world wasn't The World Online so Myro thought beforehand that there was no way to create new characters. A summoner can only summon characters that were previously owned in The World Online.

But apparently in this world, a summoner can also create new characters again by killing enemies from The World Online.

Myro felt a little worried too because the summoned characters in this world could die as well. In previous The World Online, characters who died only needed to rest for a few hours after which they could be summoned again. But in this world, if they died then they wouldn't be able to be summoned again.

"Looks like I have to be careful now," Myro said with a sigh.

Myro couldn't act recklessly. After all, Myro didn't know how strong the people in this world were. It's better not to act recklessly now like stealing a forbidden magic book that can provoke enemies. However, since the forbidden magic book from the Dark Academy had already been taken by Shar there was no need to return it.

There was a knock on the door in Myro's room. Myro immediately got up from his bed and walked to open the door. Outside, Myro could see Vine smiling and saying "Morning, Myro. How about we have breakfast. If we are late then we won't be able to have breakfast. Because soon we will arrive at the academy".

Hearing Vine's words, Myro nodded and said "Okay, then let's go".

Myro closed the door to his room and left with Vine. While walking, Vine said "Sorry Myro for yesterday. I didn't know they would look at you like that".

Myro immediately remembered what happened yesterday, when the people who were eating with Vine looked at him badly. Myro just smiled and said "It doesn't matter. After all, isn't that what nobles usually do anyway".

Hearing Myro's words, Vine smiled bitterly and said "Yes, nobles are like that. But in the end both nobles and ordinary people are the same".

After that they arrived at the dining area. At this time, there were still not too many disciples sitting down to eat. Myro and Vine immediately took the food provided by the Magic Plant Academy. As before, the academy only provided ordinary food that didn't cost a lot of money.

After picking up the food, Myro and Vine immediately heard a voice calling out to them.

"You guys, sit here", said Brigitte who was already sitting while waiting for them.

It seemed that Brigitte had intended to wait for them from the start, since no one else was sitting there. Myro and Vine immediately walked over and sat on the chair and started to eat.

"You said we'd be late for breakfast. But look it's still very quiet here", Myro said to Vine who tricked him earlier.

Vine smiled and said "That's true, soon we will arrive at the magic academy. When we arrive it is difficult to have breakfast. Because there are many things to do such as enrolling in the academy to get housing, classes, then academy clothes for students. You think we're just going to wear white robes as a symbol of the Magical Plant Academy? Of course not, the academies also have their own magic academy outfits. So we'll be very busy once we get to the magic academy".

Hearing that, Myro didn't ask anymore and started eating. However, it seems that this Vine knows a lot about magic academies. While they were eating, Myro saw Boldes and the others who had already taken the food so Myro said to them "Boldes, here. This table is still big enough for you guys".

Boldes immediately looked at Myro and walked over and sat down at Myro's desk. Boldes immediately said "You are very early for breakfast".

"Of course, as students of the magic academy we have to be diligent. So, we have to get up very early to practice and then have breakfast", said Myro.

"That must not be true", said Kiel then said again "I didn't see you at all on the training ground this morning".

Myro immediately said with a bitter smile "Not everyone trains like you. We are magicians so it's better to train our mana".

Seeing Myro who was smiling bitterly, they started laughing too. Because Kiel's way of training is a little weird and not like a magician. Kiel trains his muscles more often which is quite rare for a magician who should train their mana more often.

"Okay, stop laughing. I'll introduce you guys first. Even though they're royalty but they won't treat you badly. That man is Vine Conti then for that woman is Brigitte Hern Krust".

Vine and Brigitte nodded their heads and introduced themselves.

"Vine…..Conti? Why do I seem to have heard this name before", said Boldes.

Tirse who was eating her food while reading a book said "What are you saying Boldes. Vine is royalty so it's only natural that you've heard of that name, after all, noble names are often mentioned in cities, so it's only natural that you might have heard of it".

"That's right," said Boldes nodding his head.

After that, Boldes and the others started to introduce themselves as well to Vine and Brigitte. After getting to know each other, they started talking about things like about the previous test or about level 0 magic.

When they finish their food. The place began to be crowded with other students for breakfast. A man wearing a white robe with the crest of a tree immediately came over.

"All of you, it's time to eat. We've arrived at the Magical Plant Academy. You can start preparing," said the mage and quickly left.

Hearing that, the disciples who were just about to eat were immediately shocked. They haven't even eaten yet, what to stop?

Look at the students who haven't eaten at all. Several people laughed at the sight of them who were currently very surprised that they had not eaten at all.