
The Subtle Revenge

Leo_Smith_7849 · 现代言情
6 Chs

Chapter 1

It was Saturday, the 22nd of July, Lydia was helping her sister get dressed.

She had assisted her in doing her makeup and she was about putting her shoes on when the bell rang.

Who is at the door?

Lydia's Sister, Chloe screamed.

It's I, John.

Oh!! John

Lydia opened the door for John.

Lydia obeyed immediately. John went straight to Chloe and gave her a warm hug coupled with lots of kisses.

John, I have missed you. Chloe spoke emotionally.

John was a tall and fair handsome man. He was from California, quite a long distance from Santana which was Chlor's place of residence.

John and Chloe had an engagement party to attended that evening

It was going to be a time for John to get into a relationship with her.

I'm almost done, where is my handbag, Lydia?

Just then, Lydia came out of her room

Immediately, her eyes fastened to John's eyes and she quickly changed her focus.

"What is happening?" Chloe asked jealously.

Not-t-h-ing..replied John

Lydia walked slowly into her room. She laid on the bed and began to weep profusely.

She began to recount how she was the bane behind the relationship between her sister Chloe and John.

It happened that she went to the living room one of those days and discovered Chloe sobbing loudly.

"I'm just tired of life", Chloe hissed!!

No man wants to relate with me. Every man I meet rejects me for no solid reason.

Ah!!! I'm just tired!!!

Lydia quickly walked towards her, held her hands, and said; don't cry anymore, I'll help you out.

What do you mean?

How do you want to go about it?'" Chloe asked!!

Just give me some time. I'll come up with a strategy.

In few days, Lydia was walking on the street, while headed towards the curved bend, she discovered a tall man, black in complexion and handsome in countenance staring at her uncontrollably.

It seems he couldn't hold it further, he had to run towards her.

Fortunately for him, she stopped.

He quickly asked her, her name and told her his intentions.

Well, Linda responded to him with a subtle question.

Tell me, what do you need?

I would like us to be close friends.

I looove you..."He said stammering"

She looked a him with a surprising look

and said..

Well, I'm not really interested in a relationship

presently, however, I can connect you

with my Sister who is more beautiful than I am.

John looked at her presumptuously.

"Well, if you say so"!! I agree.

Alright, her name is Chloe, I'll fix a meeting between both of you at a restaurant

Is that fine with you? "She asked"

Oh!! That will be great.. "Replied John"!!

Lydia, worked so hard to make sure

both John and Chloe met at the restaurant.

It was Friday evening, the weather was a lit bit warm.

John had already arrived at " St Emperor Restaurant" which was in South East of California.

It was already 5:30 pm as Chloe stepped out from her red-colored Fait car.

Immediately, Chloe sets her eyes on John, it was as though the Heavens had descended on earth.

It was evident she was already in love with John. It was love at first sight.

She tried to compose herself, but it wasn't working. She couldn't control her demeanor.

John looked steadfastly at her and ran to give her a warm hug.

Chloe, I don't know but I'm in love with you.."He said"!!

It was then Chloe began sobbing exerting all her energy.

I have been searching for a man who will love me with all his heart but...

I found none.

None showed me love

None cared for me.

All of them were after their personal benefits.

John!!! She called out..

Hope you won't fail me?

No!!! I can't do that.

Behind the scene was Lydia joyfully dancing because her plan worked perfectly well.

She hid herself so that no one will see her.

She said; now the deed has been done, I can now have rest of mind.

When she arrived home, Chloe was seated on the couch.

The joy exuding from her was so evident such that, she was just rhyming a song.

John!! John!! My love

John!! John!! My favorite

I will love you forever.

Just then her phone rang.. "She picked the call immediately"!

Lillian, I have been calling you for the past 20 minutes, "said Travis."

Oh my, I'm sorry Lillian. I was lost in thought.

No, that is not an excuse.

"Come right now to the Supermarket".. She shouted on the phone"

Alright. I will.

Lilian was the eldest of her siblings. She had a muscular framework. Her voice was like the deep tone of a man in his thirties.

When she was younger, everyone around her feared her.

She was always the leader of almost all associations in School.

May I ask a question. "Lydia asked on the phone"

Why are you demanding me to come

to the Supermarket?

Stop asking me such questions.Just obey simple instructions.." replied Lilian"

Lydia, stood up from her bed quickly, put on her clothes, and walked to the living room.

By this time, Chloe and John had gone to the engagement party.

Lydia, had a beautiful heart. She was not just only calm but also obedient.

It was very rare to see a lady who was very pretty, yet humble and obedient.

She rushed to the Supermarket, only to discover that Lillian had left a written note on the door.


Oh my!! Not again..

"This is not fair", Lydia lamented

Lydia has always been belittled and jeopardized, because she was the last born.

That day, Lydia was able to make three times of their daily earnings.

It's quite amazing how that Lydia would put in all her effort in business and yet not be rewarded.

It was already getting late, so she packed her things about leaving the supermarket when Lillian returned.