
The meeting

Within minutes, the driver delivered Carol and Charlotte to Mr. James's residence, and then drove back to the house, after Carol told him to go, that she would give him a call when she was ready to leave. She was still not sure about bringing this Melissa lady along with her, especially as she had not informed Mr. James that she was doing so first, but they were already here and even if she wanted to change her mind, it was already too late. Carol glanced at Melissa, wondering at how strangely she was acting all of a sudden. She had a strange look on her face and was quiet ... very quiet, especially for someone who was always talking.

"Hey ... Are you okay?" Carol asked, pausing and turning to face the other woman, who stopped and faced her too, staring at her blankly. They were standing between the lush lawns that led to the house itself.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Charlotte asked, visibly shaking herself out of whatever stupor she had been in.