
The reveal

After the test's which showed everyone's badass skill, Sasuke got his 8/10 which made him smug and the fangirls roaring him on.

Both shiro and Naruto.got 10 out of 10 which caused the smugness to be wiped clean off of his face.

The fan girls started cursing them out, and saying that they cheated..

In the end after they finished. The class was currently seated as they waited for Iruka to start calling out the rookie of the years.

"And the rookie of the year goes to...Shiro, " Iruka said causing Sauske to freeze as everyone started clapping," Congratulations Shiro, there has been two other civilian to get a rookie of the year award, you should be proud!" Iruka handed out a certificate, which was a scroll 38th a random jutsu as a prize

Shiro smiled, hs glanced at Sasuke who upon noticing his glance scowled harshly. Shiro's smile grew before glancing back at Iruka.

"Thank you." he said

Then Iruka looked back at his clipboard and did a doubletake at what he saw. He saw that Naruto's name was secretly Naruko he looked at note and looked at naruto surprised.

He just stared at it, before he eventually got himself together with a cough.


"Well..., it appears that one of you had decided to take the quote, "look underneath the underneath!" to the extreme!"

He glanced at Naruto who nodded. Shiro payed deep attention to the reactions as Naruto put his fingers together before raising his hand"Kai. there was a puff, followed by lots of smoke.

When the smoke cleared. she wore a black battle kimono, with orange streaks. Her blond hair was tied into pig tails and was a lot taller than she had been.

Everybody that was curious or didint give a shit was now staring at her wide eyes, even the lazy shikamaru.

There reactions were priceless

Shiro gave her a thumbs up, Causing Naruko eyebrow to twitch in barely hidden amusementt.

Oho this was good...so finger licking good.


"You knew!" Ino hissed at shiro as they both sat with the rest of the rookie nine.

"Yup." Shiro replied with a smalll smile...

"And you didn't tell me about it?!"

"Of course," Shiro said shrugging his shoulders, " Its called a secret, what would be the point of the name if I did tell you?"

Ino glared at him.

, "Troublesome," Shikamaru groaned, "I knew he was hiding some thing, I just didn't think it was that."

"Hmph, your still not cooler than sasuke, you should just give up trying!"

Shiro and some of his friends ignored her, while others just sighed in annoyance.

Hinata, poor hinata looked saddened at the revelation but she still had Shiro, she didn't see any anomalies around him so that means he's not hiding something as serious as that, that's all that matters really. The only thing I worry though is if Narut.. er or Naruko will take him, no, that won't happen....I'll make sure of It!

Unfortunately she was to into the moment to realize Shiro glanced her way with slightly eyes wide.


[Sensing, Yandere energy, be very cautious of Hinata Hyuuga!]

There's now going to be conflict between Naruko and Hinata until Hinata decides to accept Naruko as a sister...

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts