
Prologue to Battle

Goku and Shiro were standing next to eachother as they gazed at the parents, who were all dressed in a Familar Gii that Goku himself used to where when he was training with Grandpa Gohan.

They Both stared at each other down, Bulma was looking extremely nervous as all three got in a stance, Bulma in the one she had learned from Shiro and Goku, her own parents just got in a random standard stance that most people get when they are ready to fight.

"Now." Shiro said, "Begin."

Not to long after a tense staredown, Mr. Brief, Launched himself at his daughter, soon afterwards, his wife followed suit.

Bulma raised her and and blocked the punch from her Dad, while raising another to block a kick,.

She spun them around and let go of them, sending them tumbling to the ground.

She stared at them for a long moment, before her eyes widened as she realized what she did, "Oh my God, Mom! Dad!."

She was about to rush to them, when her dad slowly got up he helped his wife up, with a hand in which she gladly accepts.

"That was a heck of a right hook there." Mr. Brief's said rubbing his jaw, "For some reason I can't help but feel excited."

"It's the saiyan blood that now resides within you." Shiro replied with a smirk.

"If that's the case then it feels wonderful." Mr Brief got into another stance, "Come on my Daughter, "Let's try this again, this time you come at me."

Bulma hesistated, before she eventually agreed with him, she slowly launched herself towards her father, only to be intercepted by her mother who went in with a flying kick, knocking her backwards.

She looked at her in surprise, "Mom?"

"Sorry Dear, But I can't have you hog all of the fun."Mrs, Briefs smirked, it was then both Bulma and Shiro noticed a sudden shift in personallity, Bulma looked at shiro, shiro shrugged his shoulders, as he didn't know her, even in the anime she wasn't shown as much, of course she was shown as a kind and caring individual, but even then as he said before it was only a short while.

Shiro watched as Mrs Brief launched herself at her daughter, and the two started to Brawl, first Bulma was Blocking all of her punches and kicks, eventually though, she gave in tto her own blood, she herself began to fight back.