

The next morning after Shiro's eyes slowly fluttered open, Shiro looked towards the clock and his eyes widened "holy..."

Shiro quickly woke Naruko Up who was sleeping in the bed with me, there was no sex, just snuggling.

She quickly jolted up hit me in the chin with an accidental headbutt, causing them both to collide and pile onto eachother on the ground.

"What, Shiro?" Naruko was confused as she rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleep before she glanced at the lock too causing her eyes widen.


"Yeah...that's What I have been trying tell you."

It was then that they noticed our current compromising position. Shiro was sprawled into his back while Naruko was on top of him, Cowgirl style.

Both of their eyes widen even more before heat rushed to their cheeks She depearted from him almost instantly.

Akward silence

"We should get ready..." Shiro broke the silence with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah..." Naruko muttered nervously, she

Glanced at the bathroom "you mind if I...?"

"Yeah n-no problem." Shiro replied.

Naruko sent a grateful look before she quickly grabbed her things and departed.

5:00 am.After Naruko and Shiro had gotten ready, they were walking towards the training grounds seemingly unfazed about the embarrassing thing that had happened.

When Naruko paused, she spotted something a rock of some sorts.

Of course Naruko and Shiro both knew who this was, the hiding was terrible.

"You can come out now Konohamaru." Naruko smirked. She turned toward the rock and a loud puff was heard followed by lots ofnsmoke before long. a familiar scarf wearing boy appeared.

Shiro smiled. Ah Konohamaru. One of refresing characters of the series.

"I'm going.to be the hokage, but first I have to beat you. I challenge you, Fight me boss!" He leaped at her.

Naruko just chuckled before she side-stepped and grapped the tip of his scarf before pulled him back towards the ground.

He landed on his butt with a soft thud, "oof!"

"Nice try Konohamaru-kun."


Naruko smiled, "Maybe later , Shiro and I are going to be late if we stayed here any longer."

"Eh, Shiro?"

Konohamaru was confused. before he glanced at shiro , his eyes lit up in recognition before glancing back towards Naruko."Ah, is he your..."

Naruko blushed but nodded, she leaned into him.

Shiro Raised his hand "Yo. Nice to meet ya Konohamaru."

Konohamaru studied him paused, So he doesn't treat me like those other people do as the hokages grandson..that is good

He grinned at him said "hello, I'm Konohamaru, future hokage, remember it!"

Shiro glanced towards her with a smirk mouthing "you got competition" causing Naruko to roll her eyes."

"You better take care of boss or I'll come after you." Konohamaru pointed a finger at Shiro.

Shiro did a playful sulute and nodded his head, "Yes , hokage-sama." he smirked before he ruffed the kids head, "Come on Naru-chan, we are going to be late."

"Good bye, Konohamaru-kun!" Naruko waved as the two departed vanishing into the distance.