
Nieuw Life

Clack, clack, clack.

In Konoha this sound kept echoing at the empty third traing ground. The one who was producing that sound was dark brown skin little boy with black hair. The boy kept punching and kicking traing dummy whithout rest and his arms legs looked strained because of this.

''Done. That was 3000 kicks and 3000 punches. I feel that my body has almost reached it limmit for today so i'll just finish today's traing with light jog back home.''

The young boy left the training ground and started running towords the direction of his home. While he was running and jumping off buildings some people on the street notices him and started greeted him, not even suprised by the absurde speed and dexterity of the boy .

An old man in front of an busy the stall filed with people called out to him

''Hey Ryu another day of traing done?''

Ryu >''Hello Oji-san, i just finished and now i'm heading home while jogging.''

After the old man heared what the the young boy his face twisted in disbelief.

''You little brat, you call the speed you are going jogging.'' Said the old man with a hint of anger in

his voice.

Ryu >''Yes, actually it is a light jogg''. When the old man heard this he and the people around him were suprised at the young boy's reply and soon their faces were coverd with black lines.

'' Sigh never mind i just don't understand you ninjas. You can do all these amazing this and you see it as nothing.''

Ryu >'' Well Oji-san you can do these thing to if you train you're chackra.''

'' Never mind its not like i am young anymore and the ninja life is not for everyone.''

'' But Ryo you're realy something, I've seen other ninjas but none of them have been able to do

what you do at 6 years old.'' Said a very skinny man.

Another old man chimmed in.''Maybe the ones that finished the acadamy can. But when you go there you might already be stronger than them at the rate you're going.''

''Ha ha that is very true.'' Replied an old lady while laughing,

Everyone in the street started laughing to.

Ryu > ''Well i don't know about that sinds i don't often communicate wth other ninja

'' You will do fine kid. Here have a skewer its on the house today.'' Said the youg stall owner.

Ryu > Wow it's for free today, thank you nii-san.

As the young man told him not to worry about it Ryu started to happily eat the meat skewerd with a large smile on his face.

The people there that saw this could not help and smille looking at his happy face. There were also a few people who sighed thinking of this young boy who is living alone but theyre is not much they can do to help him.

Ryu > Nii-san you're skewers are delished as ever. Said the young boy likking some grees off his lips.

As the young man thanked him for the compliment, the young boy notices how busy his stall was and offerd to help him, bu the young man had refussed.

Ah come on at least let me help sinds i'm not paying. At this comment the young man did not know how to repied but he breath in a sigh of relieve when some of the elderly people started to chime in.

''Hey Ryu just leave it be''

Ryu >''But Oji-sa...''No buts everyone here knows how hard you've been working, especialy with how fragile you're body is and you have no one to rely on, that why we have been looking after you ever sinds you moved here 2 years ago''.

''Yeah Ryu you have been getting beter but still get sick very easily, if not for you're begging we would have not let you train till now.''

Listen to them boy you have gotten way stronger and you are stronger than most normal adults but you still get sick very easily.

Ryu > ''Everyone........''

Ryu looked at the people who have been looking after him for years and swore again in his heart that he will defitnely get rid of his body troublesome condition so he can repay them for their kindness in the future.

''Let it be Brat now go home and properly rest we don't want you getting sick and have this old woman faint thinking you are dead again now do we.''

''What do you mean again.'' Said the old woman looking angrely at the old man while everyone started laffing. Seeing this Ryu could not hep but smile, he bowed thanking them for their help and started heading home, while the old lady started yelling behind him that he should eat proper food and go to bed on time.

A few hours later Ryu arrived at his home and after having some instant ramen and taking a bath he thought to himself that he should keep doing his best and quickly heal this condtion sinds he does'nt want to reincarnate another time.

Yes, this young boy was Dwayne. After he expirience his death as Yuuta the son of the Lord of fire he kept reincarnating. Everytime he did he kept being reincarnated in a very weak and sickly body.

The first time he was reborn, he was actually very lucky he was born as the Fire Lords son so he was at least cared for at eventhough he was weak and sickly so he ha the time to grow. But after that was not so luck. Most of the time he kept dying as an infent because he was mostly was reborn in the body of a child of a normal couple.

Not to mention the times he was reborn into the body of a child of a very poor family, so most of those time he died the same day he was born.

It was not without its merit however sinds it seemed like his soul has recoverd form it beig devided into two and he found the key to healing his physique.

Everytime he was reborn he would immediatly start to control his chakara and refine it. By doing this not only would his chakara become denser and stronger, hit left over chakara that could not be properly refined because his lack of control will not immediatly dissappear but it will go heal his body.

In his first life as the Lords son the concept of ninjas was still nieuw so he did not learn any jutsu but as the years went by and he saw more and more ninjas he kept finding ways to improve his refinement techniek after watching them.

Ryu did not know if this counted as a different type of healing but it at least worked. It has healed and helped his body become stronger everyday but he could do noting against his body being sickly condition.

Ryu kept staring outside of his window trying to recall everything he knew about the Naruto world but it was hard to do sinds his memory seemed jumbled. He could remeber a a few things but not. He could not help but think that this had to with his split soul.

Ryu > Lets go to sleep i need to get up early for trainig tomorow.

As Ryo turned of the lamp after remenissing about his past he went to sleep with even more dedication to quickly heal again. Not only for himself and the people around him but also because he does not want to reborn anothertime because this is the timeline in witch Naruto is born it is different from the ine he knows but that is still fine he can work with these changes.

He had a very nice dream that night about how he will meet all of his faverite characters to years from now when he goes to the acadamy.

Yo Zaver here.

Sorry for not posting a chaper yesterday i had a lot of collage stuff to do. Because of this i might also not be able to post one tomorow sinds i am thinking of some of the finer details of the plot as i go. I will try to release 3 chapters the day after though.

Zavercreators' thoughts