
Narrow Escape

Ryu was still standing there dazed after having killed the hidden Sand Ninja. Without warning an powerful burst of water hit him, Ryu wanted the to doge but the attack came too suddenly, eventhough it was an sudden attack Ryu sustained a few injuries.

Quickly getting back to his feet Ryuu retracted his precense and hid behind a tree. Ryu spotted the hidden mist ninja, looking at him Ryu relised why the attck came so suddenly, it was because the hidden mist ninja used his ninjutsu without hand signs so the power was not as powerfull as it should be.

Ryu >"Well that would explain why i am only lightly injured."

Ryu was still staring at the hidden mist ninja, wondering if he could also kill this one.

Ryu >["The hidden sand ninja died only because he was unprepaired and weak against my Taijutsu, but.........."]

Ryu thought about his chances because if he manage to pull this of, for him that would be quite an achievement, he just became a gennin and he already killed two Junior ninjas, even Kakashi did not pull this of, granted Kakashi was 5 years younger than him when he became an gennin.

Ryu heard the Battle of his team becoming quieter and quieter so he figured that they were almost finished so he if he wanted the achievement he had to beat this guy before they are done.

Already having made up his mind Ryu circulated his chakra through his body again and this time he put more chakra in his legs. Ryu suddenly disappeared his speed was so fast that the mist ninja could'nt keep up.

He appeared in front of the Hidden Mist ninja but that was just a faint he quickly went behind his back to attack him, but he suddenly senced danger from below he quickly dodged it, but while he was in the air the mist ninja turned around and attacked him with his water needle Jutsu. Since he was in the air he could not Dodge so he turn his body around trying to protect all of his vitals.

After the attack was finished Ryu was heavely injured, he was bleeding from all sorts of places, he tried to move away but because of his injuries caused by the water needles he could not move as quickly as he should.

The Mist ninja start attacking Ryu with water ninjutsu after water ninjutsu, by now Ryu relized that he had completely underestimated his opponent so without any hesitation he decided to make a run for it. But it seemed that the mist ninja already saw this coming because Ryu suddenly triggerd an hidden bomb trap, he quickly dodged again.

Ryu >"When did you have the time to put up a trap."

Not aswering Ryu the mist ninja started attacking with his water needle ninjutsu again. Ryu kept doging but did not relized he was being led to another trap. With no choice he had to jump again knowing full it was another trap.

"Water release: Water Blade Jutsu."

An powerfull blade of water came attacking Ryu, if this hit he would be cut in half. Ryu circulated an powerful amount of chakra to his hands and then clapped the wind pressure was strong enough to deflect the water blade but right after that his was leg was pierced by an kunai. Not expecting this Ryu let out an scream, as he was falling down, the ninja showed up in front of him and finally captured Ryu.

"Water release: Heavy Water Prison."

Ryu was trapped in the water prison.

He tried to struggle but to no avail, the water was not only heavy but kept circuating so Ryu could not get an hold of himself.

The mist ninja began to laugh menacingly.

"I finally got you."

"Now all i have to do is kill your friends and get the intel, my mission can still be completed. But man you've guys from Konoha are really something, you just keep producing more dangerous individuals."

Even though the mist ninja said this light heartedly, secretly he was actually quite afraid. This was the first time he had met an gennin that was not only able to fight 2 Jonin ninjas but was able to kill one and for some reason he did not use any ninjutsu. The Hidden Mist ninja was determined to kill Ryu because if he did not and with Ryu's potencial he might become another calamity of the Hidden leaf.

The hidden mist ninja was going to use another water Ninjutsu inside of the water prison to kill Ryu, but suddenly the water prison under his control started bursting.

Ryu kept trying to break the water prison by continuously enhancing his body with his powerful chakra and letting his body hit the water around him creating small shock waves.

Ryu knew by doing this he will badly damage his body but if he did not he would die.

Not expecting this kind resistance the hidden mist ninja was caught unprepaired and couldn't control his water prison jutsu. Soon the water prison that trapped Ryu burst apart and he was freed. Not waisting any time Ryu made a run for it, the mist ninja was slighty dazed and could not stop him from escaping. Without any choice he went after Ryu determined to kill him.

Ryu was already close to the far edges of the forest, just a little longer and he could meet the rest of his team before he collapses.

Suddenly he was attacked from behind even with his heightened senses he couldn't dodge this because of his injuries. His right shoulder was impaled by an ice shard. Ryu fell down, he quickly turned around and saw the person who attacked him, he saw the figure of a woman dressed as an ninja from the hidden mist wearing girl expressionless white mask. Enduring the pain he quickly remove the ice shard from his body and decided to quickly run away. Before he even completely stood up he was assaulted by powerful water Jutsu from the Hidden Mist Ninja.

Ryu was sent flying, his body broke through 3 threes before he finally stopped. Ryu checked his body condition and figured out that he had two broken ribs and both of his legs were fractured, he also couldn't feel his right arm. The fact he was even alive was an real miracle, even if you include his body being strengthend. Eventhough it looked like he was being healed by his chakara it was only closing his wounds so he would'nt bleed out.

While looking at the strugeling gennin the mist ninja asked.

"What are you doing here."

" I was send here in case you failed, witch by the way you did splenditly."

The mist ninja his face turned pale when he heard was she said and then tried to argue that he did not fail the mission yet. To his reply the female ninja just gave him an cold look while telling him to finish Ryu off, since they still have to deal with the others. The hidden mist ninja nodded with an grim look and decided to take his frustration out in Ryu by killing him as painfully as posible.

As he kept getting closer to Ryu he relized that Ryu was not panicken and staired and him with an calm expression. This freaked him out a bit, he retreated a bit and wanted to take caution while killing Ryu, but being under the cold gaze of the female ninja he decided to quickly kill Ryu. As he was right in front of Ryu, suddely the ground under his feet exploded.

He could not belief it, Ryu was such a madman he exploded paper bombs right in front of himself.

As he backed of he could hear the female ninja yelling at him calling him an fool. After he heard that he looked at Ryu with an grave expression and saw Ryu hit the ground hard with his left hand.

Ryu sended his body flying out of the forest, as he was in the air he looked at the mist ninja with an mocking expression.

Yo Zaver here.

Sorry to say but today is only one chapter, i am going to an funeral so i can't finish the second chapter today.

I also like to thank you guy's for the comments especially to those who support me and about my bad english, all i can say for now is that i am working on it. After chapter 20 or so i will take a break from writing to fix all my grammer mistakes.

Please let me know what you think about this fight scene.

Zavercreators' thoughts