

Shinobu looked at the battlefield that became complete silent, pondering about something with an serious look on her face.

Soma >"Captain we have taken down every enemy ninja in the vicinity. Exept the ones that were killed we captured 4 mist ninjas and 5 sand ninjas, but Shoji could not prevent them from commiting suicide, so now we only have 2 mist ninjas and 1 sand ninja left alive.

Shinonu >"Let me gues, the fact that there is only 1 sand ninja left means that the others commited suicide through poisening."

Soma answerd her normaly without being stund that she guesed correctly.

Soma>"Yes, actualy all 5 of them swallowed poisen imediatly when they were captured, but Shinji was able to save 1. As for the hidden mist, the 2 ninja seeing that they were captured decided to bite their tong, since we were still in battle we could not prevent them from killing themselfs.

Shinobu nodded here head.

Now we just have to clean the battlefield and not only have to transport the people from the carevan, but also the ninjas we captured. Seeing that Obito Sensei did'nt show himself yet means that there must Jonin ninjas that he went to take care off.

Thinking so far Shinobu suddenly started asking if anyone has seen Ryu, if not that could mean that there were some that escape. Shinobu was about to send Hajime and Mai to look for him but those words never left er mouth as she saw a body suddenly flying out of the forrest and landing right before her.

Seeing that it was Ryu everyone was shocked and went to check on him, Shinobu who was right in front him saw his horrible injuries and kept calling out to him trying to wake him. When she saw him opening his eyes she was so happy and wanted to ask him what happend, but before this happend Ryu without warning pulled her head down.

Shinobu was quite shocked about this and what shocked her even more was that they're lips were close to each other, for a second she thought that he was about to kiss her when suddenly something flew above her head.

Shocked at this she and the rest of the team looked at the attacker and saw 2 ninjas coming out of the forrest. Ryu started coughing blood and told them that they are joinin from the hidden mist and hidden sand and that the female ninja is someone with an Ice Bloodline Limit.

Shinobu immediatly commanded her team to regroup and get ready for battle. Suddenly the surrounding among them started freezing, they knew that this was the Ice Bloodline Limit that Ryu just warned them about. As they were ready for an fight suddenly both the enemy Joinin were attacked by an giant blast of fire. Seeing this Shinobu told everyone to get down. When the flames calmed down, they saw that there was nothing but ash left of the sand ninja and the female ninja was heavely burned.

The female ninja was having trouble breathing because she relized that if it was not for her Ice Bloodline Limits she would not have escaped death. She came to her sences and saw a man appear out of nowhere. When she saw him she started shaking, that black hair, the red eyes dotted with 3 tomoe's.

She knew that she had to run if not she would die, she used her Ice Jutsu: Ice Wall to block Obito from getting to her that she started attacking Ryu and the rest with her jutsus to distract him, after that she to run and while still using her ice ninjutsu to keep making obsacles. As she arrived in the forrest she just ran and ran and ran, until she could not anymore. She ran for half an day, she was exausted but happy, happy that she manage to escape death, when suddenly her stomach was stabbed by an kunai.

Being completely shocked she saw an hand, than she saw them, those blood red eyes the one that put extreme fear into others. She started to cough blood in confusion and wanted to ask him how and when he caught up when her vision suddenlu blured.

She looked at her surrounding and saw Ryu and the others all staring at her, she saw the sand ninjas ashes and than she relized something. Before she could say anything else Obito hit her necked and she passed out.

Ryu also started passing out, he heard Obito's voice telling Shinji to hurry and look over his injuries

and also giving other commands but he was completely out of it then.

[Hokages office]

Minato was listening to Obito's report about the entire matter that happened this afternoon after hearing everything he could not help but sigh.

Minato >"Looks like we have a couple of traiters,....... nevermind. Tell me how is Ryu doing.

Obito >"He's out of critical condition, the doctor said for some reason he is healing faster than he should be and this helped save his life, they also said by the rait that some of his injuries are healing that he will make an full recovery.

Minato >"Listening to everything you told me so far it seemed that this happend because he was reckless."

"Yes but it is also my fault, I should have been there earlier don't

Minato >"Don't beat yourself up about it, you had to deal with 5 other joinin send by the hidden sand and you also got a captive from the Hidden Mist one with ice blood limit no less. So far mission wize you did very well. All right for now just check on Ryu and give him a good scolding."

Ryu has been asleep for the week, he finally woke up today and turn this head around to see Obito coming in his hospital room.

Obito asked him how he was doing, Ryu tells him that he feels like his body is completely exausted. Obiro told him not to worry that much, his body had impressively healed some of the critical damage, he should be fine in about a month or two.

Obito then proceeded to scold Ryu telling him how Reckless he was for facing 2 joinin on his own. Not only that he also told him how arrogant he was, he had successfully taking out one Jonin ninja and instead of immediatly running away to the rest of his teammates he decides to try and fight the other one. If it wasn't for a few lucky occurrences and some and his quick wit he would be dead by now. Ryu knowing this bowed his head and kept obediently apologizing for worrying him, Obito told him that he is not the onlyhe needs to apologize to.

After his scolding Ryu asked about the mission, Obito told him some things but he couldn't tell him everything because of secrecy, he did tell him what he could. After he was done talking Obito decided to leave and told Ryu to get some rest.

The next morning Ryu woke up to see a beautiful girl sitting next to him peeling an apple he was mesmerized by the site and kept staring at her with a silly look on his face. The girl did'nt even notice that he was awkake and staring at her until she turned her head and she saw his silly look, she started laughing really hard. Ryu woke up and began to blush, so being discovered coughed a little trying to disperse the awkwardness and ask his captain what she is doing here. when she heard this she aked him why can't she be here to look after an injured teammate.

He than shrugged and said to her why not, right when she was done peeling all of the apples she started scolding him for his recklessness, later on the rest of the squad came in and asked him how he's doing each of them bring a gift along with them when Ryu saw all of this, his eyes became a little watery, he really felt like you finally found somewhere where he could belong.

Yo Zaver here.

Sorry this was so late, i was in a car accident yesterday and now i am at the hospital. I got an broken arm and fractured wrist so no new chapters till i am released.

I am sorry to say that the shedule will change to 1 chapter every 2 days. The reason for this is that collage started early, so i will not have much time. Between school, work, chores and writing i'm pretty swamped,not to mention my injuries now, but don't worry i will not drop this novel and the quality of the story won't go down either.

Zavercreators' thoughts