
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · 漫画同人
100 Chs

Chapter 9 - Fuinjutsu

Chapter 9 - Fuinjutsu




Naruto sighed as they walked out of the mission assignment desk after doing all sorts of missions

Kakashi looked at Naruto and asked "What's wrong? Naruto?"

Naruto looked at Kakashi and replied "Sensei, are we really ninjas? What's with those missions? Helping painting a backyard, doing chores for someone, finding a cat, a dog, etc. Wtf was that?"

Kakashi replied "What's wrong with that? You three are genins. Of course you have to do small things first, as we go on we'll receive a c-class mission soon enough."

"Yeah? When is that? Next year?"

Kakashi sighed but replied "It won't take that long, at least a few weeks or a few months."

"I see… Then teach me the shadow clones jutsu now before we go our separate ways for the day."

Kakashi nodded and replied, "Sure, Let's go to the third training ground."

Sasuke stepped forward and also said "Teach it to me too!"

Sakura just followed them

Kakashi sighed and replied "Shadow clones are not suited for you, follow me I'll train you while I teach Naruto shadow clones."

Sasuke nodded

Third Training Ground…

"Alright, The standard hand signs for [Shadow Clones Jutsu] Are [Ram -> Serpent -> Tiger]. It is closely similar to [Clone Jutsu] that is taught in the academy but this jutsu has a physical form." Kakashi explained then demonstrated a shadow clone. And did a handshake with the clone "As you can see, you can touch a shadow clone." Kakashi let go and the clone disappeared.

"The next hand sign for the [Shadow Clones Jutsu] is for those with advanced understanding in chakra control in creating shadow clones that they can do it with one hand sign. You make a cross symbol with your right hand index, and middle finger pointing upwards and your left hand, index, and middle finger pointing to the right." Kakashi demonstrated and a shadow clone appeared on his left.

"Be careful when you use this technique because although your body doesn't receive the pain of the clone, you receive the mental damage brought by the pain. If you don't have enough chakra to shoulder the damage, you'll receive all the mental damage that the clone received. You also need to have a large amount of chakra capacity when using this technique because you have to put at least a genin's amount of chakra into the clone for it to have an actual physical body. That's why this jutsu is considered a forbidden jutsu despite being a basic jutsu."

Naruto nodded and asked "Is the hand sign the same even when you make more clones?"

"Yes, the only difference is dividing your chakra into different clones."

"Okay." Naruto used the one hand sign "[Shadow Clones Jutsu!]"

Naruto perfectly made a shadow clone containing genin level chakra. It felt like his chakra didn't even decrease one bit, even if it did it came back as soon as it left.

Naruto and the clone smiled at each other and shook each other's hand like a homie. They both looked at Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura and smiled "Heh."

Kakashi and Sakura sighed while Sasuke was annoyed and asked "Kakashi, teach me something!"

"Alright, Alright." Kakashi walked towards a tree and weaved a hand sign and walked on the tree like it was flat ground and hung upside down with his feet sticking to a branch of the tree at the end. "Let's first work on your chakra control. You should run in the beginning so you can save yourself from falling down with the momentum. Put a blade scar on the tree with your Kunai to see how far you could go. Do that until you can reach the top and at least do this. Sakura and Naruto can join if they want to."

Sasuke nodded and smiled at Naruto

Naruto sighed at Sasuke's competitiveness and decided to put him down from his high chair again. He weaved a hand sign and applied chakra on his feet and slowly walked towards the tree.

Naruto walked up the tree slowly like he was taking a walk in the park no problem. Not long after that he reached the side of Kakashi also hanging himself upside down from the tree. In the dumbfounded faces of Sasuke and Sakura, and Kakashi's surprised face, Naruto asked "Can I go now? Sensei? I wanna learn fuinjutsu."

Kakashi got out of his surprised face and replied "*Cough**Cough* You can go now. Your chakra control is much more proficient than I thought. I thought that with your huge amount of chakra, you'd have trouble controlling it."

Naruto smiled and said "I did have trouble at first, but now it's not that much difficult."

Sasuke who was on the ground looked at Naruto while clenching his fist 'He's always one step ahead of me!'

Sasuke weaved a hand sign to support gathering chakra in his feet. After he gathered chakra in his feet he ran up the tree and after 4 steps, one of his feet damaged the skin of the tree causing him to lose balance. And dropping into the ground.

Naruto looked at Sasuke for a bit and said to Kakashi "Well then, I'll go now, Sensei."

Kakashi nodded in reply

Naruto just walked the side of the branch and jumped away from the top of the tree branch

Sasuke who saw Naruto left thought 'Don't let your guard down, Naruto! I'll catch up to you soon!'

He then heard Sakura saying while on top of the tree "Yay! I did it!"

He looked at Sakura with a dumbfounded face 'Wtf? This b*tch got ahead of me too?'

Naruto's house, one of Namikaze Minato's assets that he left Naruto.

Inside the house, Naruto took a bath and is now sitting on a chair with a table.

Naruto brought out the scroll that he got from the third hokage

He opened the scroll

"Fūinjutsu are a type of jutsu that seals objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object.

Fūinjutsu can also be used to restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone.

The presence of a seal is marked by the appearance of formations of technique formulae, kanji, or other kinds of symbols…

Naruto studied Fuinjutsu for a while and saw that there were different kinds of Fuinjutsu. It can be used in a scroll to seal weapons, seal evil spirits, and etc. These were the basic Fuinjutsu, the unknown advanced jutsu's are able to seal humans, tailed beasts, and others. It was not taught in this scroll but mentioned.

He tried to use the Fuinjutsu. He did Calligraphy when he was younger. The old man made him do it, he didn't know why but the old man probably guessed that he would one day ask about the [Flying Thunder God Jutsu] so he prepared me for it, and I'm thankful. It'll save me a lot of time learning Fuinjutsu.

He wrote the [Weapon Sealing Mark] in a scroll and he tried to put a kunai on top and said with a hand seal with his right hand. "Seal!"

It didn't work, he thought it was probably because the Fuinjutsu wasn't injected with chakra, he then injected chakra into the ink this time. "Seal!" The Mark glowed and absorbed the kunai he put on top of the seal.

"So you do it like that huh?" Naruto said to himself as he explored how Fuinjutsu worked.

"Release!" Again with a hand seal with one hand and the kunai was again released from the mark.

He did it again and again




He observed how the seal would become ineffective and saw the sealing mark fade after 10 times usage.

After that he continued to study fuinjutsu he also saw jutsu that the uzumaki clan seems to have like a bloodline limit. He read loudly "Adamantine sealing chains…" suddenly he felt his heart beating real fast, and something seemed to be happening inside his body "What's happening??"

He heard sounds of chains slowly coming out from his back and saw them stretch out from all around his body.

He felt them as a part of his body moving according to his will 'I see… I am part of the Uzumaki clan so it's natural for me to have the same ability. My mom also had one so I can have it too as her direct descendant.'

He played with the chains by combining them into one big chain and separating it into a lot of small chains.

After that he dissipated his chains and continued to study fuinjutsu he reached the part of the explosive tags

He decided to put it aside as he thought of a good sealing jutsu for later. He just read through the scroll to study the rest

*knock**knock* "Naruto!"

A knocking sound came from the door and he opened it as he recognized the voice; it was Sakura's voice. "What is it? Sakura-chan?"

"What do you mean, what is it? It's already afternoon." Sakura replied

"???" Naruto looked Sakura in confusion as he knew it was afternoon and what's wrong about that???

Kakashi looked at Naruto's haggard appearance and asked to confirm his doubt "It's been a day since I gave the scroll, you haven't slept yet haven't you?"

"What? It's been a day?" Naruto looked at Kakashi in shock, he didn't notice "I know, I had my windows closed but I didn't expect a day to pass just like that…"

Sasuke just looked at Naruto in frustration as he even lost track of time to become stronger.




(A/N: Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thanks.)