
The Strongest Emperor(DxD x Sister New Devil x Rosario Vampire)

In another life, the concept of Sacred Gear was exclusive to the world of High School DxD. However, what if someone is not born with one fused with their alternative self who did have one? Now, in this new world, the power of a new Sacred Gear was born. The Abyss Eclipse Gear containing the Soul of the Legendary Apophis The Primal Eclipse Dragon. --- High School DxD Testmant Of a Sister New Devil Vampire + Rosario

A_Real_Werewolf234 · 漫画同人
25 Chs

The All Father's Call

The massive discharge of power that blasted high into the sky struck the Dimensional Barrier isolating the Hero Village. When that happened, the powerful barrier that had stood for centuries began to fracture alerting the Heroes of the Village. 

Before it completely broke apart, the pillar of Negative Energy from the blade dispersed. He raised the silver greatsword in front of him gazing at the large gem that was similar to the main gem of the Boosted Gear and Abyssal Eclipse Gear. 

The souls of a Valkrye and Cursed Spirit were sealed inside making this blade both Divine and Cursed. Divine because Valkryes were considered Demigods in Norse Myth and Cursed because of the particularly powerful Cursed Spirit that Brynhildr sealed away. 

With the sword binding to him, he could feel how the two beings kept each other in check. If he wanted to master this sword he would need to synchronize himself better with both, but he had time.

He ran his black gauntlet across the sword tapping it a few times. 

'Welcome to the team you two. Let's try to get along shall we?' 

He didn't get a response as both Brynhildr and the Cursed Spirit were not in any state to be talking. Their states of mind were closer to sleepwalking with only rare moments of awareness. 

He dismissed the sword and the unique armor that ran up to his shoulder and his Abyssal Eclipse Gear. As his gauntlet was located in his right hand, he would be a left-handed swordsman. 

Once both were back in his soul, he asked Apophis to see if there was any trouble.

'Is Brynhildr causing trouble? Any danger to my soul?"

[Nah, if the sword acts up, I will slap it around for you. You got to take into account your soul is far superior to many because you ended fusing with an Alternative Version of yourself. One that I might add was very strong.

Not to mention your new Draconic Organs won't just nurture your body, but your soul as well. Your soul is better than fine. Plus, we are closer now. Your Dragon Organs are replicated from my own flesh. You are kin to me now.]

'Thank you for that. Thanks to you I will be even stronger.' 

[Aww, you appreciate me.]

He smiled as she other than Aya and Amara, was his greatest friend and mentor. Plus, she was a cool dragon and her human form was so pretty too. Rather than keep talking, he turned around to rejoin Jin and his Father outside the shrine.

When he got outside, both men were looking at the Dimensional Barrier that was starting to heal itself. Jin from the look of things was dreading the conversation he would need to have with the Elders and other Heroes. 

As for Jack Sr and Jack, they shared a fist bump. Jack Sr, wrapped an arm around his son before ruffling his hair.

"That's my boy, you make me proud."

Jack returned the hug and wrapped his arm around his dad as well. He leaned his head against his dad with a grin.

"Thanks, Dad. Hearing you are proud of me makes me happy to call you my Dad."

While the Father and son continued to bond, Jin let them have their moment. Though, from the look of it his smile was going to be wiped off his face. The massive burst of power of Jack claiming Brynhildr had alerted the entire Village.

The adults were all running over armed as they suspected that the Demonic Sword had possessed someone. Leading the charge were the three Elders Atsuta, Fuji, and Kumano. They as the Elders of the Hero Clan took the names of the three mountains of Japan. Where they worshiped the gods, as such they took their names.

Sensing them, Jack smiled as he opened a teleport circle under him and his Father's feet. Jack Sr grinned as he saluted Jin.

"See you on the flip side Jin. Thanks for the sword."

Jin seemed almost betrayed.


Amara meowed in a mocking tone on Jack's shoulder as in a flash of blue, they returned to Tokyo. When the Elders and Heroes of the Village gathered, Brynhildr was gone leaving just Jin here.

Sure, the Elders had agreed to let the son of Jack Sr try, but they wanted to make sure he could control the blade. Now, the power of Brynhildr was lost to the wind. Jin had some explaining to do and from the look of it, he wasn't in the mood. 


The Heroes in the Village were not the only ones to detect the burst of power from Jack claiming Brynhildr. In Scandinavia, the realm of Asgard stood in a separate dimension. One of many which included the other Realms of the Yggdrasil.

The Norse were one of the strongest mythologies because of their many world-ending entities. In the throne room, The All-Father, The One Eye, The Giant Killer, Odin sat on a throne of pure enchanted gold.

His mighty spear, Gungnir rested in his aged hand, but his edge had not rusted despite his age. He opened his remaining eye as he peered across the vast distance to Japan. He muttered a name that was given to the strongest Valkaryie, but right now his mind went down memory lane to the first one.


Inside the room, the current Brynhildr, Valkrye of transcendent beauty with long light blue hair turned to address her King. She thought he was talking to her. She kneeled down before looking up at her King. 

"Yes, All-Father?"

Odin shook his head as he wasn't talking to her

"Not you Brynhildr, the first Brynhildr."

She instantly seemed full of reverence and worship as she thought of the reason she even had the name of Brynhildr

"Our Lady has found a wielder? We must contact them at once, we must ensure her memory isn't tainted by an unworthy individual."

Odin agreed with that sentiment. Brynhildr had been his greatest Valkyrie and she had done more for Asgard than anyone else. Her sacrifice was tragic, but a worthy one. The Cursed Spirit she had sealed was so powerful and dangerous it had even killed gods.

Lesser gods, but even that was a feat few could achieve. Since Brynhildr couldn't kill it in direct combat, she used a forbidden ritual to bind the Spirit into a blade formed from her body and soul. Before they could claim the sword to enshrine it in Asgard, the blade vanished never to be seen again. 

Until now when he felt that familiar presence coming from Japan. Sitting on a throne of her own, his wife Frigg, or Freya as she was more commonly called turned to him. She raised her head as she had a suggestion.

"If we felt it, I am sure those Shinto gods felt it. While our Pantheons are not enemies and never fought, let's air in the side of caution, my King. I suggest we send an envoy to meet with the wielder of Brynhildr."

Odin agreed with her sentiment. In his youth he would have roared to go to war, now he was older, wiser, and more willing to try peace.

"Yes, my Queen. I will go personally, I might as well do it myself. Brynhildr, gather a few of your sisters We are going to Japan."

"Yes, my King."


In Japan, at the top of the Takamagahara, the Divine Realm of the Shinto, at the top of the Divine Mountain Amaterasu opened her eyes. She also had felt the discharge of power of Brynhildr being claimed and it caused her mind to wander. 

The Five principal clans of Japan the Nakiri, Himejima, Kushihashi, Doumon, and Shinra were all sired by her five sons in the distant past. The Hero Village on the other hand was formed centuries ago by members of all five clans. Then, they recruited new people, introduced new genes and they gained their traditions and inherited abillities. 

The Japanese Hero Village and Five Principal Clans were all connected to the Shinto and the Blade of Brynhildr which had fallen in the middle of Japan centuries ago was sealed in the Hero Clan. 

Rather than return it to the Norse, they had decided to seal it until they could find someone who could wield the blade. Now, the sword had finally found a wielder only that it wasn't someone from the Principal Clans or The Hero Village. 

As Amaterasu thought of the situation the door to her dwelling slid open. One of her handmaidens who was kneeling in the traditional form spoke to her with her head down.

"My Lady, Odin The All-Father is requesting to speak to you."

He sighed as following Odin forever wasn't going to happen. 

"He found out already it seems, I will speak to him."


As for the cause of this meeting, Jack, his Father, and Amara arrived back home. When they arrived, Jack Sr was laughing like a little boy. 

"Hahahaha, did you see the look on his face?" 

Jack nodded with a grin on his face. 

"It was priceless, we should thank him for this. Now, I have my sword, a special one-of-a-kind sword." 

Jack Sr patted him on the shoulder once more. 

"A sword is special, especially a Holy or Demon Sword. Clarent, Balmung, Arondight, Excaliber, and the others as well. Rather rare so make sure to work hard to master the blade we acquire. A blade like Brynhildr will be even better than my Clarent or Jin's Balmung." 

Jack nodded. 

"Good thing I have you to teach me." 

Jack Sr was proud to hear that, and ashamed. What was the point of sealing themselves when they seemed happier as a family when they were free like this? 

"You're right, that is what family is for." 

While the two bonded over their strength, several meetings were happening simultaneously. Most of them happened in Japan, as Azazel had arranged a meeting with Issa Shuzen the Father of Moka. 

Issa owned a massive European-style castle hidden in an alternative dimension to keep it out of the sight of common humans, Hero Clan, and Principal Clans. Inside the castle, Issa and Azazel sat inside a large study. 

Issa was drinking blood from a chalice while Azazel drank alcohol. 

"Issa, first I should say it is good to see you again. I would like to catch up like in the old days, but now I will get straight to it. Why has Moka changed so much? It is more like I am seeing Akasha rather than Moka. She looks different, acts different, what happened?" 

Issa a European-looking man with black hair, and black eyes nodded. 

"Dracula and his bloodline awoke inside of her, it started waking him up. Akasha had to seal her blood away, but the process was rushed. The Moka you met now, is a safety created based on Akasha's personality." 

Azazel grunted when he heard that. 

"I see, what about Moka herself? The real Moka? Is she still in there?" 

Issa nodded. 

"She is, inside the Rosary around her neck. Only her destined one can remove it, someone who can accept her for who she is and what she is. Azazel, as a friend I want to ask you to look after my daughter. I can pay you since I know you can be trusted." 

Azazel rubbed the back of his head. 

"I was going to do that anyway, you see she is the friend of this kid I know. Talented, and going to cause waves in a couple of years. He met her in Tokyo and befriended her, brought her to me where I met this new personality of hers. 

I still remember Moka as she truly is, so I was quite alarmed." 

Issa knew that as he did care for Moka, both of them. Even if one was a constructed personality based on his second wife, Akasha. 

"This boy, is he trustworthy?" 

Azazel nodded. 

"He is part of my organization, a friend to Moka, and is looking after her. I would bet my feathers on it." 

Issa smiled. 

"Good, I might meet him in a few years. I wonder how he will change in that time." 

Azazel chuckled as he savored his alcohol. 

"It will be quite a change, my friend." 

Azazel and Issa, Amaterasu and Odin, and they were not the only ones meeting up. In Osaka, Sapphire and her brother 'Ramusas'. In reality, he was Wilbert who had merely faked his death because his great power acted as a divider so he wanted to take a step back from another angle. 

The two siblings stayed silent as they both were keeping secrets from their younger brother Zeoticus. The first to speak was Sapphire. 

"You are an uncle now, Wilbert."

She pushed a picture of Basara which Wilbert took with a smile. 

"You had a child? Consider me shocked." 

Sapphire snorted. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" 

He reminded her of what she said when they were kids. 

"You were the one who told Mother you would never marry and if she tried you would send your fiance through a black hole."

She snorted again. 

"He was weak, I needed a strong husband. Speaking of my husband, I married Jin." 

Wilbert while surprised found their marriage a good thing. 

"I wish you the best, as for me, my daughters Mio and Maria are being raised by Zeoticus and Venelana. They know I am alive, but they know my status must remain as it is for a little while longer." 

Sapphire understood that the Underworld right now was in no way united. So many Devils wanted to go to War with the Hero Clan, Heaven, or replace the current Satans. Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka, and Leohart.

Ever since the previous Asmodeus, Falbium stepped down out of pure laziness. He endorsed Leohart who had been adopted by the Agares family to take his place out of a desire to not have to do any work. 

Leohart now standing Asmodeus was well respected by some, but challenged by others. His strength and his Demon Sword Loki made him a monster in combat. The story was that Loki had created the sword with some of his power in an attempt to create a weapon to rival Gungnir and Mjolnir. 

He hadn't succeeded and he had discarded the sword before it wound up in the hands of The Agares Clan. 

Sapphire tapped her fingers on the table. 

"Basara should meet his cousins, but we can't have that just yet. Let's wait a while longer for him to mature a bit more." 

Wilbert was fine with that. 

"He is your son, your call. As for me, I am glad to see you are safe." 

Sapphire smirked as she stood up before smacking him on the shoulder. 

"Worry about yourself." 

She and Wilbert had been closer together because of their strength. Zeoticus was the one to not inherit the Gremory Clan Trait Gravitational Catastrophe. Making him the weak link between the three children of Chysis Gremory.

He became Lord Gremory when Wilbert and Sapphire refused the position. Regardless once they talked Wilbert returned to the Underworld while Sapphire returned to her home in Hiroshima. 

Jack had no clue just how many events he had set in motion by claiming Brynhildr. Though, a chance to meet Odin himself was never one to miss and he didn't even know it.