Aziel glanced over all the other Elders as a wave of dread suddenly washed over everyone present in the room, he continued speaking and addressing everyone in the room coldly.
"You and every single one of you should be keenly aware of who my Uncle is, and what powers he represents. Yet, I can see it in your obstinate eyes, your adamant refusal to accept the truth you pledged to serve all those years ago. You, the so-called 'Board of Directors' want nothing more than to push down the very person that brought you in and taught you for all those years."
His words were harsh, his eyes carried nothing but the coldness of the endless darkness, the void that he kept inside him. The betrayals, the rebellions, and all the schemes and greedy desires he had survived throughout his long and dazzling previous life were a far cry from these pitiful tactics the humans of this world have revealed so far.