
Prince Joshua

'Why am I letting them stay with us? Especially when my parents are pushing us to wed?' I think to myself. My brother, Levi, is looking at me with a strange expression. "Why are you looking at me like that, bro? Is something wrong?' I asked. "Why are we having them move in with us? Do they require our help? They're regular people," he asked. "Bro. Without these so-called titles, we're just regular people too. Honestly, we're all regular people anyway," I say, out of shock at what he had just said.

"Whatever you say, bro. Explain all this to mom and dad then," he says. I rolled my eyes at him. We get back to our palace. As soon as we enter, our mom comes running to meet us. "My sons! Where have you been? We have some news to share with you!" she shouts happily. Too happy, in my opinion. "Your fiancees are here now! Come and meet them both! They've been waiting for you both!" she shouts.

I sighed in frustration. "Mom, why is it that you both must dictate every aspect of our lives? Levi may be okay with it, but I am a bit tired of it," I say. Our mom is in shock! "Son, where is this coming from? You never had any issue before," she asked. "It's all because he met two abused women at the coffee shop we went too tonight. Who he wants to bring to stay here with us," Levi says. I don't hesitate with my next action.

I punch him hard in the mouth. He moves to hit me back, but my mom holds him back. "Joshua! Why did you hit your brother?!" she yelled. Our dad finally came down the stairs. "What is all this loud ruckus? What is going on?" he asked. "Ask Joshua. The favorite son," Levi said, before storming off. 'What does he mean by that?' I think to myself. I'll deal with that soon.

"Honey, he wants to bring two women who have been abused to stay here. Is that something we should allow him to do?" my mom says. "Son, is this true? You saving these two women?" my dad asked. I nodded my head. "Yes, dad. Mom, don't act you wouldn't help women who have been abused, because of your so-called reputation," I say. She sighed. "I would help any woman in need. Believe me," she said. I nod my head. "Go on ahead son. You may bring them here to stay," my dad said.

I hug my parents and look at the time. It's 8:30 pm and I need to go get them. "I'm on my way to go get them. You would adore them," I say. I head to my car and head back to the coffee shop. What I saw made my blood boil. Layla is being punched and kicked around by two guys. One from earlier today. I quickly stormed into the shop.

"Hey, man. We're closed," one of the guys spoke up. I yanked them both back and punched them repeatedly. I see Layla trying to stay conscious. She has bruises, cuts and slap handprints all over her body. They will pay for this! Two guards rush inside and drag both guys outside. "Go and take them to our dungeon. I'll deal with them soon," I ordered. They nodded and dragged them outside.

I look around for Aria, her sister, and I finally see her lying unconscious beside a table. Layla tries to crawl over to her in pain, but I pull her back to my chest gently. "Please let me go! I need to get to her. This is all my fault, please let me go," she pleads to me. I hugged her back tight into my chest. She is weakly trying to push me away, but I'm not letting her go.

They'll be alright. A guard came in and picked Aria up gently. "She's still breathing. We'll take her to the palace," he said. I carry Layla in my arms and head to my car. She loses consciousness.

Those useless men will pay dearly for this. They surely will.

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