
Chapter 4 " Is Seems... Familiar "


Shadow stepped into the dragon's mind, in complete darkness she heard a familiar voice cursing. "Exis..?" she whispered into the darkness. "Yes I'm here...Shadow." Blackhole sighed. He sounded tired, of all things. She saw two glowing eyes from the corner of her vision and spun around, they just blinked a few times before vanishing. "Leave, I'm busy." He stated, she felt the vibrations of where he walked across the floor. She tracked it, before being tackled to the floor. "How can you even see me, in here? She squealed as she tried to free herself, viciously biting at his arms, which didn't seem to exist. "Leave Shadow." he hissed in her ear, before the weight shifted and she could move freely. "There's a dragon, who wouldn't mind if she could have her friend back." she hissed around herself. The glowing eyes appeared again in front of her, inquisitive eyes. "I noticed, she spat at me. Her eyes glow all the time, except when she awakes..strange right?" he said plainly. "Yeah, well there going to do something if you don't leave yourself, Black Hole." she said growling at him. The dragon's eyes narrowed, "Fine, but I will appear on the same planet nearby. Be wary, Shadow." The dragon's eyes closed and she could feel her soul drift back to her own body once again. She opened her eyes, and she was in the planet's forest, tall glowing plants shielded themselves from her by going into the ground. Trees tilted away. She heard a quiet rustling in the trees above her, and looked up, her claws scratching the dirt round her, a black dragon was staring down at her, its white pupils dilated.


Trax tilted her head in confusion as Shadow dissolved in front of them. "Glitch, is that normal?" She asked, raising a brow. Glitch's face was blank, but she stood up suddenly, her static aura burning into their ears, and walked calmly out of the hallway and back to the council room. Jupiter suddenly jumped back up his breathing heavy, blood pouring out of his softer stomach. He grunted in pain as he fell against the wall he was next to. The white stone walls now stained crimson. Trax flapped her wings sorely at the guards who seemed stressed, they took it as a sign to go away, Jex looked back at her, his tail flicking in aggression towards Jupiter, earning him a growl and a smack from another guard. Trax growled at both as both hurried away.

Jupiter hissed out "Got anyone who could stitch this?!" Trax looked at him for a moment before walking away towards her den in front of them across the hall, flicking her tail for him to follow. Jupiter hissed once again dragging himself to follow her. They ended up in her den, she pointed to the white stone floor motioning for him to lay down, and went to go grab a medkit. She growled as her leg tried to give out again. " … I apologize for… doing uh that" he pointed to his claw marks on her back leg. ``..and… that'' he'd point to plenty of gouge marks in the hallway and den entrance. He'd look away with a guilty face. She looked at him, her face blank, before turning away flicking her tail in acknowledgement as she felt his gaze on her again. He nudged Amara who was still slouched against the wall out cold. Trax looked back at him to examine his wounds as she noticed he nudged the other female as if asking her to wake up. She growled under her breath, and hissed at him to stay still as she moved Amara away loosely examining her though she was uninjured, before turning her attention to his now exposed belly. "This will hurt. A lot." She said coldly. Dumping a cleaning solution straight onto the wound making him growl in pain. "A bit messy, you think?" He asked, glaring at her through his peripheral vision. She looked him straight in the eye for a few seconds making his tail twitch uncomfortably, her stare continued for a bit, and he looked at his belly which was over half way stitched already. "Done this before I see?..." She nodded slightly, finishing up his stitches on his belly. Amara twitched, lifting her head off the ground to stare straight at the stitches before gagging in disgust. "Princess, time to wake up." Trax said sweetly, a bitter taste of sarcasm following. "hm… you guys have a grudge or what?'' making both females stare at him, Amara's face was somewhat confused, while Trax looked away flicking her tail. She growled before moving to his back and cleaning and stitching his shoulder the rest of the way closed.

Hours later Trax had cleaned the floor, and bedding, occasionally chasing Jupiter away from sleeping in it. She had to re-stitch his wounds, after he tried to examine Amara more, since Trax had sort of, ignored her a bit. Trax turned away from them walking to a separate chamber which was more blast and heat resistant, than the normal stone walls. She closed the dark stone door, and locked it, before sitting in the middle of the almost empty room, despite a stone bowl like thing on a table to her left. And an ingot mold beside it, as well as a few ingots of Molted Sturgeon below the table. She began heating up the air around her, by circulating the hot air in her lungs and through a vent which led to an exit below her tongue. She opened her mouth and let the steam and pressure drop again, as she began blasting the metal off her Midnight blue scales.

Jupiter was laying on the dens floor laying his snout on his uninjured arm painfully shifting the stitched shoulder to the side he forced himself to stand up and attempt a portal with his good arm he'd spread a large blue smear of blue glowing magic creating a circle but before he finished a shock of pain surged through his whole body as he pulled away from the madly glitching portal as it disappeared. Trax later walked out of the now steaming room, wearing a completely brand new coat of metal, which seemed in better shape than what she was wearing hours earlier. Jupiter would notice as Trax walked in with a brand new shining coat of metal. Jupiter would still have small surges of pain but he could swear she could kill someone with just the metals reflection. She hissed again at her leg, which she had just pretty much burned back together, before observing the dragons in her room. Jupiter was at the door, and Amara was still staring at what used to be Jupiter's portal, "What did Jupiter attempt now?" She sighed, as she sat down. Jupiter looked at the ground again before showing Trax what he had done a few minutes earlier, his paw glowed again with blue light on his pads as he created another portal which made Jupiter flinch in pain again, clenching his jaws it started to glitch and collapse on the floor as more ash to add to the pile. Trax tapped her now refined, and resharped claws against the ashy ground. "So...it would seem you will need to wait." She sighed once again, before laying down on her bedding. "Just, stay somewhere in this room. Suddenly the metal door leading

into her smelting room sealed shut. "It closes and seals itself shut when I'm not in there. So then no lizard gets access to it." She mumbled, as she laid down her head. Jupiter would try getting up but the stitches would inflict pain anytime he moved, so he just slept on the floor using his tail to cover his face.


Shadow hissed as the white eyes disappeared, and then the dragon jumped down where she would have been if she didn't roll out of the way. "A dragon is freaking out, her name, I believe is Glitch. Her 'occupation' is a Scientist, assassin and other things, good roll by the way Shadow." Exis said as he walked closer to her. "The information is correct." She said vaguely. He blinked at her a few times, as if disbelievingly, till he smirked slightly. "I know her. She's pretty cool. Which is something. Mind not telling her about our little meeting?" He asked, twitching his ear. "I have no reason to tell her, as the job is done. Like most jobs, I don't speak about them." She said tapping a claw on the ground. "Hm, indeed. Goodbye for now Mori." He said flicking her leg with his tail tip. Shadow scoffed. "Nice reunion." She muttered. Making him stop in his tracks and walk back next to her, and stared at her. "Well. It would be much better. You would maybe even enjoy it, but I'm on a mission. Sorry, Mori." He said, ending with a purr and nibbling her jaw causing her to almost...groan? before dissolving into a tree's darkest shadow. Her tail flicked uncomfortable at his remark and gestures.

Shadow flew into the air, to only realize the blinding white base was shining in the moon's light. She quickly flew there, flinging herself passed the guards straight into the closing metal door. "Alert!" A guard shouted, before quickly backing away, realising it was a shadows tail he was about to stab. "It's Shadow." He said, suddenly dipping his head at her. "Idiots." She growled at them before picking herself back up and running into the council room, where exis and Glitch were...talking per say. Glitch's scales were raised and a layer of translucent teal surrounded them. Her paw and part of her neck was elsewhere in the room, and her phantom hands were making gestures of all sorts around him. He was just sitting there almost smiling it would seem. Suddenly Exis whipped his head to Shadow's location. "Speaking of her, she's here. No need to worry my dear scientist!" He chirped happily. Glitch lunged at him and was caught by the front leg of Exis, he sighed out "Glitch. Shadow is right there. Don't attack me, there's no official reason, Glitch." He said calmly, watching shadow from the corner of his eye it would seem. Suddenly glitch head-butted him, and roared in his face, her eight jaws detaching from one another. "Is that necessary? Glitch. Come on." He said, blood dripped down his brow slowly.

She huffed and attached her jaws back together. Shadow stared at them puzzled before she heard a deep purr echo across the ground. Suddenly the lights went out, pitch black. She felt something brush against her side, and she pushed it away. Her night vision wasn't even working, which was a little disconcerting. She hissed as another purr sounded nearby. She quickly jumped away from the noise, crashing into another body. "Get off lizard!" Roared Glitch. She slightly before tensing as she was thrown off at a wall. "Really!" She hissed and suddenly the lights came back. Her eyes adjust to see glitch pretty much embedded into a wall. Exis was nowhere to be s-- "boo~." He said from beside her. Earning a kick straight to the chest. "That's it. Nope. I'm done." Said shadow charging off into the still bloody hallways. "Get some cleaners out here before I lick the halls clean!" She roared into the empty hallways. As she turned the hallway, into a much darker and unlit unfinished hallway she rammed straight into a wall. She groaned and sat back up. "That wasn't nice." Said the wall, 'wait walls don't talk.' She looked up and she was met with two very bright white eyes. She blinked a few times, ' where is that annoying Trax when I need her to kill for me?!' she thought with annoyance.