
The Story of Aureliana (Book One)

The Story of Aureliana is about a mermaid that wants to get away from her father and prove that humans aren't terrible people. Also, she wants to prove to him that true love exists and not some story she had made up in her head. In seven days, she was about to get married to another mermaid and she wasn't having it. There was a big storm and this was the perfect opportunity to escape and prove to her father that all of this wasn't a myth. Four best friends-Jesy Newton, Jade Turner, Perrie Emerson, and Leigh-Anne Porter-discovered Aureliana in a pool, this was going to be the last summer for them before they head off to college. They will help this mermaid, considering the mermaid will give them a wish if they help her. Will her father believe his daughter? Or will he force her into the marriage that she didn't want?

Ivy_Cain · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

Chapter One.

'But Daddy, I don't want to marry him,' I groaned to my father. 'He's so…serious.' I crinkled my nose.

'Aureliana, you need to grow up sometime. In a week you will marry Irwin. No, if's, ands, or buts. Do you understand me, Daughter?' he asked me.

'Daddy, I understand but—'

'No buts.' He glared at me.

'Listen to me. I believe in love and I don't love him. I want to be in love when I finally do get married.' I tried to explain to him, that I wanted to make him believe that there is love out there and not just arranged marriages. 'Love exists. I saw it with my own eyes. And I want it, Daddy.'

'Aureliana!' he thundered and I coward back in fear. 'You will stop this love business right now! It does not exist, you delusional girl. Now go to your room until morning!'

I whimpered and nodded. 'Yes, father,' I mumbled and swam away as I went to my room. I sighed in defeat. 'Great!' I mumbled. 'How am I supposed to prove it to him if I'm stuck down here? This is just a bunch of bullshit.' I lay down on my bed and looked up at the corral on the ceiling, pushing my red, long hair out of my eyes.

I could hear the ocean swishing around. Uh-oh, this was not good. My father was having one of his fits. Typical.

A small smile came to her lips when she had the brilliant idea. This was the perfect time to run away and prove to my father that love exists. I quickly put on a necklace—that my mother gave me on my fourteenth birthday—and swam out of my room and up to the surface.

This was worse than I thought, I thought. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. It's too late now.

All of sudden, a huge wave hit and took me with it and I went under, flipping over and sideways. And now I am in the blue-tiled place with fish and seaweed. This ocean looks so weird, I thought. I popped my head up above the water and looked around, seeing a completely different scene before my eyes. I'm on land, I thought. Wow.

The rain kept falling down hard on me, I went back under the water. I waited for it to light up but I had a feeling that it wasn't going to any time soon. So…I slept on the bottom of the tiled floor. It wasn't the comfiest place I've slept but it was the best that I can do, considering…

It was morning, I woke up and swam to the surface, a smile spread across my face as I looked at the most amazing view that I have ever seen. 'Wow…,' I whispered, my blue eyes widening at the beautiful colors.

Swimming toward the edge of tile little ocean, setting my arms on the edge and setting my chin on my hands. Admiring the sunset. I lost track of time when I heard voices and footsteps coming my way. I hurriedly went underwater and swam down to the bottom of this little tiled ocean. I could hear mumbled voices. I could hear at least four voices.