
The story of a strange Boy

Ujala_Vlogs · 奇幻言情
10 Chs


She replied " Sir i don't know but all I want to do now is to cry louder and louder my heart really feels suffocation now , I can't hold my feelings any more , I don't know why God gives me difficult time every day and night and that difficult time I think will end with me , I lost every one in my life , but I don't know why I am alive still "

Deni unconsciously holds Elic hand and just crying . Elic said " come with me "

They were going upstairs , when they reached Deni saw it was a top area ,covering a large area , different and unique plants were planted there but those all plants were without flowers , there were benches ,sitting area , water fountain , little darkness was covering the whole city but the lights on buildings and streets looks amazing .

Elic said " come and sit , look how pleasant the air is , and try to inhale some positive energy and get rid of sadness which is covering your heart , the world to which you wanted to leave is not that bad , if you make your own little world then you will feel comfort , just try to think that you are now stated a new life in which you are not depended of anyone and there is nobody that I dependent on you , for no one you have to do things early ,for no body you have to do hard work , now you are your own owner , feel free to live , feel free to make your life according to your choice , but don't forget me because I am your boss and also your guardian " he gave a little bit smile

Deni said " you are really a great person , I never saw you like this before , this side of yours always hidden behind your bossy face " she smiled

Elic said " finally you smiled and I am feeling a bit of relief now , when I feel some stress I used to come here to release stress and inhale the positive energy and this really work's on me , now you are feelings the same , I suggest you to sit here alone and talk to yourself and leaving now "

Deni did not let him go and hold his hand .

When she did that , Elic felt his heart beats rate increases rapidly , his face colour changes , when Elic realized that , he let her leave his hand and without saying anything he quickly leave that place , Deni called boss what happened ? but Elic didn't say anything , then Deni thought what I did wrong , she thought is that right to follow him now , she then stopped herself and said , he must be tied of me , l am breaking his privacy and that is a bad moral .

After some time ,she felt fear and she suddenly stands up and running down when she unconsciously enters into a wrong room and then when she saw in that room she pointed out on something in the mean while

Elic come closer and shouted on her ," how dare you come here , I didn't gives you that permission to walk around "

He was very angry and then he realised Deni is fainting , He holds her and carry her on his arms and then he put her down on her bed and leaves the room .

He thought she saw that the room was full of

to be continued