
The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out

New Version of the story is out please proceed to click the link to read https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-story-about-me-and-the-girl-who-asked-me-out-ver.2_28507228708385305 So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but unexpectedly, Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Though there are few female that he doesn’t dislike. To be more precise he doesn’t like beautiful girl who has the slightest resemblance to “Her”. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] “Hello this is just a story I just imagined and wanted to try to write it, but you may not like it though because Mc may look a little dumb or whatsoever but even so I’ll finish it even if on one reads it”  [[This story is in revision process]]

sm_yesa · 现实
47 Chs

Chapter 27: The missing pieces 2

"Does your body feel light?" Shira asked as she leaned closer to me. "Hmm..." She put her fingers on her chin as if she was examining something. "Did it finally take effect?"

Huh? What is she talking about?..

"Hey, idiot!" She stared daggers at me. "I asked you, right? Don't make me repeat myself!"

The way she looked at me creeps me more than anything.

I was spiritless back then, I just stared at her with sadness and grief with my very own eyes that has a scar from the beating.

I don't know what's she's talking about nor I care about what she will about to do. All I want is to lie down and end everything.

I'm ambivalent back then and I don't know what to do anymore.

So instead of fighting back, I just waited for what will happen to me like a rat that has no will, neither I nor my guts know that such horrible things would be proceed by the following events.

"Huh? You're still not going to say anything?" Shira was pissed and before I knew it, my index finger was already bent. "Eh?.." I let out a confused tone as I watched some of my fingers get bent upwards.

I looked at Shira and see her face smirking as she move onto my feet and also started on my toes and she bent it upwards using a pliers.

And here I am Confused and perplexed looking at Kira as she do it one by one,

"Wh-a" I tried to speak and found out that I can't, I tried to move my body but I wasn't able to do so as it seems like my body has been paralyzed.

I saw shira got a smirked on her face and then she stood up.

"Hahaha, you can't feel anything, right?"

She's crazy... Is all I can thought inside my head.

"Too bad, you can't also scream right now, but later you'll experience all of the pain as the medicine worn out." She giggled.

"H-hey." My lips trembled, with all the strength I have, I mustered up my courage and manage to let out a voice despite the fact that I'm paralyzed, Don't know where that energy came from or why did I even bother. "Shira.. Please,....Stop it..."

".... I-im sorry.....I-if I have really done som- wrong in the past... I...I appolo-"

"AhhhhhhHHHHH!" I wasn't able to finished my sentence as I screamed in anguished when I felt All of the pain in my body.

"Eh...? The Medicine already worn out?.. Too bad you have to experience the pain in real time."

Shira walk away and head towards the other door and disappeared for a mere moment and when she came back, she has so many different tools she brought with her. Those tools are meant for torturing someone.

You gotta be kidding me! This is not real, right?...

"S-someone! He-l"I tried to screamed for help as I tightly held my belly that hurts so much, but Shira didn't let me.

While staring at shira as she tied my arms and shackles it with heavy chain that is connected on the floor, Thoughts suddenly flow into my mind such as Why is she doing this? Why is she so use to it? Why a teenager girl the same age as me doing such thing to me?

I don't know. Even if I asked myself that questions a million times, I wouldn't come up with an answer.

So I endured the beating, I wouldn't even want to remember it in details but that day was the worse day I ever experience in my life that's why I tried to forget it.

Shira whipped, Slap, and beat me with a baseball bat but what pissed me and made me feel worse is what she told me as she beat me until I wasn't able to move anymore.

"It's your fault! The high reputation I built since I entered that school was so good and everything was going on my way until you came and beat me at every exam, IT'S YOUR FAULT! My reputation stoops so low and I became unremarkable because you have taken the first place Everytime!"

Huh? W-wait...D-don't tell me she was angry at me because of that reason? Hey, you're joking, right?

Even though I don't remember being on the top of the exam, if my past self really did that, are you seriously telling me someone deserve a beat up because he did so good?! I want to screamed those words right in front of her face but due to my fatigue, bruises and fractured bone, I can't even talk anymore.

"You're boring," She stopped with disappoinment and turned around. All I can see now is her back as she moved towards the exit door. "I only plan to hurt your feelings because you hurt mine, but you pissed me off, that's why you're receiving some punishment."

That's what the last words I heard from her as she disappeared in my sight and I lost my consciousness.

I don't know how many days I suffered from her beating but, all I can remember is, that happens for at least a few days and after the day I lost consciousness, Something else happened to me.


"Ugh!" It hurts! My body is hurting everytime I moved.

"W-here am I?" I wondered as I lift my hands towards the blue sky and I coughed up some blood and it flows right through my chin.

I looked around and see that the place is full of trash bag. Shit! Did they throw me here? More importantly I...I need to.

"He's up, I guess" A familiar voice came from behind, I looked where it came from and see five guys staring at me, the two were sitting on the trashcan and the other Three guys, standing behind me, I barely manage to turned around and see the gang I wouldn't even want to get involved with.

It was Korosaku Lee and his pals.

"Hahaha, looked at him! Such a pathetic guy." My eyes widen as I glanced at the guy who mumbled beside the trashcan. It was the guy Who punched me in the face and the guy who's doing it with Shira on that day.

"Well, let's not waste anymore time, let's dispose this guy." Korosaku suggested as he moved towards my location.

"Hey, let's enjoy ourselves first, why don't we do some stretching first thing in the morning?" Said by the bald guy next to him.

"Alright, then!"

"Ugh!" I groaned after suddenly receiving a blow right into my gut.

"Alright!" The bald guy came running towards me and throw a kick onto my leg that made me put back on the floor.

"Don't die on us, will ya?" Mino Rio, one of the rumored guy who beat an entire gang grabbed my collar and lift me.

It hurts! Fuck! Why are they doing this?!

"Heh? Seems like you Still haven't grasped the situation." Said Korosaku.

"Shira made us deal with throwing you in the middle of the night, so isn't it normal to pay for the trouble you cause to us, right?"

"Hahahhaha!" They laughed in unison.

"Hey, don't be harsh on him, He must be broken now."

"Hahaha! You're right, Why don't we sing a song for you pitiful heart."

"Yeah, yeah!"

"Let's do that!"

Every one of them seems to have agreed to sing and so they did while having a smirked on their fucking face and I was irritated.

"Oh baby, I love you baby!" The three guys sang first.

"But, what have you done to me!" Followed by the other two, they continued.

"Ohh what have you done!"

"You said you love me? But...Why, why did you hurt me?!.."

"I thought we we're going to stay in love forever."

"And now we're not even together!"

"Ohhh! Why does this happen to me!"

Then as the five of them continued, an unexpected phone call interrupted them.

*Ring!!!** Ring!!*

"Hello?" Korosaku picked it up and answered.

"Who's that?"

"It's killing the fun yow!"

"It's Shira, she's asking if we were done."

Korosaku finished the call and stared at me, I was intimidated.

As they come to get me I just lied on the ground, There's no way I can do a shit with my body.

"I guess we should wrapped it up then!"

As I heard one of the guys's voice, they started kicking and stomping on me. When I tried to get up,

A sharp knee kicked me directly in the face. Blood was streaming from my nose, and my face was in agony.

"Hehehe do you like that? Here's another one!"

Once again, a kick landed right in my face.

My consciousnes grew hazy, and I felt like I could pass out at any moment, but if I did that, I had no idea what might happen to me. However, I was still helpless to change anything because I don't have any strength nor energy to deal with them. Korosaku looked at me and made a demented smile then I felt like something felt hot on my head, when I tried to touch it, I lost my consciousness, again....

Writing the past few chapters made me feel like these chapters are unnecessary, just a detailed past.

Just wondering if you don't like it, if there are some flaws, feel free to correct me.

Sorry if I let you down with brutality and violence, I'm not into it and I'm not good at it :(

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

sm_yesacreators' thoughts