
Chapter 6

When Xiang Hai woke up, he was in a dungeon, dressed up like a girl. He started to panic as it was an unfamiliar place with the weirdest clothes on. He had no idea whether or not if he were actually a man or not so he frantically checked his groin and heaved a sigh of relief. He was still a 'him.'

The dress he had on thrown him off track. Now that he had confirmed his gender, he began to wonder why he was wearing girl clothes. He spent many hours pondering over this question before giving up with no answer in sight. It was only when he was out of his own thoughts when he noticed a small paper within one of the pockets on his dress.

"You of royal blood must wait for your prince to save you. In a dungeon, you wait with fools. Beware of the guards as they are not fair. The best of luck, Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei..." He murmured as an image of her beautiful face appeared in his head. Xiang Hai had remembered following her to the exit, but after he had turned a corner, he blacked out. "Why a riddle of all things?!" He hated mind games as they had always confused him. A magician's trick was fun to watch, but it wasn't a toy to play with. There were much dangerous magic tricks, such as sawing a person into three. One bad move would lead to the death of the volunteer.

He knows this because he once tried it with his dog. He didn't know that he needed special materials in order to ensure the life of the creature within the box, so he asked his father to create a magic box which would allow a person to fit inside. When the box was finished, he placed his german shepherd inside and began to saw away at the wood. He continued on until he heard a yelp from his dog and saw a red liquid flow out. He dropped his saw and quickly opened the box only to find his pet dead.

A stray tear fell from one of his grey eyes. He stood up and placed the note back where he had found it, thinking it might be of use later. "Although it says to wait, I refuse to follow the magician's magic. I'm gonna find my own way out of this place. This 'prince' will only come to save some air." He snickered. "I'm a boy after all. Why would I want a dumb prince to save me when I can do it myself?"

He scanned the room to see if there was any way out aside from the barred wall, but there was none. He had no choice but to wait until someone with keys comes close enough for him to knock them out and set himself free.

Xiang Hai ended up humming to pass time by. He wouldn't say he had the greatest voice as his friend, Nalan Pong, was much better than him, but it was still quite good. At the very least, he wasn't tone deaf like Xin Lumei. She couldn't sing to save her life. And Cai Shengwei, the poor guy, has a crush on her and she knows it. She doesn't say anything about it, though, because she was going out with another guy, a jerk who goes by Mai Long.

The worst part about their relationship is the fact that Cai Shengwei has no idea those two are together. Xiang Hai thought he should tell him, but Nalan Pong had advised otherwise. It still surprises him that the quietest kid you could think of would have such a tongue on him and very helpful advise when he gives it, even better than Cai Shengwei's.

After what seemed to be forever, Xiang Hai heard the sound of footsteps heading his way. During the time he had waited, he sat down to rest his body as the soles of his feet were starting to hurt him. "Dumb heels," he muttered as he took them off. He was going to throw them out, but he remembered how much damage a heel can do, so he kept them to the side. Now, he stood back up and stretched as he made his way to the bars with the heels in his hands.

A scrawny man with a long face came into his view. He was wearing some leather armor with a sword at his side, along with a small pouch and a large ring of keys. The man looked at Xiang Hai with contentment and was about to continue on when he was called for. "Please, sir, I think you had got the wrong person. I'm not a girl, but a boy. A boy, I say!"

The guard sneered as he drew his sword and pointed at Xiang Hai with it. "If you don't quieten down, you will be tortured, princess heir."

"What princess is in here? Can't you tell that I'm a boy by the sound of my voice? If I have to, I will take this dress off right now and let you see for yourself that I am a boy." Xiang Hai made a move to unfasten his dress when the guard banged on the bars with impatience.

"Enough, princess!" He yelled in anger and frustration. "If you don't stop this, I will seriously get in there and stab you with my sword."

Xiang Hai smirked. "Come get me," He said as he undid the last button and let the dress fall to the ground. "I am a boy, you dummy! Can't you see that now?" He paused. Was this what the letter meant by him waiting with fools?

I thought that was a bit funny. Anyone else?

Thanks for reading!

FlameSeacreators' thoughts