
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · RPS同人
794 Chs

Chapter 108 Penalty Shootout

Chapter 108 Penalty Shootout

The penalty shootout is about to start, and Degan is chattering to Fiore about his understanding of Barcelona players. After all, he was a veteran fan in his previous life. He naturally knows this classic Barcelona team very well.

"Valerio! Listen, Eto'o is a guy with a very unstable mentality. He has good skills, but his mentality is very problematic. When facing Eto'o, you have to stimulate him with words, don't worry about it. Can he understand English, open his mouth, and stand opposite him, swearing at whatever he says, as if chanting a mantra, in the second before he pounces, he must never stop, do you understand?"

Degan knows Eto'o too well. Eto'o is indeed outstanding. It's a pity that his mentality is very problematic. When he is on the court, he is easy to get angry. Once he loses his calm, he is nothing to be afraid of.

If it weren't for worrying about FIFA's punishment after the game, Degan would have wanted Fiore to learn how to call a monkey twice in front of the goal. Although it was immoral to do so, in order to win, Degan couldn't care less, but in the end he Still holding back, he was a person of color in his previous life, using this method is too wicked, first of all he can't pass the test in his own heart.

But there are many ways to anger Eto'o, such as contempt!

Eto'o is a person with strong self-esteem, otherwise he would not have hated Real Madrid just because he was sold by Real Madrid.

"And Ronaldinho, he is a very, very stable person. When he stands on the penalty spot, no matter whether your first instinct is to go to the left or to the right, remember, at this moment, don't If you hesitate, you must rush in the opposite direction, Ronaldinho is too deceitful, everything about him may be confusing you."

Degan continued: "There is also Marcos, he is also a penalty shooter, Rijkaard will definitely rank him in front, but he is a guy with very strong self-confidence, he doesn't know what it means to be discouraged, you are rushing. Keep belittling him before taking the penalty kick. Once a person with such strong self-confidence is belittled by others, he will perform abnormally, understand? You want to make him hot-headed and make him feel that his thinking is not clear Got it, do you understand?"

Fiore nodded while looking at Digan, and after seeing that Digan hadn't spoken for a long time, he asked in surprise, "And then?"

Digan smiled: "Dug the bird, you have already saved three penalty kicks, how can there be another? Of course we will advance to the final!"

After Digan finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Fiore with a back view that he was determined to win.

Walking into the circle of the players again and leaving Fiore alone to think, Degan had no idea what direction the penalty shootout was going to take.

As for what he just said, who knows if it will be useful!

A circle of players surrounded Ancelotti in the middle, Ancelotti didn't have any extra nonsense at all, and wrote while writing the famous single: "The first one is Seedorf; the second one is Kaka; the second one is Kaka. Three, Rui Costa; fourth, Pirlo; fifth, Degan."

After speaking, Ancelotti turned and left without any hesitation.

Digan didn't expect that Ancelotti would rank him fifth. This is a position that determines the outcome. Of course, if all the players in front miss, there is no need for him to play.

Kaka came over and patted Digan on the shoulder: "Take it easy! Don't be nervous!"

Digan turned his head and glanced at Kaka: "Nervous! Ricardo! Do you think I have that thing before?"


What Degan showed at this moment was a strong self-confidence, which was clearly felt by every Milan player.

The penalty shootout is about to start, and the players from both sides are divided into two groups and appear on both sides of the center circle. The warm-up match between Puyol and Costacurta gave Barcelona the first opportunity to take a penalty kick.

As we all know, the team that takes the penalty first has a psychological advantage to a certain extent. At least the goalkeeper can get a more relaxed mentality. some burden.

Unfortunately for Fiore, he didn't get such care. The first person who came up to kick a penalty happened to be Eto'o.

Seeing Eto'o, Fiore immediately remembered Digan's words, and a series of foul words flew out of his mouth: "Hey! Poor thing, come on! The clown who was abandoned by Real Madrid, look at the way you walk, don't you Do you have hemorrhoids? I heard that you often said that you are Mira's son. It's funny. Are you planning to give your mother to someone else? Think about your poor father! Clown!"

Eto'o was furious when he heard this, while Fiore was red-faced when he scolded him. He is a person with a Ph. D. and a high-quality talent. How can he bear to let him spray shit like a shrew now.

If the game hadn't continued, Eto'o would have rushed up and beat Fiori, but now, he can only complain to the referee: "Referee, can he interfere with me like this?"

The referee Merck couldn't stand it anymore. Fiore's curse was too obscene. He said to Fiore, "Don't attack anyone with words, or I will disqualify you from goalkeeping."

Fiore was finally relieved and shut his mouth obediently, but Eto'o was full of anger!

He didn't quite understand what Fiore was saying, but judging by Fiore's expression, if he didn't understand that what he said was a dirty word, then he would be a big idiot.


At this moment, the whistle sounded, Eto'o started to run slowly, and when he was four or five steps away from the football, he suddenly accelerated, and the whole person appeared in front of the football in an instant, and then~~~~~~~~

Boom! ! !

Fiori pounced down the left side!

Boom! ! !

Eto'o's penalty hit the post and bounced off the pitch.

Seeing that the ball was not scored, Eto'o knelt down on the ground annoyed and grabbed his head with both hands, while Fiori got up from the ground, turned his head, saw that there was no shadow of the football in the goal, and immediately realized that he had succeeded Yes, he raised his arms high and shouted frantically, not forgetting to give Digan a thumbs up.

Penalty kicks are really torturous. From the start of Eto'o to the shot, Fiore felt like a balloon that was crushed by a steamroller, but it just didn't explode. No one can imagine this kind of pressure. Feel like my heart is going to break.

The AC Milan players standing in the middle circle jumped up one after another. At that moment, the big rock that had been suppressed in their hearts was finally removed.

When Valdés appeared in front of the goal, Seedorf also walked slowly to the penalty spot. He picked up the football, stepped on the turf, and then stepped back three steps, standing with his hands on his waist, in a steady After three breaths, the referee's whistle sounded.

Seedorf only took three steps. After three steps, he shot with his right foot. Valdés had no time to move, and the football had already entered from the lower right corner.

Seedorf, who has always been a literary fan, shook his fist vigorously after confirming that the goal had been scored, and then walked back to the midfield with his fists clenched to hug his teammates. The score of the penalty shootout was 1:0, and AC Milan temporarily took the lead.

Ronaldinho played second, Fiore saw Ronaldinho's steady breathing and didn't know which side to choose, especially this damn guy didn't look at either side, staring at Fiore The eyes in the eyes, and the ugly buck teeth in the slightly opened mouth.


Run-up, easy leg swing, when Fiori once again jumped to the left like a bet on luck, Ronaldinho just ran to the penalty spot and flicked lightly, the football playfully drew an arched arc and hung Goal.

Spoon Penalty!

Next, AC Milan will play Kaka. He chose the center, and Valdés was unlucky and rushed to the right.

Immediately afterwards, Deco also scored with one touch, Rui Costa also scored in the upper left corner, Iniesta and Pirlo also scored, and the battle between the two sides became 4:3.

Barcelona's fifth penalty kick player, the Mexican Marcos, came on.

The most tense moment of the penalty shootout came. If Marcos scored the goal, Degan would have to play again. If the kick missed, the game would end directly.

Marcos stood in front of the goal. Fiori knew how to provoke him, but he was speechless. How should he attack Marcos' confidence? Fiore's mind was about to explode, but he didn't think of a way. Under the strong psychological pressure, Fiore almost collapsed.


The moment the whistle blew, Marcos swayed his legs on the spot, and Fiore didn't even have any reaction, and the football had already got into the net.

Degan stood in the middle circle and watched. He was not surprised by this, and he walked towards the goal without saying a word. When passing by Marcos, Degan heard such a sentence: "Think about Istanbul, you Can't kick in!"

Degan didn't even bother to look at him: "I played for Atlanta last season, idiot!"

Marcos's face suddenly became very exciting, and he really looked like an idiot!

Istanbul night!

Do the Digan thing.

Standing at the penalty spot, looking at Valdez who was eyeing him, Degan suddenly smiled, which made Valdes even more nervous. If Digan can score the ball, the game will be over.


Digan didn't run up, but swayed his legs on the spot again, and his body swayed slightly to the left. With this slight sway, Valdes almost subconsciously threw himself towards the right side of his body.


There was a noticeable pause in the air for Deegan's legs before the ball ended.


The moment the ball crossed the goal line, the AC Milan players rushed out like crazy, and surrounded Digan in the middle of the half court, right in front of the goal, right in front of the lost Valdés. Deegan tossed high, dropped, tossed again!

Now is the time to celebrate.