
1189 Jin Xun vomited blood

Su Qingyue sighed, "It's a pity Gao Shou died so early."

"He didn't die young; he was middle-aged."

"That's true," Su Qingyue nodded. "Compared to those who die at birth, he indeed lived quite long."

Xiao Yuchuan rubbed his wife's cold hands with his large palms, "Wife, are you cold?"

"Not cold, just freezing." She was still wearing her underwear clothes, which are the ancient times equivalent of pajamas, with long sleeves and pants.

Just now, she saw the people at the door craning their necks to look at her, and it was obvious from the ancient people's eyes that they thought her shameless. In the eyes of ancient people, she was improperly dressed.

However, she didn't bother to frantically grab an outer garment like a well-bred young lady because she felt there was nothing wrong with a white set of long clothes. Compared to the bikinis that are a common sight for modern people, what she was wearing was considered modest.