
Kohli The Real Protagonist!

(Planet Calypso)

(Inner District- St Vincent's Pleasure Palace)

The heavy scent of inexpensive perfume mixed with alcohol and drug-filled smoke permeated the air. 

Girls of all kinds of different races and species across the universe could be seen but the vast majority belonged to Mendolesa warriors.

The furniture available was sparse and the private rooms for guests only included a wooden table with some chairs and an old-fashioned mattress bed.

This was a whorehouse on the cheaper end of those in the inner district, but it was precisely for this reason that it served as a secret base for Kohli.

A week had passed since his Blackguard troop had extended the invitation to the monster living in the slums and a reply had been given.

"Sorry young master but we were unable to secure the targets," a kneeling man spoke with a solemn tone.

Kohli frowned in displeasure as he reviewed the information sent to his communicator.