
A Deal For Cows?

(Nyrean Super Galaxy- Rtern Region)

(Unnamed Trading Post- The Golden Drake)

"Two hundred pounds of pure void root… freshly obtained from planet Bliss. One sniff of this baby and you'll be on a trip for decades…" a voice gleefully whispered.

"Okay maybe not decades…BUT! It will take you to a higher plane of existence. One sniff darling… that's all it takes…"

Two alien creatures sat apart from each other and were separated only by a small round table that trembled under the weight of dozens of paper bags.

One of the aliens was a tiny three feet tall creature with rat-like features. 

He wore a sharp navy-blue vest with no pants, and he possessed a gold chain which was wrapped tightly around his left paw.

The entity sitting down across from him was a massive lump of wriggling flesh whose monstrous tendrils waved creepily about in the air.