
Reborn? Transcend? Transmigrate? Reincarnate? (1)

Taeko was a young man of twenty-five who was always an energetic boy and sometimes cold at heart, but his family always knew that there was much love inside him

He loved his mother and father, had an adorable little sister of about fifteen who he always pampered, all his army earnings were destined to just make his pretty little sister happy

For him his family was everything, that was why he always tried not to get into dangerous situations at work but things changed one day

[The country is in a great crisis, the enemies are gathering at the borders while they try to take away our lands!]

It was only the voice of the TV that alerted thousands of defenseless citizens in their homes, the government had ordered their soldiers to prepare for war and Taeko was no exception

He enlisted along with his teammates while calling their relatives to reassure them

Everyone knew that they could lose their lives in this war, so they tried to give their family peace of mind by telling them that they would do everything possible to take care of each other.

The team consisted of ten people, they were like brothers and they had been together for four years so their families got to know each other

Taeko smiled at his friends and they smiled back while carrying their weapons ...

Only two days later things became quite bloody, enemy soldiers at the borders while they tried to withstand the attack

Many dead allies and bomb blasts could be heard all over the place

Taeko was lying on a wall while reloading his rifle and next to him was his best friend

Both had been together since the entry into the army, therefore, both they coordinated very well among them trying to contain their enemies

Taeko: "This shit stinks ..." He said bitterly as he turned and fired and then hid again

Akihiro: "Ahh ... And what else can we do? It's our job ..." He replied as he reloaded his rifle and began firing at his enemies in the hope of eliminating all of us.

Taeko just sighed before following his example, they both fired all their bullets before they ran out and he quickly hid "Shit ... No bullets, do you have?"

He waited for his friend to answer him but after a few seconds there was no answer, Taeko felt his heart tighten when he turned to look at his friend

Akihiro, his friend was lying on his stomach while there was a hole in the back of his head which meant that a bullet had killed him


Anguish and fear made Taeko feel greatly weakened


A bomb rang in the distance when Taeko turned his gaze only to notice how his friends became chunks of meat minced by the explosion

Taeko: "Y-Yuri ..." A name escaped his lips when he came to see a woman in her twenties who was lying on the floor

She shook her head slowly before looking at him, they both looked at each other until Yuri smiled softly "... I'm sorry"

It was her last sentences before she lost the light in her eyes and died in front of Taeko's eyes

Taeko was silent while only looking at Yuri's dead body lying on the floor

The memories that had happened came to him when he joined the army

"Hello, my name is Yuri! Would you like to form a team?"

"That you don't know how to use a weapon? I'll show you!"

"Um, in a way I don't know how to drive, huh? Will you show me? Great ~"

"A date? ... You and me? ... A, I would like to have a date with you!"

"I want ... I want to be your girlfriend! Do you understand? How hard it is for you to understand it hollow head!"

"Ehhh? Get married? ... Five years later? ... YES!"

Yuri's words he had heard throughout his life resonated in his head as he lay behind the stone pillar covering

There was no salvation, there was no hope of escaping from here even if he did ... Could he come back like this?

Tears sprouted from his eyes when he glanced at Yuri's body and it was the last thing he could see before infinite darkness absorbed him


In the middle of a huge meadow was the body of a man lying on the ground while the gentle wind caused the beautiful flowers to move slowly

It was a view too captivating and intoxicating, even a God would feel very pleasant to witness such a dazzling meadow

The very hot sun above and the so serene silence brought a calm, but quickly the calm was abruptly cut off when the man who was lying raised his upper part while breathing heavily

"Hu ... Huu ...."

Taeko began to breathe with some difficulty while watching the place where he was, he was very confused because he was previously in a war now he was in a meadow was very confusing

"I am dead?"

"You could say yes ..." A soft voice came from his side and he turned around only to notice a little girl about ten years in the distance hiding behind a tree while just sticking out his head

"What do you mean by that?"

"I ... I'm sorry but not wanting to ... Kill you"

"...What have you said?"

"... Kill you without wanting to"

Taeko watched as the girl was acting so nervous, he was confused but felt enormous anguish in his mind and heart

Did he die?

In the end, he ended up dying?

"No ... My destiny was already written and I would die, if what this girl says is true, she just advanced my death ..." It was Taeko's thoughts as she then watched the place

"Where we are?"

"... It's my father's home ..."

"Your father? Where is he?"

Up to this point, the little girl made a somewhat nervous expression and looked away "He came out ... I let myself be carried and unintentionally killed you ... I will reward you, yes? Don't tell him"

Taeko was speechless, this girl still claimed to kill him but then a realization hit came and a crazy idea got into her brain

"You are a god?"

The girl shook her head, Taeko sighed thinking that there could be no such cliches but the girl then spoke "I am the daughter of God ... And I can give you something special for you to choose to reincarnate in another world ..."

Taeko was left speechless, the girl thought that this man had accepted and she quickly ran to his side as he touched Taeko's chest and light emerged

"What are you doing?!"

"Ah no ... I ... I try to give you your gift!"

Taeko watched as something glow in his chest before a translucent window appeared before his eyes, there was a white doll standing there while there were buttons nearby that looked like the Samsung

"This is?..."

The girl noticing Taeko's confusion immediately decided to explain "He's the stock designer, here you can choose how you want to see yourself when I decide to send you to another world ... Could you ?!"

She was clearly urging Taeko to hurry since her father could come back at any time and she didn't want this mistake to be known by her father.

Taeko looked at the window that indicated he created his new look with some complexity, he didn't know what to think about this.

He was dead but he wasn't as distressed as he thought, one thing was certain he was too sad to think correctly

But there was something that made him feel very hurt and it was leaving his relatives, besides ... He saw Yuri die before his own eyes

"... I don't want this ... I want Yuri with me back"

The girl who had been waiting so anxiously that this man in front of her decision to choose her appearance was stunned, she could not believe it

A being who decided to miss this opportunity and instead asked to be allowed to be with his loved one was something too incomprehensible to her.


"I already said I don't want this, I just want to be with Yuri ... Send me with her"

The girl stared at Taeko with a very surprised look before sighing and waving her hand

There came a window where there was a very familiar name for Taeko

[Yuri Himura - State (Transported)]

"She has already been sent to another world, she did very good deeds, therefore, universal karma gave her a simple option to transmigrate her to a certain world"

Taeko opened her eyes wide before smiling "I want to go with her, now!"


"Don't say you can't! You promised to reward me for your mistake, I want to go with her!"



The girl felt too pressured, she could only nod and then pointed to the window "Please ... Create your look and I will make sure to send you to the world where she is, but you will have to look for her"

Taeko nodded and immediately began to create a character from an anime he had seen in his teens

With everything done and finished he smiled and pressed confirm, then another column appeared

1 - Desire - Without Choosing

2 - Desire - Without Choosing

3 - Desire - Without Choosing

"What is this ?" Taeko asked with confusion looking at him, although it was an idea he had to at least wait for an explanation

"This as indicated, you can choose any wish, I don't care which one you just choose quickly now ..." She was feeling that her father's presence was approaching in the distance

Taeko nodded and looked at the three columns before smiling, he didn't know much about powers or similar things, but something was certain

In his teens he had seen some anime or see anime, without hesitation he wrote his first wish but at that moment the girl immediately for being nervous decided not to wait any longer

"Sorry!" She repeatedly said those words while hitting Taeko's chest where a strange light blinked before everything returned to normal.

"Than?" Taeko got confused but suddenly felt something pulling him and turned his gaze to notice a dark portal "What the hell ?!"

"I'm sorry! ... I have given you something special I hope you can return it to me soon! ... My name is Lissette"

It was the last thing Taeko heard before he disappeared into the black abyss, Lissette stared at the place where Taeko had been before sighing

She could look ten years old but in reality, she was in her first fifteen years, it's just that she usually hides her original appearance

While she was thinking about that a presence was present while a man with long white hair who was tied in a hair ponytail approached with a smile

The man had golden eyes and the appearance of a handsome boy with white skin combined with his appearance of a man of twenty-five years would say he was just someone weak

But he was actually Lissette's father and one of the four most powerful beings in the multi-universe ...

"What's a wrong daughter? You should go home, your mother has been calling you for a long time"

"Oh ... Yes, I'll go ... See you later father" She smiled before walking away while practically running at full speed

If there was someone who could save her from her father's wrath, it was clearly her mother, therefore without much thought, she decided to take refuge with her mother.

Lissette's father watched as she escaped and laughed inside himself "Kill a mortal and try to hide it ... But you have given him 'that' sincerely you are a very naughty girl ... Well it's not as if I cared about anyway"

Without Taeko knowing, he had undoubtedly won the jackpot of his life in just this small situation.