
The Fall Of An Idol

Tyr was blank, his face looked like he was about to throw up, and he felt sick with himself because he could not help but feel responsible for what had occurred.

He knew that his father would be ashamed of him if he saw what he had become, it took killing these people to snap him back and remember the principles he was raised on.

The journey to Vestfold was easy thanks to the horses, and it took a few hours until they were within sight of the kingdom, this meant that the information they had gotten was correct but it was far too calm, he saw the deceased bodies on the battlefield, they had left them to rot as a reminder that they had failed in their conquest.

"The battle has already concluded," Oskar said, and by the way things looked, it was clear that they had failed but the body count was too low.

But a scout found them and directed them to the camp where Askild and his men rested.