
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · 奇幻言情
82 Chs

Annoying Things

I'd slept fitfully last night. The memories of the Quori being very intense. Dal Quor is a nightmare realm and my sleep was filled with images of it. I'd woken a couple of times, so I did not feel rested when I got up.

But it was fine. I washed my face and packed up my belongings into my bag and ventured out of the room to use the shower stalls out back. What I'd really like is a scented bath. They are very relaxing. The dogs had run off somewhere.

After I was clean and dressed in pants and shirt, I went to the bakery, but not by cutting through the square. I yawned as I entered and smiled at Kaz. The bakery was busy this morning. Noticing this, I almost decided to skip breakfast. But instead I waited. Many orders were being placed for the Elven Pillow bread. It was selling exceptionally well.

I grinned to myself and did leave the bakery this time. I then skirted behind the tavern and went back to the Inn for breakfast. Plight was out and about now. He asked if I was ready to go see Tilton. I wasn't quite yet. I suggested we go to the guild, turn in our completed quest and pick up a new one.

He accepted it, commenting I looked a little tired. I was. After I finished my breakfast, the dogs had returned. I petted them and gave them what was, amazingly enough, the last of the dried meat. They deserve bones, they're so smart.

While they ate I went to the Inn keeper to request he send off the letters to the Capital for me. He agreed and took payment to do so. Merchants frequently travel to and from the Capital so I'd be a week for Father to get this letter. He'd get one in two and a half days, another in three days, and another a day later.

After the dogs finished their meals we left the Inn and went across the path to the Guildhall. I greeted Clara, ignoring Crowley, and handed in the completed stone delivery quest. She added it to our folders and we went and selected a new quest. It was a simple hunting quest, put in by Arthur. He wanted three deer hunted.

Simple enough, except that the dwarf hasn't completed what I asked for. It'd been only a day since I requested it even. That was frustrating. I contemplated how we were to manage bringing three deer in. Then I simply shrugged, deciding we'd borrow a cart or something. I could technically jerry rig a cart together as well. Particularly if we find bits that's easily make up a cart.

We left the guild, then exited town through the East gate. It was quickly becoming our most used gate. We crossed the bridge a d I decided to check the lumberyard about a cart. Once we'd arrived, I remembered that it hadn't been used in a while. Well shit.

Taking a closer look around I did see some things I could put together to have a handy cart. I could also store it in the lumberyard for whenever the workers return. With this decision I got to work, directing Plight where needed and got to making a simple cart for us to use for this hunting quest.

We did and excellent job, if I do say so myself. Since we planned to meet Tilton today I had wanted to ensure that this side project wouldn't take long, so I kept it simple. One sheet of wood, four feet in length, two feet wide, and three feet high on three sides. The back end of it I felt open. For the wheels, I cut four pieces from some uncut lumber, about three inches thick, and then, with some difficulty, I used some tools to carve holes in the middle of the discs. For the two axels, we were in luck, There had been a few being worked on. Along with the part that fits the axel to the cart.

Attaching those pieces to the simple cart we'd made was simple, I used the bolts that were designed for it. A cursory look in the main building had yielded precisely what we needed to fit the axel onto the cart and the wheels to the axel. And caps, to ensure the wheels stayed on.

This did take around an hour, But that was fine. Considering the lack of effort put into the cart, it wasn't that heavy. That would change when we weighed it down with the prey. I wish that project I asked Balnur for was complete. No use crying over it. The next thing I did was to attach handles to our cart. Now it should be quite easy to manage.

More so if we got the dogs to pull it. Glancing at them, I decided to let that one go. The dogs were running around and goofing off. I'd rather them loose and close in case something tries to sneak on us. Early detection system, if you will.

We then debated momentarily if we should leave it for now or bring it with us. I decided we could bring it a ways with us and leave it nearby. I then decided it would be a good idea to ask the dogs to help us hunt. So I mentally asked Fawn if he could find a group of deer. Fawn tilted his head as I spoke to him, then nodded and blinked away. The other two had watched him do so, but stayed.

I told Plight what I'd asked of Fawn. He stated speaking to animals is a handy skill to have. I agreed and told him that they can understand me because they understand a spoken language, unlike most animals. I went on to tell him that they can't communicate back to me in the same manner. Nor can I form an actual link to them. Its just simple ideas or messages.

It wasn't long before Fawn came back. We followed him Northward with the cart for a bit, he'd paused after around 30 minutes, looked at the cart and gave a soft 'oof' type bark. So we left the cart there, and continued following Fawn. Fawn glanced at Chaser and Theo a couple of minutes later and they blinked away. Fawn then paused once more, staring intently.

Inching forward, I saw why. There was a herd of deer available ahead. I generally preferred taking out lone bucks.. No matter. I turned and signaled Plight to be ready. I then take out my bow, string it, nock an arrow, and fire. The deer scattered as soon as one of the bucks went down.

The dogs stepped in though, before the deer could get far, they were biting, nipping and hassling the deer back into the clearing. A few tried to fight against the dogs, but Plight and I were able to take out the fighters. I called the dogs off as soon as we had four deer downed. I grinned as the dogs returned to us with no qualms. Praising them, I patted them all affectionately, and gave them ear rubs. Then I unstrung my bow.

Jokingly, I told Plight I shoulda had dogs all along. I then wondered to myself.. Should I ask one of the dogs to stay with Mills?

Setting the thought aside, I go ahead and gut all four deer. Plight got the cart for us, we then loaded three of them into the cart. The last one, I skinned and began freeing the meat then slicing it up into pieces weighing about a pound each.

As I worked, Plight kept an eye on our surroundings. I then asked him to make a fire. He got it going easily enough. I then asked him if he wanted any of the deer meat before I set them all to being smoked. He declined. I offered to hunt another deer for him to take the meat of, he declined that as well.

I stopped working and looked at him. "I'm sorry, Plight. I don't mean to be pushy. I'll leave you alone about it..."

"It's alright. You aren't being pushy. You are just a caring person." Plight said.

"A bit too much. I try to be a hard ass, but I end up trying to help others anyway." I grumbled.

Plight chuckled and said, "I'll accept some of the meat."

I smiled at him and asked for the packaging I'd previously handed him. He'd cleaned it, to my surprise. I loaded them up and wrapped it firmly and gave it to him. He thanked me and I got busy setting up a make shift smoker. It'd take around an hour and half to two hours to properly smoke the deer at a pound per cut.

I don't bother seasoning it since I'm just long term prepping it for the dogs. I set the intestines in a store of salt I'd brought from home, then I spread them out so that they can dry into treats for the dogs. The lungs and hearts I feed directly to the dogs. Explaining to Plight it's good for them. I then take a few rib bones, the leg bones and the neck bone from the butchered deer and clean them up for storing, chopping the neck bone for the dogs each to have some. They seemed to particularly enjoy it.

I got to humming as I cleaned up after finishing my tasks. I sang my favorite part aloud, "I'll believe it, all~ There's nothing I won't understand. I'll believe it, all~ I won't let go of your hand." then I continued humming to it. Swaying with the music I pretended to hear with it.

After some time had passed while the dogs played I asked Plight if he knew about a trending meal in the capital called sashimi. Once he admitted he had not heard of it, I described it to him. Thinly sliced strips of meat served with watery sauces and herbs. He admitted to wanting to try it, and I told him it was good, as I'd tried it

A short time after that conversation the meat was done. I packaged it all to the best of my ability, then took apart the make shift smoker. As I put away the parts, Plight smothered the fire. With that our tasks complete we started back towards town. I then remembered Mills' stall was close to Arthur's and felt my face turn red again.

It didn't take us long to reach the road, but when we did I froze. Walking away from town was Lana and Ash being led by Thomas. Furious, I spoke sharply, "What is going on?"

"Thomas is showing us to a goblin camp." Lana replied.

"The he'll he is," I looked at Thomas, "What would your mother say?"

"His mother is dead sooo.." Lana said.

"Thomas's mother is not dead." Thomas stated.

"Everyone in town says his mother is dead." Ash said.

"That makes you Tilton's ward. Incidentally, I can call him right now to settle this. Or, Thomas, you can come back to town with us a d have cookies." I told him, outright lying about my ability to reach Tilton.

"Cookies. Cooookies." Thomas chose.

Smiling, I offered, "Would you like a piggy back ride to town?"

"Yes." Thomas agreed.

"But Thomas-" Lana began, but was interrupted by Plight stepping between Thomas and the girls.

"But nothing. You do not bring an eight year old child out of town with you to a goblin camp. Do the adventurer thing and find it yourself." Plight told them.

I'd crouched to allow Thomas onto my back as he spoke. With Thomas holding onto me, and the dogs circling, we were about to be on our way.

Plight asked Thomas, "Where is the goblin camp?"

"Down that way a little farther and right before the river." Thomas told him.

I turned to glare at Ash and Lana, "Next time I see you girls.... It's on sight." I then turn and head towards town.

Plight took over pulling the cart, as I had Thomas now. "Can you tell us about your mother, Thomas?" He asked.

"Everyone does say Thomas's mother is dead. But she isn't. Thomas's mother is just away." Thomas explained.

I remained silent, fuming. How dare they bring this child out here to potentially die. That's ridiculous. He's just a child.

Plight kept Thomas occupied with idle chatting as we arrived at Dueling Rivers. I glared at the guards, memorizing their faces. I got into my pack and got the quest paper out and passed it to Plight as we walked towards the square. "Handle the business with Arthur, while I get Thomas's cookies, will you?"

"Yes, I can do that." Plight replies.

Once we'd entered the square, Mills spotted us. My face must have been particularly fierce, because he called out, "Everything ok?"

"Just utterly appalled at particularly fatuous cretins impudence. I need to get this boy cookies." I replied.

"..Alright, stop by and chat when you have a moment." He said.

I didn't acknowledge his words, but made a mental not to do so. I was having a bit of trouble controlling my rage by this point, as my mind just continually looped back to the point that they were bringing this boy into harms way.

Entering the bakery, I said, "Kaz, I need cookies for Thomas. Thomas, ride is over as I need to go have a word with Tilton. Ok?"

As I crouched, Thomas slid off my back and said "Ok." Then waved bye at me. As Kaz gave the boy his cookies, I placed a gold piece on the counter and left the Bakery.

Approaching Plight, I saw he'd managed to finish up with Arthur quickly. He'd been watching for me and asked me, "What does "on sight" mean?" Plight asked.

"It means if I see them I will be beating the day from their eyes." I replied

"Ahh, yes I can agree to that." Plight said, "I cannot think of a good reason to bring a small child to a goblin cave."

"No?" I asked, "I can. Bait."

As soon as the word bait left my lips Plight visibly full body tensed. "I understand if you must go and speak with Tilton now. But I must go and hunt those two down." Plight spoke stiffly.

"I am a woman who of action. I will go with you." I replied, clenching my fists.

Plight turned on his heel with me following back towards the East gate. Remembering Mills wanted to speak I formed a Mind Link to him.

*Is this ok to talk like this?*

..... *<Now that I know who it is.. yes.>*

*Lana and Ash were having Thomas take them to a goblin camp. We are going to rectify that now.*

*<Some adventurers get some strange ideas in their heads.>*

*They have one more time to screw up and I will kill them.*

*<Before you kill them, I'd report their actions to Tilton.>*

*Oh, I will be. Hehe maybe I should tie them up and drag them to Tilton.*

*<He would certainly give them a tongue lashing.>*

*Definitely. Did this cover what you wanted, or was there something else?*

*<We can talk more when you're not busy.>*

*Cute.* .. Realizing how that sounds when it's stated without emotion, I continued. *I meant that as in you are cute..*

*<Thank you, I try to be.>*

*Yes? I thought men preferred sexy, handsome, dashing and the sort?*

*<What are all those things if not cute?>*

*Smooth. I'm about to be out of range..*

*<Then I will talk to you afterw->*

Having left my range his words were cut off. Ah well. I tell the dogs to stay close to town, concerned for their safety. We continued walking past where we'd ran into them and watching for signs of goblin activity. It didn't take long before we started seeing signs of fires. We increased our pace and reached the area where Thomas had indicated, we turned right and quickly found where the goblins were.

A hobgoblin was giving orders to goblins to put out the fires, and Ash was in the middle of the camp. Unconscious or dead. Not sure.

As I strung my bow I formed a Mind Link with Plight immediately to avoid speaking aloud.

*What's your call?*

*<We need to scout and figure out how many goblins there are.>*

*I can do that.*


I slipped into the trees to the left of the path and just as I was about to climb a tree, I noticed Lana, unconscious, on the ground. I contemplated what to do for a moment before climbing the tree and getting a good look at the camp. the camp was pressed up to the river on the left, one large tent in the middle, There were a couple of makeshift lean-to against the rear of the camp, Empty, it appeared. To the right of there were four poles with people tied to them. A campfire set up to the right of the entrance to the camp. The enemies numbered four dead goblins, eight living goblins and one beefy hobgoblin. All throughout the camp were broken bits of carts and crates.

*Found Lana. She is unconscious. Shall I stabilize her?*

*<Yes. If you can, wake her. She could help us with the camp. And then we can interrogate her.>*

*There are eight goblins and a hobgoblin. There are also four prisoners tied to poles in the far back right corner of the camp.*

*<That's not good.>*

*I think I can pick off the goblins with my bow. if you go to the right and skirt the camp, you should be able to reach the captives. I'll just need help with the hob, most likely.*

*<Yes.. I can do that.>*

As he started moving, I climbed down, wrestling with the idea of waking her. Choosing not to, I merely stabilize her. I then climbed up and took aim. Shooting the goblin through the eye and killing it. I used my action surge and took out a second, shooting it through it's throat. As none of them took notice of my actions, yet, I stayed put, picking my next target. I nocked an arrow then released it with such force it slammed through the goblin's skull and into the ground at the feet of the hobgoblin. I dropped from my position in the tree and went left of the location as the hobgoblin now is directing his goblins to shoot in my direction. He's watching for me now, making it necessary to keep moving.

I was a little too rushed to get into position this time, so when I fired on the goblin, I slip and missed the target. Wincing, I move location immediately, further left. Taking note of where the enemies arrows are being aimed. I take position, more careful this time. Take aim, fire. another goblin dead, arrow through it's chest. I moved location to the right now, just past where I'd missed. Take position, aim, fire. As my arrow found it's chest, one of their arrows stabbed into my shoulder, pinning me to the tree. I clenched my teeth at the pain. I was determined to not let this stop me.

It did, however, cause me to pause long enough that the hobgoblin managed to spot me. I yanked the arrow out as it yelled in common, "Come out and fight, coward!"

I ducked into the underbrush and ran to the right, crossing the path and into the brush to the right of the path. I took position, gritted my teeth through the pain, and fired. Another goblin down. Two to go. I moved immediately, noting the hob still has its eyes on me. Shit. It was also marching directly towards me and ordering the goblins to aim for me. Double shit.

Well, fine. I take position once more aiming and firing on a goblin. It dropped. I then turned for the next one, moving slightly to avoid a couple of arrows. My next arrow flies true and drops the last of the goblins. It was then that I remember that Lana was near where he'd gone. I look at him, lucky for her, he was after me still. Speaking of that, I hurriedly fled to the camp, as he'd gotten uncomfortably close. This also gave him a decent shot at me.. not that I'd realized.

The hobgoblin took a javelin from its back and flung it at me, I managed to dodge it and return fire with an arrow. I struck it, but it barely phased it. It continued to stalk towards me, and I checked Ash. Unconscious.

Deciding I didn't have time to tend her, I instead fired at the hobgoblin again, missing. Which wasn't the case for his next javelin. It slammed into my thigh, causing me to grunt. Realizing that I couldn't keep running, I shouted for Plight, then.

I pulled my sword, abandoning my bow for the moment. I yanked the javelin from my leg and tossed it to the side, and looked up as the hobgoblin brought his sword down towards me, I barely raised my sword in time to avoid being killed. His next swing hit above my hip.

Plight was behind him now, slamming him with his hammer. Unfazed, its eyes stayed locked on me. That is until Plight yanked it's head back and sank his fangs, that I never knew he had, into him.

I took the opportunity to slash him with my sword. He knocked Plight back and swung on him, he missed him twice. Plight then brought his hammer down on him again, knocking him out.

Not taking any chances, I sank my sword into its heart. His breath released and its body went limp. It was not going to get back up. I look at Plight then and say, "I think he was stronger than a regular hobgoblin. Shitty aim, though."

Plight was wiping at his mouth quite frantically at this point. He was avoiding eye contact. He said, "I'm sorry."

He checked on Ash and then started to move back to the post people, but I tackled him, dropping my sword in the process, and wrapped my arms around him as we went to the ground.

I wasn't understanding his panic, and therefore seeking to sooth and then understand. "What are you sorry for?" I ask.

"For being what I am." Plight said. "For not telling you."

"You are my friend. You do not need to tell me that you are." I reply. "Are you well?"

"Well, there is a rock in my hip." Plight said.

"Misfortunate," I commented, releasing him and helping to sit him up. "I bled on you, sorry. didn't think bout that."

"Let me heal that.." Plight said. He cast Cure Wounds on me and I noticed his hand burned as he did so. The burn only reddened his skin. My shoulder, side and thigh wounds closed up.

I took his hand and examined it. "I wasn't trying to ask you to heal me. Thank you, though. That feels a lot better, but does it always burn you? If that's the case I'd rather treat my wounds non-magically when possible.. I can probably make you something to sooth that if it hurts, does it?"

"It always does hurt but the pain is fleeting..." Plight responded. "It is already fading."

I release his hand and give him a proper hug, tempted to just make it a snuggle. "You're my friend, regardless of who, what or why you are. You're a good person. But, we can discuss it more later. For now, we need to get the people together and take them to the town."

"I can drag the civilian and Ash or Lana. Or we can try and make another cart?" He seemed a little out of sorts. I looked into his face and saw confusion and anxiety in his features. He hadn't hugged me back.

I nodded to him and said "Yes. We can make another cart. There are enough broken bits around to do so. I'll grab Lana.. wait. You used singular. Are the rest dead? Damn. Ah.. I guess that's to be expected." I frowned disappointed.

"These kinds of goblins don't have much use for prisoners. Its odd that they took them anyways." Plight replied.

"Maybe we can ask Bibs bout it." I commented going to where I left Lana. She was still unconscious. I picked her up by her foot and brought her to the camp, laying- dropping- her next to Ash.

Then I frowned again. Checking both girls. Opening their eyes and looking at the reaction, then checking vitals and reactions. They're knocked the hell out for sure. Comforted that its technically natural causes, I tie them both up and to each other.

Then I get into my herb storage and take out a particularly nasty smelling blossom. Just in time, Plight had dragged the victim, a tanned man, to where Lana and Ash are. I stuck the herb close to the mans nose and he jerks his head away gagging and coughing.

As I put the herb away, I grinned at Plight. "That herb is lovingly nicknamed 'Wake Blossom'. Because it'll wake anything but the dead."

"It smells like death." The man says in a strained voice, recovering.

"It does, it does." I agreed. "But you're awake now. Do you know where you are?"

"Not exactly.." The man frowns. "I was in East Haven not long ago. I work on a farm there."

I inhale sharply in surprise, "You're really close to Dueling Rivers now. We're maybe 30 minutes from there."

"Oh." He said in a small voice with wide eyes. After recovering from his surprise he says, "Ah well, if yall are in East Haven at any point, just stop by ol' Paul's place, I'll put you up and reward you both for your rescuing me."

"You're going back on your own? What if you get captured again?" I asked, appalled.

"I'll be alright. I was this time." Paul says.

"We had to rescue you!" I argued.

"And you did. I'm a very lucky person." Paul agreed.

I stared at him, utterly confounded, mouth slightly agape. "Well. Fine, then. I won't stop you from going. But hold up for a moment."

He waited, watching me good naturedly, as I ripped a section from the tent. I took a bit of rope and folded the cloth in half, then used my knife to make holes through the material on the sides. Next I weaved the rope through the holes to hold the sides together.

From my own pack, I put a couple of packs of dried meats and my water flask into the pack I'd made. I glanced at him, then made him some medicine for bruises and scrapes. Within 30 minutes, I'd made him a pack and packed him for three days of travel.

"Here you are." I tell him, giving him the crafted and filled pack. I also took a scimitar from a dead goblin and gave it to Paul.

He inclined his head to me and said "Mighty kind of you. Thank you. Have a good day." And off he went.

I looked at Plight then, as he'd been quiet. "One less person to worry about for now."

I got to work again, getting together bits for the cart. After putting it together, I was quite proud of my creation. It only had two wheels, but was incredibly stable with a stand to keep it from dipping. Checking it's movement, it was smooth and easily manageable. Beautiful.

"Can you help me take up all the weapons here? We can sell them for scrap to Balnur, the smith. And then they can't be used by more goblins." I tell Plight.

"Yes, that's a good idea." Plight agrees.

After putting Lana and Ash in the cart, we went around collecting all the weapons. I retrieved my arrows as well. I searched the tent as well. There, I found a glass dagger, and noticed the pole in the middle was a glaive. When I reached to grab it, while turning my head to call for Plight to look at it, the glaive changed shape and wrapped around my wrist like a red snake. I shouted in alarm as the tent collapsed onto me, the red ribbon simply wrapped neatly around my wrist into a bow.

Plight hurried to my side, alarmed by my call, and pulled the tent off me, "Are you alright?" He asked, in a concerned tone.

As I calmed myself I said, "Yeah. I-I found an enchanted weapon apparently. It wrapped around my wrist..." I said holding my arm, with the bow, out to him. I thought about the glaive and it began to form in my hand. Once it was solid, I tried to drop it and it turned into the ribbon and wrapped around my arm again. "Huh."

"That's amazing." Plight commented a mystified look on his face.

"Would you like it? I'm not sure how to transfer it but I'm sure Bibs'd know." I offered.

"We'll figure it out later. Lets get these two back to town we can dump them off somewhere." Plight said.

"Actually, Mills had an idea about what to do with them." I said with an innocent expression.

"Oh?" Plight says, interested.

"Let's take them to Tilton. Explain the situation, and leave them to him. To include you on why that's so evil, my mom avoids Tilton, actively. Out of respectful fear." I say, smiling.

An appreciative look crosses his face and he says, "Ok, we'll take them to Tilton. We needed to speak to him anyway."

With a plan in place, I give a once over to the area, I notice a pendant on the hobgoblin and take it, putting it on Plight. "Pretty," I comment.

With that being the last thing of value there, we head back with our second cart. It was bumpy, because of the uneven road, so I went back and took the cloth of the tent and roll it, placing it between the girls and weapons.

"Would it make you feel better if I ask questions?" I ask Plight in a gentle voice.

"At this point, yeah. Kinda. Little bit." Plight said, his voice tired.

"I'll ask you after we get rid of these two. Just in case they wake on their own. In private. Is that ok?" I said.

"In private is fine. We can wait until we get back to the Inn." Plight agrees.

"Can I demand cuddles, then?" I ask. "Or is that inappropriate?"

"I suppose it's fine." Plight says.

"Yesss," I say enthusiastically, "Cuddles are my favorite and the best!"

"I certainly hope so, you've talked them up quite a bit." Plight replied.

"Hmm. If you're dating someone you should cuddle them, though. People don't like it when their person cuddles others. Unless it's your kids." I prattle.

Plight stayed quiet listening to me chatter away. Maybe it was comforting to him in a way, since that's how I've been treating him since we started hunting together.

It didn't take long for us to reach the bridge before the East gate, crossing it, I immediately turned right and went towards Tilton's house on the hill.