
84. Infiltration

Jon and the RA ship crew arrive near Enies Lobby. They choose Enies Lobby because the current, move from Enies Lobby to Impel Down, then to Marineford, then back to Enies Lobby. So the fastest route to Impel Down is from Enies Lobby. Not to mention Marineford is full of Marines for the upcoming war.

"Enies Lobby huh? It's just some weeks ago and i have come here again."-Jon

"Your crew is really crazy to do that kind of thing in this place. You even take down a Buster Call. How exactly did you do it?"-Hack

"It's strategy, you need to fight using your brain too. You can't win the war with strength alone, you need to think it through. I manage to fool those 5 vice admirals and slipped many bombs in their ship. Then when the time is right, i fall back and BOOM, it's finished."-Jon

"You make it sound easy, but it won't be that easy."-Hack

"Well, they are vice admirals, so i can't defeat them alone. But i can run from them right?"-Jon

"Even if you just run away from them, that is already an impressive feat."-Hack

"Enough of that, i need to go now. Give my thanks to old man Dragon."-Jon

Then Jon use the small boat that was prepared by the crew while he talk with Hack. He row the boat to the Tarai Current and when he enter the current, the boat move alone without his control. He look at the current and it is like a giant whirlpool, well it's really a giant whirlpool.

He just sit silently on the boat while looking around for the Gate of Justice. He come from Enies Lobby, so the first gate of Justice is in Impel Down. He finally see the Gate of Justice in 1 hour. Luckily, he didn't met any battleship on his way.

Jon immediately stand and jump to the sea. He run on the water and luckily his chakra control is good because he always train it. So he can run on the moving water like this whirlpool without being swept by it.

After sometime, he arrive at the Gate of Justice and he climb on it to see the situation first. He look around and see a big fortress like island, Impel Down. Altough it looks small for an island, Jon know that it become bigger as it go down. He see there are many battleships there at the entrance.

"Damn, the defense are very tight."-Jon

Jon look around the place with his sharingan first. He see many denden mushi all around the wall for surveilance. He also see many guards stay on the top of the outer fortress. He look at the sea and know there are many seakings there, because this is the calm belt that filled with seakings.

Jon make a route and plan to go undetected be it by camera, guards, or even seakings. He only have one solution right now, and can't think of another solution. He wear a seastone handcuff that left in his inventory as shoes so it will be like ship's coating. He tied it with rope so it won't fall.

Jon then use his anbu uniform with Ichigo mask like usual. He also placed his Kusanagi and seastone staff on his back so it can be pulled from his shoulder. He also wear gloves with seastone ornaments. Then he use a water prison jutsu on him, but didn't remove the air from inside.

He jump to the sea and dive a little below the surface. He keep looking below for any Seaking sign, but there is no sign of Seaking approaching him. He is relief that his made up seastone shoes works.

Jon look around and see that no one find him. He see the place is being guarded tightly, and the gate is closed. He can't go up too or he will be seen by the denden mushis. But then he see a small door beside the gate that most likely guard's door.

Jon look around and make a plan to enter the place. Then he look for denden mushi and find many of them are looking at the entrance. Jon then resurface under the bridge in front of the entrance gate. It is used as a dock for ships and the denden mushi can't see below the bridge.

Jon arrived at the end of the bridge and he is right below the entrance. He wait and see a guard walk near the bridge side. Jon throw a stone to the water and the guard hear it. The guard check it and crouch at the side of bridge. Jon immediately pull him down to the water.

The guard fall and Jon immediately follow him and pull him under the bridge. Jon knock him out and tied him under the bridge. Then, Jon transform into the guard and jump to the water. He try to looks like he swim franctically because the other guards have come after they see the guard before, fall. The other guards pull Jon up and he lay down and coughing water.

"*cough cough* i thought i would die *pant pant*"-Jon

"What happen with you? How could you fall to the sea?"-Guard A

"I hear something and want to check it, but then i slipped and fall. *cough cough* I think i see a seaking so i panicked and almost drowned. Thank you for saving me."-Jon

"You need to be more careful next time! I think you should rest for now, you must be tired."-Guard B

"Yeah, i will do that. Ah, can someone help me to move? I feel my legs become weak."-Jon

"Hahaha, you must really scared to death."-Guard A

"Well, i almost getting eaten by a seaking."-Jon

Then Guard A help Jon to walk to the guards bedroom, which is placed in the inner side. Now Jon didn't need to find a way to pass the inner bridge that being guarded too. After Jon being left alone in the room, he slip out using another face. He use a marine face that he see in the past.

He walk around the place and try to act natural. He find a map of the place and scan it with the system. He look for information first so he won't be lost. But he realize that this place is rather in chaos. Then he hear a shocking information.

Someone has infiltrate Impel Down, and it's Luffy. He arrived here before Jon and has made a chaos in this place. Jon of couse elated hearing this, but he have a bad feeling. So he try to find what happen, and it shocked him.

'Shit, he got poisoned by Warden Magellan and thrown into Freezing Hell? Fuck, i need to go there right now.'-Jon

Jon immediately run to the lift, but he didn't use the lift. He use the lift way to go down, it's the fastest way to move down. He is seen by surveilance denden mushi, but he didn't care. He need to find Luffy and save him for now, at least he hope Ivankov will find Luffy in level 5. Jon transform back to his real appearance with anbu uniform and mask.

'Don't die Luffy!'-Jon

Jon run on the wall of the lift way, and it's rather far. He see the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and finally 5th level. He has been discovered by the monitoring room. They have send some guards to stop him, but he is running straight down. He's basically jump down, so he has gone before they even come.

Jon see level 5 door that is closed, but it's not a problem for him. He activated his Yin Seal and make 5 clones. They all made a Super Big Rasengan each, and slam it to the rock beside the door. The Rasengan drilled the rock fast and after sometime, a big hole finally made.

Jon immediately run and spread his clones to search for Luffy. They look at every cell, but they can't find him at all. Jon finally remember that he has the flare from Dragon, so he lit it up. He waited there for sometime and start to feel the cold even when he flow his fire chakra to warm himself.

Sometime later, someone come to meet Jon. The guy have a unique hair, which is split into two part with different color, orange and white. Jon know he is Inazuma, Dragon have give some info about him too.

"I need to meet with Ivankov."-Jon show an RA badge from Dragon

Inazuma nod and Jon is being escorted to a hidden cave. Then they enter the cave and after they walk in some tunnels, they arrive in a room that filled with people and they are doing some kind of party. This place just look like a club house on earth or something like that.

Jon is being escorted to the stage where a man with big head and blue curly hair singing and dancing. Jon know who is this guy, 'Queen' Emporio Ivankov. Jon immediately take out the letter from Dragon and give it to Ivankov.

"Ara, what is this, mask-boy?"-Ivankov

"Dragon ask me to give it to you."-Jon

Ivankov immediately read it and he got very shocked. Jon didn't know what Dragon wrote in that letter, but he have a hunch. Dragon must have ask Ivankov to go out from here right now and help Jon save Ace.

Jon is right, in some part of it, but Dragon want Iva to go back because they will make a move soon. So Dragon need him to come out from the prison and prepare his army. Also, Dragon didn't write that Iva need to help Ace, but to help Jon.

"Dragon said i need to help you, what help do you need mask-boy?"-Ivankov

Jon take off his mask and look at Iva with his sharingan.

"I need to find my captain, 'Straw Hat' Monkey D. Luffy. I heard he is getting poisoned by Magellan and got thrown to level 5 when i infiltrate this place."-Jon

"Straw Hat-boy? We just take him earlier and he is with someone. I have treat him already, follow me!"-Ivankov

Jon happy hearing this, and he follow Ivankov. Sometime later, they arrive in front of a place that looks like a cage. Ivankov said that Luffy is inside there and is fighting the poison.

"I use my power to heal him faster, but it take 10 years of his life. But wether he survived or not, is entirely up to him. He will be cured at least 2 days later, that's the fastest already."-Ivankov

Jon look inside with his sharingan and see Luffy is full of blood all over his body and he also screaming. He widen his eyes and immediately lunged and grab Ivankov's collar.

"Is this what you mean by curing him? WHY IS HE MORE INJURED NOW?"-Jon

"That is how he fight the poison. I use my hormon power to stimulate his healing process. That's why it will take 10 years of his life. That blood is a sign that he is repelling the poison. Magellan's poison can even affect it's user, how strong do you think it is when being used on other people?"-Ivankov

Jon gritted his teeth and loosen his hands. He look at Luffy again and slam his fist to the door.


"Hey mask-boy, how can you arrive at this place so fast. If i'm not wrong, you must be the intruder that just detected in upper level sometime ago."-Ivankov

"I'm a ninja, so infiltration is an easy job for me, altough i rushed here after i know about Luffy."-Jon

"Oh, so you're ninja-boy. Also what's with your eyes? It can keep changing?"-Ivankov

"Ah, you mean this, i can turn it into red and black like this."-Jon

Jon show his sharingan and his normal eyes.

"Not that, i see you change to another red eyes"-Ivankov
