
Rising star

Tom stood on his bed, now perfectly awakened. He pinched his forearm to unsure he wasn't dreaming anymore, he was finally being asked to become like Oswald, an immortal monster.

He couldn't step back, he was willing to abandon both of his parents. Rose because she threw him to the lions, pushed by her ambition she wanted to transmit to her son. As for Florentino, he was weak, he never argued back at his mother's decisions and left his only heir in danger. Becoming a monster was the answer to Tom's broken heart, to his parent's abandon.

Soon, he was to become part of the Pack for good, he would soon catch up with he towering heads of the camp and stop looking ridiculous among the titans.

As if it was a solemn proposal, he put one kneel down on his makeshift bed and quietly nodded. His teary eyes soon let off the warm liquid on his cheeks.