
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · 奇幻
35 Chs


At room number nine.

Alex is feeling very upset about his roommates, those idiots really pissed Alex off.

'I never thought those friends of mind will be so chaotic, why am I even blaming them while they are just a bunch of idiots' Alex facepalm himself.

"Still thinking about how you were dragged out of hospital?" Alex heard Reginold's voice from above him.

"You damn idiot, I thought you will see that I am at the hospital because of your stupid health" Alex is really annoyed at All of his friends, especially Reginold.

"Ohh. The poor Alex is feeling betray" Jake said from the bed above Luke's bed.

"And here is another one that I feel really surprised that you agree with their stupid methods" Alex glared at Jake's direction.

"What about the evil guy behind all of this, don't even pretend to be asleep" Alex said as he is referring to Luke.

"Of course I am awake, I just don't want to increase to your already decreasing mental health." Luke said.

They all laughed at Alex misery.

"Don't worry I will get back to you one day" Alex said as he pull up his blanket and he pretend to be asleep.

Soon the room is silent but Alex is not a bit feeling sleepy, he just wake up and move over to there balcony and just stood there, just feeling the gentle wind.

<<System is suggesting that host should check his vault in his idle time, a nice surprised is waiting for you>>

'That's a good idea, I will check it right now. I am feeling very happy that this old shifter blah blah emperor is not here to ruin my sullen mood' Alex thought with a smile.

'Can't sleep and not feeling sleepy. Well I am feeling the same, don't worry you will not be lonely. I will be accompanying you since I just felt very active and excited.' Thinking of the mood spoiler he suddenly appears.

'My instinct tells me that something exciting is about to happen and I always trust my instinct' The shifter emperor said.

'Are you done, if you are done then let me be' Alex coldly said.

'Oh come on kid, what's with the cold replied?' The shifter Emperor questioned.

'None of your concern' Alex said.

'Okay I will give you something after this and the we let bygones be bygones' The shifter Emperor said.

'Alright that's better' Alex said as he brightly beam with smile.


<<New feature will you exchange three evolution pills for one of your bloodlines to come to life and be a being that has absolute loyalty to you?>>


Alex is amazed at the prospect of having a minion, he chose yes.

<<Which bloodline will you chose ?>>

<<Rabbit bloodline selected>>

<<pour drops of your blood into the light until this meter is full>>

Alex follow the step and he starts feeling weak but still keep on pouring.







The light is slowly taking the form of a rabbit and the aura of the rabbit keeps getting stronger and stronger.

"Wow... such a great process" Alex is amazed at how the whole process is.

'Hey gramps even if I sleep it will not disappeared right?' Alex asked.

'Firstly stop calling me gramps and secondly yes, the remaining process can still take place inside the system and you can keep the minion inside the system' Shifter Emperor explained.

'Then I will sleep and get some rest goodbye' Alex said as he went back to the room and slept on his bed.


The shifter Emperor is in the system busy interacting with someone new in the system.

"So you now all the basics and the whereabouts in this space, we can even go for a walk" The shifter Emperor said to small completely white rabbit that is curiously looking around.

The rabbit just nodded his head as he follow the shifter emperor and they walk around.

"Little one watch closely I will show you something new, you can also do it in this space." The Shifter Emperor said as he imagine many walls forming around the place and some building rising up and it just did.

The little rabbit just watch with wide eyes as new things keep emerging and popping out...

"How can I do that?" The little rabbit decide to talk now.

"Just close your eyes and sit down" The shifter Emperor said.

"But you don't have to sit down and close your eyes to do that" The little bunny rabbit complain.

"Yes I don't have to do that little one but you are just a beginner, you have to do all that" The shifter Emperor calmly explain.

'This bunny rabbit is so daring, how I wished I will used my Shifter Aura, but that will cause him to die and I am starting to like this curious little rabbit here' The shifter Emperor thought.

"Okay I will try it now" Little Rabbit said as he sat down and close his eyes.

"Now imagine a small building the same as your size emerge from the ground" the shifter emperor keep guiding the rabbit.

The little rabbit looks like he is struggling to do something extremely hard.

'But based on my estimations, the little rabbit is highly intelligent and has high potential, why is he struggling with something that easy?' The shifter emperor is starting to think that his instincts us getting old and rusted.

But soon the eyes of the rabbit suddenly relaxed and many buildings emerged from the ground.

The Shifter emperor's eyes has open so wide that you can fit a tomato into each one of his eyes.

'It seems I was not that old and can still estimate a beast potential' The shifter emperor smile approvingly at the little rabbit.

The little rabbit beamed with happiness as he see what he has done.

"Where is my Master?" The little rabbit asked.

"He is exhausted and he is currently sleeping, I will take you out and let you see how he looks and then you decide if you want to come back here or you will sleep at their room" The shifter emperor said as the little rabbit is ejected out.

'Wow he is that one with black hair sleeping under the bed of a red hair boy' The little rabbit close his eyes as he imagined a bed emerging.

But nothing happens, he try hard and hard but still no bed emerged.

'You cannot do that here, you can only do that in the white space' The little rabbit hears a voice in his mind, at first he is scared then he recognized the owner of the voice.

'How did you do that ?' The rabbit asked.

'You are not strong enough to do that' The shifter emperor said.

'Alright I will try to get stronger' with the little rabbit slept off Under Alex's bed.

Yay! i finally finish writing my exam and I ill be writing 7 or 8 chapters in a week.

Vote me with your power stones.

I will use this opportunity to make a shout out to endless stream for being the first to vote double power stones.


Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts