
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · 奇幻
35 Chs

Luke's Trouble

During night time...

'I will not let people dictate my life, been weak becomes a problem and been strong is also a problem?'

Luke kept pondering on what he was told yesterday.

He get a feeling that his friends might be better off without him or else he will be inviting troubles to them.

He is already enraged at what happen to Jake last term and he is now a volcano that is about to explode.


"Where is Luke, I know that he is feeling guilty for what happens today but this is not his fault"

Alex clenched his fist in anger, he is angry because of two things.

One, Because of those second year students mingling in their affairs and trying to break their friendship, they have even touch his reversed scale.

Two, they make the only high level friend he ever had in this life, a friend that did not chose because of his ability of talent and strength, he loves him for who he is. And now that friend is feeling guilty and bad, thinking that he is the one that puts them in this trouble.

Honestly, Alex is more enrage than Luke himself and he is blaming himself for been too weak, it seems what happens in his school life is going to repeat itself in this military school.

"Alex, where are you going?"

"I will go try to find Luke and you should do the same"

Alex turn around and left.

'I will go to the damn gym and see if I could do something, If I am lucky, Luke might be their venting out his frustrations'

At the gym...




Alex is punching so hard that his hands are bleeding, he imagines that the punching back is that damn Melo.

'Isn't their any fighting style that you could teach me'

'Their is'

'Why don't you teach me now? I really need it the most right now'

While Alex is busy conversing with the shifter Emperor...

'Isn't that the boy that has no ability, the boy that regularly went to the library?'

'How come he is this strong?'

Luna thought, Luna is a new friend of Alex, he met her in the library, she is also a bookworm like Alex and they quickly become friends.

The reason he did not tell his friends yet is because of two reasons.

First, they are not in need of any urgent member.

Second, they will tease him and said that she is not just his friend but...

'I should keep an eye on him'

Alex kept practicing two sets of weird moves.

The first move, he will pull back his body and then used his fist to punch very fast, this creates muffled explosions inside the equipment, he has been trying it since but only now did the muffled explosion occurred which made Alex very excited.

»Host has acquired: Internal Shattering Fist«

-A mystical technique created by the famous shifter emperor since he is in his youths, this technique is used to caused internal damage to target.

- Comsumes 250 energy.

The second skill is...

»Exploding Fist«

-A renowned skill of the great shifter emperor, he created it in his youths. This is a skill that the user gathers energy in his fist and punch hard at his opponents, the punch created an explosion upon contact with the target.

- Consumes 200 energy.

Finally learned it!

Alex excitement is immeasurable.

'And by the way, that white hair and red eye man, is it you?'

'If he is not me, did you mean that you are the one?'

'I have really guessed correctly, so you are so old that you have white hair' Alex teased.

'I am born with white hair, since when I was a baby, my hair is white, you fool!'

»1 level awarded for learning the two skills«

»Level 10 reached«


An excruciating pain assaulted Alex, pain the likes of which he never feel or imagined.


A loud pop sound is heard as his bones break, the bones are refined into a much stronger form and they are slowly going back to normal.

Next is his blood that seems to be chaotic, the blood are also refined and Alex could feel the changes even through all that pain.

The evolution lasted fifteen whole minute of excruciating pain but for Alex, that fifteen minutes feel like eternity.

The pain is so much that Alex can not even shout, he never imagined that their is something so painful in this life, he thought that he is about to die that time

Alex stands up and examined the new changes.

He has visibly grown taller and his hair also grown some inches, his former short hair is now replaced with a new black hair, the hair is long enough that it touches the end of his neck.

And next, is the swift flow of blood in his body, he feel his organs functioning much more better and his bones gave off the illusions of been unbreakable.

Lastly is the massive increase in both strength and speed. He now realised that his eyesight has become more better, he could see clearly in the dark.

Alex released a casual punch, but it release a loud sound.


Alex let out a laugh of excitement and satisfaction.

"I will find Luke and I will destroy who ever block my path, this is the feeling of power, to achieve my dreams and live my life without anyone stopping me, I must seek more power"

'Good, kid. Strength is the key to settling everything in life, if you have enough strength not even the military and the four great families can stop you, those are just small ants, not even the real demons can stop you. A creature that can evolve has limitless possibilities and potential, grow, evolve and conquer"

Alex's eyes burns with the fire of determination as he made a silent but strong promise to never stop seeking strength.