
The SHADOW of BLACK Clear Crystal

"All Black is not bad." Is black really represents the bad harmony? Is there truly not a beautiful thing about black and....'shadows' ? Are there really this much horrors and secrets hidden in the dark? If yes, then Why moon and stars only appears at night when it's dark? To make the night shine, to draw the darkness away? Is that really the reason? Maybe... but remember, there are soo many secrets hidden in the dark, hidden behind the overlapping of colour BLACK, none of us Know. Except those who drawn themselves to find about those secrets. To find a whole new different side of UNIVERSE. But, what we should always remember is..... "KEEP BLACK CALM"

lightingscream · 奇幻
11 Chs


"So,... one fries and one burger? is that all? " A 17 year old handsome boy ask as he's leaning on the counter where the tab is. Wearing the Macdonald's uniform with cap, black hairs slicked back profressionally with a small undercut like a famous korean idol. (Taehyung undercut like)

He had a tired and bored expression on his handsome face as he looks at the old woman in front of him.

"Yes.. that will be enough, son. " the boy straighten himself.

"okay.. that will be 5$." the old lady nods as she pays him.

"Please, wait on your table. when your number comes on this above board you can come take your order ma'am. " The handsome boy replied while trying to fake a smile.

The old woman with big glasses nods and slowly makes her way to an empty seat.

The boy after the woman gone, release a sigh of relief as he walks inside to prepare the things.

Luckily, their was no one as it was wednesday today, meaning less population, less work. His co-workers, lance and jenny outside talking as he dips the chips in the hot oil.

"God...why did i agree on this job.. " The boy muttered annoyed as he start working on making burger while forgetting the chips in hot oil due to his focus on cursing all his previous bosses. Its not like his boss of here is bad. No, she is a very, i mean very nice lady. Always specially keeping eyes on HIM.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a burning smell.

The boy frown his eyebrows and looks around while muttering a, "who might be burning? " just then his eyes lands on the burning chips.

"Holy shit! " The boy cursed as he immediately grab a towel and turn off the fire trying to stop the burn or anything but instead he did the opposite. As, when he bring his hand down blowing the burns by the towel. HIS powers, used this opportunity and instead of making everything right. It only turns out more worst. As, smoke starts surrounding the whole kitchen of the MACDONALDS, he works in.

"No, no, no, no, please no! " The boy tried to control the smoke but it wasn't helping instead only more smoke leaving his hands and surrounds the whole kitchen like he burned something well in fact he did but not this much.

"Scar.. what's this Smell-OH SHIT! SCAR WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DID THIS TIME!? LANCE! THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE!!!" jenny yelled as she comes inside but starts coughing due to the smoke and burning smell.

Poor chips forgotten already as Scar aka Scarlet yelled back.

"Big sis jenny! I swear I don't know what's going on here!! "

"What's happening - OH MY GOD! SCAR!!! " lance yelled as both he and jenny tries to calm down the burning smoke out of the kitchen.

"Why haven't the fire alarms, or whatever they called, start yet? " just this said by jenny and fire alarms broke and both three workers were drained in water.

After the little unintentional, shower. both three were dripping wet.

"Wha - Hahahah! " another 15 year old looks of a beautiful Asian girl, with long natural shades hairs open, eagle type beautiful eyes filled with black pencil, wearing the Macdonalds uniform and hat and start laughing looking at three workers.

"Oh God! Brother, Scar let me guess. You did it again! " Scar rolled his eyes at the new girl.

"Shut up, Cactus. "

The new girl gasp ofendedly.

"Yah! its Catriel! C. A. T. R. I E. L! " the girl named catriel focuses on each letter of her name.

"And I. don't. care" Scar or scarlet replied back as both him and catriel galres at each other like siblings, well, in fact they both are siblings as they both are from same orphanage and are the oldest their among children.

Scarlet being 17 while catriel being 15, well almost 16 as her 15 birthday coming on 30 December and while scar 18 birthday on way being 31 December.

While it's september. Excat date 3 september. So, it's not quite that close. They still have to wait.

Anyways, back to novel, They both also goes to same school with one class difference as catriel skips classes because fortunately , she was very genius and intelligent so they just promote her to upper class, while on other hand, scarlet is the opposite but he wasn't held back a year.

And not only that, they both work together as well.

lol, that's the best part.

Which lead to right now.

"Stop bickering with each other. you both gonna loose your jobs, do you care about that? " jenny said while cleaning the kitchen similar with lucas.

"Yah! sure.. I am gonna leave this job AGAIN ,only because of YOU." catriel says with a smirk to scar who was boiling in anger ready to pounch upon her but hold himself and just roll his eyes muttering a "whatever, just leave already"

"I will be out for orders and oh! prepare the old woman's order first, brother~" scar gritted his teeths at catriel as she runs outside to take orders while older three works on cleaning the kitchen before.. their boss arrives.

"I SWEAR TO GOD! MISTER. SCARLET YOU ARE FIRED!!!! " come a yelling voice of their boss from outside making the said one wince as he rub his ear while older two just sigh and shakes their head.

'here we go again... .' was the thing running through the two oldest minds.

"Sorry, ma'am, if my brother's fired then i am giving my resign. Hope this place burns in the deepest part of hell~ come on, bro, let's leave. " soon after she said, catriel comes forward and drag a 'already-used-to-this' scar to the worker's room and after both changing in their clothes, they makes their way out.

Their 'ex-boss'yelling at them but after a glance at each other while stopping in front of the exit door, they both turns to their fifth 'ex-boss', behind them and show her their middle fingers while smirking before running out of the MACDONALDS, while laughing and leaving two trying hard to not laugh their older co-workers and a cursing yelling at them angry boss.

but did they both care? of course not!!

It's their life, they could do anything about it.

Both the un-blood brother and sister kept walking with their bag packs behind their bags.

Scarlet wearing a jeans pant with white upper and his black combat shoes while catriel wearing a white knee long frok with an abstract design made on the dress with her full sleeve jeans jacket and black pants, her brown small boots, a purple mufler as the weather is cold and small water pounds were here and there as it was the rainy season and the rain just stop an hour ago.

Night lights were already On as the sun sets.

Catriel rubs her arms with her both hands and sigh as smoke comes out of her mouth, it was this cold.

Scarlet looks at her and ask.

"Cold? " catriel looks besides her, at her brother and smiles.

"Just a little chill. No worriers." She turns back to look at the front as they both walking the path on the side of road. Empty roads.

Scarlet hums as he looks down.

"Why did you resign? " catriel looks at scarlet with a 'are-you-kidding-me-look' before starts laughing looking at front again.

"Is it even worth asking? You already know, why i resign." catriel looks at scar and they both smile at each other.

"Why you! I swear to God, mrs. evergreen gonna kill us both one day!"

"I want to see her trying!" catriel answers as they both laugh and scarlet shakes his head at his un-blood sister while smiling.

After few seconds of both just enjoying each other company, they reach at a park and sits on the empty swings, in the cold weather. There was no one else as the weather was cold and second cause it was past 8 or something.

"What happened back there?" ask catriel as she still looking up at the cloudy sky. Scarlet gives a glance at her before turning back to look at the ground.

"I-I am not sure...cat...it's getting out of control and I still didn't know what they meant or why even I have them!" scarlet release a frustrated sigh as he grab his head in his hands while slowing down the swing to a stop.

Catreil looks at scarlet and sigh as she place a hand on his shoulder making scarlet looks up from his hands to her. She paced a small smile at him before saying,

"We will get through it together, i promise you." catriel raise her right hand pinky as her left hand falls from scarlet right shoulder to grab the string the swing attached to.

Scarlet smile at catreil and attach their pinkies together.

"We will." both smiles at each other as they both repeats their enchanment of the pinky promise.

"No matter,if it's dark or light, day or night, summer or winter, we are together and we will always be with each other. we will get through all of this together, no matter what our Future holds. We will Fight! We will show the world who we are. no matter if we are orphans. We are together and will be and we promise. If we broke this promise, we will both die."

And they both laugh, now smiling and laughing.

Oh, How they both wish. the time stops their where they both are just 'themselves' and have no one to pretend what they are not.


Chapter.No.1 (complete)


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