
The Shackled Fairy and the Duke's Curse

Lily, the last surviving high fairy, has managed to escape the imperial family's dungeon, although left with a deep fear of humans due to the true nature she has seen in them, However, when she has an encounter with the so-called monstrous duke she somehow doesn't feel that fear she usually does. Instead seeing the sweet caring side of him. A fated encounter between the two and secrets that loom over each other's heads at all times. A looming threat in the darkness, and feelings neither has experienced before.

ImEvee · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

Prologue: Freed by Sacrifice

"How long have I been here... in this desolate prison of mine?" Lily screamed, her mental state gradually eroding more and more. It had been years of solitary confinement except for the attendants who brought her food. But even that was nothing more than a quick, silent interaction, with them staring at her with eyes of disdain.

Suddenly, a loud burst slammed the door open. Lily quickly retracted to the corner away from the door, her body shaking almost instinctively as tears swelled in her scarlet eyes. Her long, dirty platinum hair messily covered her face.

"Please, no more. I can't stand it. Please, stop," she kept repeating, tucking her head into her knees.

"Lily, there's no need to be scared. It's me, okay? Calm down. We don't have much time before the guards reach here," a girl with a soft voice said.

Looking up, she saw a familiar face. Annie. Annie was the one person who didn't look at her with disdain. They had become friends over the years Lily had been there, and she was the main reason Lily managed to stay sane being locked up for so long, unknowingly to everyone else, of course.

"Annie? What are you doing here?" Lily said, her voice trembling.

"I'm here to free you, Lily. No one deserves a life of suffering like this," she said with a smile.

"Free me? Do you know what you're saying? You could be beheaded for that!" Lily stammered.

"I'm glad you understand the consequences of what I'm doing, but there's no time to keep talking," grabbing Lily by her hand, she started running, rushing out of the prison room she had been kept in.

"What? Am I going to be free?" she said abruptly, but she had no strength to fight against it.

"You will, I promise."

Soon, a rumble of footsteps and clanking armor could be heard catching up, just as they had reached the door.

"I didn't think they'd be so quick. We've got to hurry!" Annie said.

Just as they stepped out of the doors, Lily covered her eyes, sensitive to the bright light after so much time in the darkness. Slowly, she opened them to see an expanse of green around them - a beautiful forest - and the scent of fresh air she had been waiting to smell again for so long.

"It's all so beautiful," she said softly.

"It truly is," Annie replied with a warm smile. "When we enter the forest, there will be a magic circle. Make sure to quickly step into the middle of it."

Not long after, Lily spotted the magic circle and stepped into the middle.

"What do I do now?" Lily said nervously, as she could see the knights quickly running towards them.

"Nothing, just stand there," she said quickly, placing a small blue rock in the middle, causing the circle to glow.

"Wow, so this is human magic," Lily said, almost curiously.

"It is. It's nothing compared to fairy magic, of course, though," she chuckled. "This circle will take you to the entrance of a manor. Tell them that Annie Enzlock sent you, and they'll let you in."

"Why are you saying that as if you won't be there too?" Lily replied nervously. She had a bad feeling, but she didn't want to accept it; she refused to.

Annie smiled warmly, although there was sadness behind her eyes. "Magic circles can only take one person at a time with this level of mana crystal."

"No, that can't be. You have to come with me. Why would you, y-you have to come with me, why would you sacrifice your life for someone like me..."

"It is strange, isn't it? Hehe. I have my own circumstances. My death was already fated. I wouldn't mind using what's left of my time to save you, my dear friend," she said softly, patting Lily on the head.

The circle grew even brighter as it slowly enveloped her in bright warm light.

"It seems our time is up. Just make me a promise, Lily, please. Please live happily. You deserve it after all of this pain," she said with a smile, turning away and stretching her arms out to guard Lily.

"I promise..." she said, tears running down her cheeks.

As the light fully enveloped her, her conscience slowly faded to black.