
The Second Demon

What happens when the first demon that Muzan turned happened by accident due to his ignorance? ~ What happens when that demon's soul couldn't handle the stress, dies and his body was thrown away? ~ And what happens when a foreign soul got reincarnated into the body of the said demon? ~ Follow this story as we explore the journey of the second demon as he strive to live in the world of Kimetsu No Yaiba and alter the fates of the characters. ~ Kimetsu No Yaiba doesn't belong to me, I only own my OC characters, all other characters in Kimetsu No Yaiba Belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge Sensei. ~ Trigger goes click click, Pigs go eat eat, Please Read this fanfic, You might like it. .. ... Did..did that rhyme? Do..do you like it? FYI!! The Cover Picture is not mine, I only edited it a little bit!

TediousHamster · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Chapter 13: The Truth

??? POV

After hours of walking, we can finally see the faint silhouette of the village. Only that this time, it was brighter than usual from afar, we thought that the village was burning, so we rushed back expecting the worst.

....but what we found was quite anti-climatic, there was fire yes, but it was not burning the village down. It was made by the villagers, to cook food and to warm their bodies as they feast.

We asked the villagers at the edge of the feast the cause of the celebration and where did they get all the food. They told us that a person hunted all the wolves inside the hunting grounds and brought the whole village for a feast.

We were quite surprised to hear that someone managed to wipe out all the wolves, we're also a bit excited to meet the one who did all this, he might be a mighty or wise man to be able to pull of such a feat.

We walked towards the center of the feast, since that's where the honored guests and the chief always sit during such occasions.

We saw the chief and leader's father talking to someone that had a wrapped cloth covering his head, is that the one who hunted all the wolves?

We weren't that far from them, that's when it happened.

He took off the wrapped cloth and showed his face.

The first thought I had was, 'Shit.' My second thought was, 'Oh, shit!'

And that's exactly what happened, one of the idiots instantly nock an arrow on his bow, aimed at the man and shoots him.

I thought that the man would've died instantly, who would've thought he caught it quite easily at this distance? Maybe he really is a demon, no normal human could've pluck an arrow from the air that easily.

'Okay, okay. *phew, maybe we can still salvage the-'


'*sigh*, of course, why do I even bother?'

Our, oh so 'mighty' leader charges the man, axe raised high while he shouts in anger.

'why the hell is he shouting anyway? It's not like it will make you stronger.'

The man moves from his position at an abnormal speed, a loud thud resounded and the leader's back grew larger in front of my eyes.

'shit-', then everything turned dark as I feel pain on my face.

Mc Pov

An idiot charged at me with his axe raised, shouting loudly with an excited expression on his face.

I act instantly and charges at him with my fastest speed. I hit him hard on the guts with my right shoulder, which sends him flying back towards what I think is his entourage. Oh, his axe also flew away from his hand and fell a bit further away from him.

'Ah, he slammed at one of the dude's face, yeouch, that's gotta hurt.'

The group was frantically trying to help the idiot to stand up, one of them checked on the guy that got squashed by said idiot.

The sound of frantic steps could be heard coming from behind me, it went past me and I saw that it was the chief and the big guy next to him. They then stopped in front of the group.


yeouch, that was an unexpected loud voice from the old chief. The big man next to him strode towards the idiot, who already stood up and looking at them with defiance.

"Father! I-" He couldn't finish his words as the big man slugged him across the face, this caused him to fall down to the ground once again.

The big guy looked at him with a stoic expression on his face, "You have a lot of guts, showing yourself in front of us after what you've done"

The son held his left cheek with this hand while trembling. His shocked expression stayed for a moment before turning into anger once again. I noticed his other hand shaking and clenching the snow, yup, dude must be mad.

He slowly stood up, both of his hands are now on his sides, he glared at his father, "I did what was good for the village! All of you should be thanking me, I-bwargh" He started gesturing wildly with his hands.....before getting kicked on the face, the nose to be exact.

He was sent flying backwards once more, this time the lackeys were prepared and caught him, the other guy that fell after catching the idiot with his face is now standing far in the back, rubbing his nose while watching the situation closely, the person that checked him before standing next to him.

I blinked in confusion, because the one that kicked the fool wasn't the big man.

It was the old chief, man's got a mean kick.

"*huff, huff*, h-how dare you s-say something like that..*huff, huff*, you, you unfilial...urgh"

The old man trembled and huffed while glaring at the person he kicked who I assume might be his grandkid. He then speaks with a trembling voice, huffing in between. Suddenly he put a hand on his chest, before plopping down to the ground.



The chief's son rushed towards him alongside some villagers before kneeling on the ground next to the chief.

"Father! Calm down! Take a deep breath father!"

"*inhale, exhale*, *inhale, exhale*, *inhale, exhale*"

The chief started to calm down a bit after taking deep breaths, although he still seems to be in a pain. The chief's son and the villagers who approached the chief sigh a breath of relief.

Too bad the calm doesn't last long, the chief's son now glares at his son in anger, he stood up to his full height before striding towards his son with a stoic expression on his face...I can see a few veins on his neck face though, also his fist is being clenched real hard that blood started dripping from it.

The son was still holding his nose in pain, he removed his hand as he looks at his father, his expression instantly changed into fear, his entourage turn pale and back off further away from him, leaving an empty space behind him. He started to step backwards but it was too late.

The big man pulled his right hand back before delivering a mean haymaker towards his son....and it strike right on his nose once again.

He was sent flying, flipping once in mid-air before falling to the ground with a thud.

...wow...he ain't dead yet right? I wouldn't want to eat this jerk as my first time.

"All of you, get lost." He says towards the entourage.

He told the other villagers to get him a rope and tie his son before dragging him to the chief's house. A few villagers went to do as he asked, he approach the chief and helped him to stand up, albeit slowly.

" Father, how are you feeling? Would you like to go home and rest?"

"*sigh*, I'll live...hopefully, let's go back home after apologizing to Ryu-sama."

Both of them then approached me, the chief walking slowly towards me with the help from his son.

"Ryu-sama, I apologize for my foolish grandson's actions and hope you'll find forgiveness in your heart to forgive him for what he has done. In turn, please let us punish the idiot, we'll be sure to discipline him better this time." The chief bowed with his son.

I step closer to the chief and put my hands on both of their shoulder. "It's fine. Please raise your head, both of you."

The chief and his son raise their bodies before giving me a smile…or at least what I hope is a smile from the son.

"Thank you Ryu-san, now I would like to-"


The three of us snap our heads towards the voice and saw a person standing a bit further away from us. He looks at the villagers around him before looking at us.


He raised both of his hands and gestured to the villagers.


His left hand reaches into his clothes.


His right hand points at me.

"IS A-"

He pulled a roll of paper from inside his clothes.


Unfurls it and shows it to everyone.

I can clearly see that it is a wanted poster of me, my name, the so called 'crime' I've committed and the lucrative reward that'll be given to anyone who kills me.

Murmurs were heard from the villagers, I look over at them and saw some of them holding papers, looking at it before looking back at me, as if confirming the so called drawing of mine.

'What the fuck? Where did they-oh….Ohhhh, dammit he got me good. He must've given it to his friends to spread it among the villagers.'

"He was a demon all along?"

"I told you we shouldn't have trusted a stranger."

"50 girls!? Those poor souls."

Such murmurs was like clear voices to me, shit, this isn't good for me.

'....should I kill em all?' I consciously flex my fingers and wiggles them around. If I'm gonna kill em all, I'm aiming for the healthier one's first, the chief's son and....the Okitsu's and Akagiri's.

I unconsciously looks at them, they were looking at me closely too...probably anticipating my next action. I glanced over at the axe that flew of the idiot's hands...it's not that far away from me.

Gotta have a plan if push comes to shove. First kill the chief for distraction, then kill his son. Jump towards axe, grabs it, kill the instigator. Charges Arai and Kibo, kill em both with a chop from said axe and eliminate em all.

'Or..i can just escap-'


My thoughts stopped after hearing that voice, it came from one of the villagers. My head unconsciously snapped at said voice and saw an old man sitting there looking at the instigator.

"So what if he's a wanted man?" He spoke once again.

"So what if he's demon?" he slowly rose to his feet.

"Because all that matters to me.." He then look at me and gave me a smile.

"Is that he helped me, he helped us. After we've been abandoned by our lord, after no help was sent." He gestured to the surrounding villagers, causing the murmurs to stop.

He then looks at the instigator, "Tell me boy, would a 'demon' who killed 50 girls risk himself to hunt packs of wolves just to feed strangers?"


"Tell me, would a 'demon' carry the wolves, bloodied and battered all over for strangers?"

"Would a demon really go through all that? Just for what? Amusement?"

He then gestured with both hands towards the surrounding villagers once again, "The only demon I see here is something called ungratefulness!"

Murmurs started once again among the villagers, only with a sadder tone of voice of compared to before.

"He's right, would a demon really go through all that trouble?"

"I told you he could be trusted...why are you looking at me like that?"

"We shouldn't have doubted our benefactor, *sigh*"

'Wow...that actually worked? Not that I'm complaining'

The instigator looks around with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.

"*cough*, was that all you have to say T-?"

"Tarou! You insolent fool!" A man ran out of the crowd and smacked the speaker on the back of his head. Hard.

This made him stumble a bit as he grunt in pain, his left hand reached towards the back of his head and started to turn around and face the man. The man however moved swiftly, he grabs the back of Tarou's head as he kicks him on the back of his knees using his legs and practically slammed his head to the ground.

Thus Tarou ended up in the classic, 'I fail to recognize Mount Tai' position....the kowtow position that is. The man followed suit with a kowtow as well, with one of his hands holding the back of Tarou's head.

"I apologize for my son's rudeness, Yamato-sama! Please find it in your noble heart to forgive his transgression against you."

I didn't say anything and stayed silent as I stare at their figures.

'This seems so...familiar....as if I've done the same thing in my previous life.'

I shook my head to clear my thoughts before directing my attention towards the father-son figure once again. I gave them a smile, "Think nothing of it, No harm was done. Please raise your heads."

He raised his head to look at me before smacking his forehead on the ground once again, "Thank you for your mercy!"

He lifted his head before giving his son a glare, "You idiot, are you mute now? Weren't you yapping passionately just now? You won't even bother apologizing?"

Tarou's body shook for a moment before he suddenly yanked his head backwards, throwing his father's hands off from behind the back of his head.

He then proceeds to slam his head unto the ground, hard.

"Forgive me, Yamato-sama. I'm sorry for accusing you of something so sinister!"

"*sigh, it's fine. I forgive you, please raise your head."

He raise his head to look at me before nodding once, "Thank you for your mercy."

His father give him a side glance, a small smile form on his lips for a moment before it turn into a thin line once again.

"*sigh, come boy let's leave, we wouldn't wanna continue wasting Yamato-dono's time."

He stands up, and pats Tarou's head. Tarou nods once before standing up as well.

"You must be hungry yes?"

Tarou nods.

His father grins, "Then come with me, let's enjoy the feast. A happy tummy makes a happy man."

He then taps his son on the shoulder before walking towards the other villagers, towards the foods to be exact.

Tarou walks behind his father but pauses after taking a few steps, he looks back at me, as if thinking about something.

He then turns around once again and continue following his father after staring at me for a moment longer.

I stare at their backs for a few moments before turning my gaze away.

"*cough*,continue with the feast!

A loud voice practically exploded and filled the whole place, the villagers then slowly turn their gazes and attention away from me as they resume the feast.

I look towards the source of the voice, it wasn't that far away from me, merely a few meters to my right. It was the village chief's son.

The chief turns towards me and gave me a smile, "Well..seems like that turn out just fine...I think the feast can still go on a bit longer, perhaps I'll stay here for a bit more...what about you Ryu-...no,should I call you Yamato-sama now?"

"*sigh*, you can call me whatever you want I suppose..."

He grins, "Very well then. Ryu-sama, what would you like to do now?"

"At this moment? I just want to rest for a little bit."

"Hmm, so you'll be leaving the feast?

"Unfortunately yes, I'll be leaving early. Also, I'm still tired from all the hunting I did before."

Realization dawned on the chief's face as he nods his head.

"Ahh...forgive me, I didn't think of that. I forgot that you must be tired from all the hard work. I understand, would you like to rest in one of the vacant houses?"

I shook my head, "No, I already have a place to rest...well, a place I might be able to rest at."

I turn my gaze away from the chief and he follows my line of sight, we both came face to face with the gaze from the Okitsu's and the Akagiri's.

"Ohhh...of course, you did enter the village with them. It's only natural for you rest at their place. I understand."

I nod my head before directing my gaze towards him once more. "Well then chief, I'll ask them if I can rest at their place for the night. Enjoy the feast."

He gave me another smile, "Thank you, Ryu-sama. Have a good rest."

I nod as a reply before turning around and walking towards the two families.

I open my mouth once I reach them, but was cut off before I could even say anything.

"You can rest at our place." Kibo spoke calmly.

(A/N:Getting Dumbledore vibes here...)

I was a bit surprised since Kibo always seems and acts like he doesn't trust me, but for him to offer such a thing unhesitantly like this seems...kinda sus.

"Our place might not be as big as the Okitsu's, but it's still quite big. Also, we have less kids so there's more space for us all."

He then puts right palm on top of his chest, "It will be an honor if you would rest at our place, Yamato-sama"

I covered my face with my right hand as I sigh tiredly, I removed my hands before looking straight at him, "*sigh, thank you, I'll take you on that offer than. But please just call like before, It feels weird being called Yamato after all this time."

He gave me a smile, in fact both family gave me a smile..well, except for Arai and all the kids.

"Ohh, of course Ryu-sama."

I hold my hand up towards him, "And no sama please, I'm not a noble anymore, merely a fellow commoner."

Kibo opened his mouth but didn't manage to finish whatever he wanted to say and stumbled forward a bit instead. A hand wrapped around his neck and a head pops from behind him and rest on his shoulder.

It was Sora and boy was she grinning, "Even if you're no longer a noble, it doesn't change the fact that you're our benefactor you know? You saved my kids and husband, you shared your hunt with us and hunted for the whole village to have a feast."

She wiggles her right index finger in the air playfully, "So, we still need to show our respect to you. R.y.u.s.a.m.a"

Kibo and I sigh at the same time, we then look at each other before smiling.

I rub the back of my head as I close my eyes, "Well, fine..do as you please then."

I then felt a tug in my legs, so I opened my my eyes and look at the source of the tugging. There I saw the two twins, Sara and Youra, both of them gripping my nagagi.

"Will you be..."

"Living with us?"

Both of them had a glimmer of expectations and excitement in their eyes as they look up to my face, as if discerning wether I'm telling the truth or not.

I smile at both of them before patting them both on the head gently, "Of course kiddos, I'll be living with all of you for a while..is that okay?"

They both beam happily and nods vigorously. Both of them then went to my left and right side respectively, hands still gripping my clothes.

"We'll guide you..."

"To our home then..."

They started pulling me, as if trying to make me move along with them. Too bad, they both got knocked lightly in the head by the older twins.

"Enough both..."

"Of you..."

"We'll guide him..."

"Back ourself..."

Then they both get knocked on the head 'lightly' by Sora. Both of them covered their head as they let out a pained yelp.

"Kin! Gin! No violence!"

A hand rests on her shoulder, "Now, now. No need to hit them wife. Kids, you can all go and guide him to our house first..then leave him to rest okay?"

"Yes father!" Both twins exclaimed simultaneously.

We then started to walk away from the feast, back to the house.

I didn't notice Kibo dons a serious face before looking at his wife who has the same expression on her face. He then turns around and looks at Arai, he returns Kibo's gaze before grunting and nodding slightly.

Narrator P.O.V

Hoemi looks worriedly at Arai while Sora glanced at her husband, before sighing and resting her right hand on top of Kibo's shoulder.

"Don't worry too much...he's a good kid, he won't harm them, us."

Kibo shook his head, "That's not what I'm concerned with...there is no smoke without fire. It won't hurt to be extra careful."

"*sigh, well...that is true..let's get on with the preparation after the kids come back then."

Meanwhile, the Okitsu's kids were having their own fun on the opposite side of the parents. Well, at least one of them.

'I would like to follow them but, I have to look after the kids...also, since I don't have anything to do even if I follow them.' Gudo munches on his food while staring at the back of the Akagiri's and the Mc.

'Awawawa, he was moving vigorously just then. I hope his injury won't open up again, I should ask if I can help him re-bandage his wounds later on.' A worried expression appears on Minako's face while she eats quietly.

'Hmmm, a noble huh? Also, a runaway criminal at that..escaping from pursuers day and night, hiding identity by wearing mask, helping others that he comes across with...how...how fun! How adventurous!' Hana had a serious expression on her face, her chin was resting on her hand. In her mind though, she was grinning and blushing as she imagines her own 'adventure'. Much like our Mc.

'Huh...turns out he did had a secret...oh wow, quite a big one too...hmm, I wonder if he really is a demon..' Taka twirls his meat while staring at it.

"*munch, *munch, nyummy~" Ichi was enjoying the food without care, oblivious to his surroundings.

Mc P.O.V

The Akagiri kids left and return to the feast, they told me to make myself at home. They even prepared the bed for me. Honestly, those kids are cute...well the younger siblings at least.

I was currently sitting in the Akagiri's living room. A lamp was lit in the middle of the room. The illumination from it barely lights up the whole room and makes for a creepy vibe.

But to hell with that, I'm currently a demon and the only thing I'm supposed to fear of is the sun...for now that is.

'Well, no sense in resting if you can't sleep...I better try to meditate again, perhaps something is different this time?'

I then enter my meditation stance, not long after my consciousness started to drift away.

I opened my eyes and saw white all over me.

'Seems like I've returned.' I then turn around and saw the red blob floating there.

'No time to play this time, gotta make it quick.' I went towards the blob before jumping and landing in top of it.

I look at the red star, it's still there, blood red in all it's glory. Sitting on top of the blob...menacingly.

I blink and shook my head before pressing the star with my right index finger. I then lifted my finger, the translucent screen appears in front of my face once more. The whole screen was empty except for a..mic? logo in the middle of the screen.

I then slowly reach over with the same index finger before pressing the logo.

'Must be the password...lemme just try it.'


I let go of the logo, the screen then buzz for a sec before a word appeared in the middle of the screen.

Affirmative." then it dissapears once again. Then all was silent for a moment.

"....huh..is that a-"

Then the whole place shook and tremble, as if an earthquake of a never before seen magnitude was happening and I'm right in the middle of the epicenter.

"W-WHAT THE HELL!?" I lost my balance and started to fall backwards. But I force my upper body to fall forwards and ride the momentum to dive to the top of the sphere. I the plop on top of it and hang on for dear life.

Not long after, the quaking subsided and I lifted my head to look around. Everything was as it is before, calm and quiet. I sigh in relief....which is short-lived as the blob rolled once and I was thrown away from it.

I yelped in surprise, then I groan in pain as I land on the ground face first and clean a good 10-20 cm of the floor with my face.

"Ah ouch, dammit...why so sudden-"

"Cause this is my seat."

I pause at the sudden interruption, my head then snap towards said voice. Then I saw him sitting on top of the red blob.

He wears a yellow chap with an exposed crotch, a green heart-shaped knee guards on both of his knees. He dons a yellow jacket with a tight tank-top underneath that emphasizes his big boobs...

.....Hol up....boobs?

I blinked as I stare at dem boobs, I blink rapidly before rubbing my eyes, in case it was all a dream...the boobs were still there, I can even see the nipples.

I snap my sight towards the face of said figure and saw a woman with golden eyes that seems to be gazing at me like a predator, blond short hair that seems like a lion's mane, untamed and wild. A green heart-shaped circlet was on her forehead, her green lips were smirking devilishly. All this beautiful feature were etched upon a jade like oval face. It almost seems as if she was a piece of...art.

(A/N:Basically this peeps, in the comment section.)

Thus, no one would blame me if I couldn't hold my tongue in front of such a beauty no?

"Fuck me."

...yeah, no one would blame me.

She blinks as a surprised expression appears on her face for a moment before she starts snickering, then she laughs loudly for a few moment.

Oh god, even her voice is beautiful...shit I think I'm gonna have a boner...

"*chuckle, how amusing. Even a memory change couldn't change who you are fundamentally huh?"

'Ah....I might just org-wait....change memory?'

I blink before shaking my head to clear my thoughts, then I look at her in the yes once again.


She then chuckles as she hold her gaze. "Yeah, before I explain let me hold my end of the bargain first.."

She then raise her right hand and hold up three fingers. The index, middle and ring finger.

'Oh, her nails are green...those long nails look soo delicious, I want her to scratch my back with it while we do it like crazy. Those soft finger-Wait, snap out of it! FOCUS!!'

I slapped both of my cheeks. Hard. The sound resounded in the area. I then took a deep breath before releasing it. Then I directed my gaze towards her once again. She was still smirking as she looks at me, her fingers still in the same position from before.

"Don't mind me, continue please."

"*chuckle..very well then, as promised from our bet....I'll be giving you three truths, as you've requested before."

I gulped nervously as I waited in anticipation. She merely chuckled in amusement, before folding her ring finger.

"First....I'm not your enemy..."

I nod to the first truth...she blinks before folding her middle finger.

"Second...I'm not the one who reincarnated you."

I blink in confusion and opened my mouth to ask, she however shakes her head and pointed her index finger towards me.

"Lastly...your death..."

"....was a lie..."

Have no fear, update is here

I'm back baby!

Aight folks, no worries I'm still alive...just going through the annual lazy author phase...aight, I'm gonna continue updating for my dear readers...gotta fix this lazyness muahahhahahah.

Hope you enjoy this! Ciao~

Hamsters, rolling awayy~~

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts