

Edwin had been a follower of Maria long before she was bestowed a noble title. It was only after she was bestowed the title, and stopped actively being a mercenary, did he also quit the job, and take up a job as her butler. 

It was needless to say, that he had seen a lot of odd things in his fifty years of living. They had even encountered a dragon once when he was in the same party as Maria. In addition to this, he was not a devout believer. Therefore, whenever people spoke of ghosts and the such, he simply refused to believe such matters. 

However, when a boy appeared suddenly before him, even him, who had been a mercenary for so many years, had the right to be surprised. 

The boy was tall, but not as tall as the one Maria had adopted into the family. His eyes were a silver blue, and his skin was a light chocolate. If anything, Evy's skin was much darker than his was.