
At The East (3)

What does destiny want us to do?

Why can't they let us be happy?

Just for a while, I want to be yours.

And now…I have nothing but your memories.

Qin Qiao


"Is she?" Qin Qiao asked me. "Shui Jing, I asked you! Do you know what they are doing to me?!" This time Qin Qiao shouted at me. I can see how hurtful he is. Actually it is not just him who feels hurt but me as well.

"They?! What do you mean with 'they'?"

"Shui Jing…seems like you have forgotten everything." Qin Qiao looked at me through his moist eyes. "It's all because of them." He takes a breath before Qin Qiao stared at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked again but he seemed so hesitant to tell me.

"Shui Jing, Do you know? Your family is not righteous as you think. "

"Qin Qiao…Don't…"