
At The East (1)

Why is my home not the same anymore?

Is this hear still in the same place?

Shui Jing


Brother Xu's country is still the same as before even My country was destroyed. Perhaps Qin Qiao cannot reach this place considering the people have to pass my country first then Brother Xu country. We live in the same East but now there is a big wall between my country and brother Xu country. I am standing on the upstairs terrace so I can see my destroyed land from above. There is not anything except empty land without any trees or buildings, just new grass that grows and creates a green colour over there.

"Shui Jing, don't see anymore." Brother Xu's voice made me come back to my soberness.

I turned around to see Brother Xu who was standing behind me. I take a deep breath before looking in the same direction. That is my country.

"Shui Jing, are you alright?" He asked
