

Tonight was the night before our wedding. Two years have gone by since we got back together and we decided to tie the knot 1 year in. I was finally free of my medication and delusions for a year and a half now. It was a long, hard journey but it paid off in the end. Summer supported me while she got help for her PTSD. There were still some cracks unfilled but we work through them together when they show up.

Summer was happier after she received a call from the police department, they asked her to come in and discuss the investigation they started after Chloe was kidnapped. They had managed to find Brad at a dance club and arrested him on kidnap and attempted murder charges. It was like we could finally breathe and be free from all the bad luck that we had endured. Summer grew her hair out to her natural blonde and opened up completely since then.

The boys and I finished our tour four months back and plan on going on another one in a few months from now. We all went back home to catch up with friends and family but it was mostly to relax and work on new songs. I bought Summer and I a house, a couple miles out of town, with all the money the band made. Our album hit number one on the billboard charts and we threw a big bash in New York since that's where we were at that time.

We've been planning the wedding the whole time we've been back. Our parents were ecstatic and helped in any way they could. The wedding would be at the beach on the other side of town. Everyone pushed us to stay apart tonight but Summer and I wasn't afraid of bad luck. We've had a lifetime of it, one night together before the wedding wouldn't change that.

Summer only refused to show me the dress which I was perfectly okay with. Whatever she wore down the aisle wouldn't change my feelings towards her. I knew she'd look as beautiful as ever and I'm so happy that I get to call her wife in half a day's time. Reese would obviously be my best man and surprisingly Natalie made friends with Summer and was her maid of honor.

We were up late from the excitement we felt for tomorrow. I held Summer close to me on the couch, we were watching a movie before heading off to bed for the big day. Everyone freaked knowing we'd be together tonight, but we were fine with it. We wanted to be together and no one was going to stop us.

A knocking at the door interrupts my thoughts and I look over at Summer but she just shrugs in response. It was almost ten at night and neither one of us had been expecting anyone to come over. I get up to answer it, when I do there's a man wearing a leather jacket with a gun holstered to his belt. He had a nine o'clock shadow and ruffled up hair that looked like it hadn't been washed. There were two other guys behind him dressed the same way with harsh expressions.

"Can I help you?" I ask in confusion.

"Yes, you can." He coldly stares down at me.

"No..." Summer breathes out in a state of shock as she peaks out from behind me. I look between them suspiciously and it dawns on me. This was the guy. "You're supposed to be locked up!"

"You best believe I'm back." He snarls back at her and I step back placing more distance between the two of them. "You didn't think I'd forget about you did you?"

"How long?" Summer asks. This wasn't supposed to happen, we were supposed to be happy.

"Does it matter? Didn't I tell you that I have the police wrapped around my finger?" He states loud and proud holding his finger up righteously. "I'm untouchable."

"Then why did you wait until now to come?" She cries in frustration, holding tightly to the back of my shirt.

"Time is of the essence." He shrugs as if it's obvious. "A little birdy told me you two were marrying each other, a perfect opportunity." He points between the two of us.

"Who?" I speak. Someone we had invited was clearly working for this horrid man, I was sure I could trust everyone around us and now I wasn't so sure.

"I would've stopped by tomorrow but there would be too many witnesses." He smirks stepping forward ignoring my question and signals the two guys behind him to follow him inside. "I've always wanted to crash a wedding, sad I won't get to this time." One of the two men grabs Summer away from me l forcefully and I get pulled back as soon as I step forth to stop him.

"Get away from her!" I yell yanking my arms from the other dudes grip but it's of no use. We were outnumbered and I couldn't defend myself or Summer without a weapon of my own.

"Ha, you think you can actually win?" Brad smirks shaking his head. "Pathetic." He nods in my direction and suddenly I'm on my knees.

"Bryson!" Summer struggles to get out of his grasp but she isn't strong enough.

"What do you want!?" I scream back at him. "Peoples will come looking for us! Don't do this!"

"Her and they won't be able to find you where I'm taking you." He smiles and waves a hand to the guy pinning me down. "You're of no use to me." after a snap of his fingers, a throbbing pain is felt on the back of my head and I immediately go down from the pain. Summer's screaming and obnoxious laughter were the last things I heard before everything is consumed in darkness. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't enough...

Finished earlier than expected ♡

Autumn_Equinoxcreators' thoughts