

I of course drove Natalie back home after our awkward encounter. The whole ride was quiet again. but it felt more defending this time. When I pulled up to her house, she had said a quiet thank you before leaving my car quickly with me still deep in thought.

I never really realized my feelings for Natalie until that kiss. I was mad at myself for moving on in a way, but also content. I never thought I'd be able to fully get over Summer, even though I never really will, at least I know I can — almost. Of course, it'll be hard and I'll be reminded of her at the sight of everything, but I'll have someone else to help me through it — to help me move on. And I wanted it to be Natalie. I can't deny that I felt anything in that kiss.

I knew that I had to apologize for my actions, but I was too much of a coward to approach her again after everything. What didn't help this whole situation I got myself in was that Summer had come back tonight. She cried out at me for cheating and made me feel a hundred times guiltier about myself. I can still hear her now, echoing through my entire being.

"Cheater!" "What is wrong with you?" "I can't believe you'd do that to me?" "Do I mean nothing?" "I trusted you!"

I knew it wasn't real, but it didn't numb the guilt that I felt. Summer and I never broke up, and we wouldn't have. So I did feel like a cheater. Everything that was said was everything that I already felt. I just didn't like to hear it from her, imaginary or not.

I avoided the questions thrown at me by the boys. They obviously knew something was up between Natalie and me and that something was bugging me. I really didn't want to tell them about the kiss or my doubts.

I place my head down on the table before me. My thoughts and emotions were riling me up once again and I didn't want any more attention than what I'm already receiving.

Lunch had started about five minutes ago and I've been just sitting here waiting for everyone to show up.

"Dude! Will you just tell me what's going on with you?" Reese says as he pulls the chair out from beside me. I lift my head up and give him a blank stare.

"This has to do something with Natalie, I'm sure of it." He sits down. I ignore him and look around to see Ash making his way here, occasionally stopping to say something to some girl and then proceeding our way.

"And you're silence only says yes."

"What?" I turn to face him. He couldn't let anything go, always had to be in my business.

"Oh please! I've noticed how you and Natalie are acting around each other. You guys won't even look at one another!"

"We kissed." I said through my teeth, fed up with him. It was better for my sake to just tell him before he drives me crazy to my death.

"What!?" He says abruptly standing, gaining everyone's attention that could hear the chair scrape against the linoleum.

"Sit down." I glare at him for making a scene over such an insignificant thing.

He was about to say something but his mouth quickly shut and opened again when he looked behind me. What now?

It was a shock to everyone when Kylie was hand in hand with Ryland. He just smiled at her as everyone one in the room gawked at them as they made their way to us. I guess they finally made up, and it was great to get the attention off of me for a bit.

"What the actual fuck guys?" Reese says when they finally stop before us. I shake my head at him for being so rude about it.

"We're back together." Ryland shrugs pulling Kylie closer to his side while she looks down.

"No shit." Ash exasperates, making his presence known. Ryland just ignores them and sits in his usual spot.

"Anyways." Reese starts smiling at me and I instantly regret spilling about the kiss. "Bryson and Natalie kissed."

Everyone was hooting at me and I wished I hadn't said a word about me and Natalie. I should've known this was going to happen.


Word got around fast after lunch. Girls were now trying to gain my attention because I was 'available for grabs'.

I often wondered why girls here had nothing better to do but start rumors and chase after guys. There was so much more to do.

I could understand everyone talking about Corrupt Youth and our new song, but that's because how often does a high school band make it to the big leagues? Not often. If only these girls knew what really went on inside my head. . . They'd be running.

I turn the last corner before I'm free to go home and I'm met with Natalie at her locker. Should I go say something now? I've stopped in the middle of the hallway debating something so simple.

"Walk much?" Someone grunts after bumping into me. I didn't acknowledge them as I creepily just stared at the girl I owe the world to.

I'm going to do it.

"Natalie." I called out, my voice faltering slightly at my lack of confidence. It relieved me when she turned around nonetheless.

She gave me a look of confusion then her cheeks flared up as she refused to look me in the eyes.

"You don't have to be embarrassed to see me." I mutter as I lean on the locker beside hers.

"I'm not embarrassed by you, I'm embarrassed for myself."

"Well, you don't have to be." I say putting a smile on my face to try and ease the tension, but it didn't work.

"I'm sorry." She says once again looking up.

"Why are you always apologizing? You did nothing wrong." I say honestly. She looks back at the tile, visibly taking a deep breath.

"I shouldn't have kissed you, it was a mistake." She inhales harshly at 'mistake' and I take a small step backward but quickly recover. She could possibly mean that, right?

"I don't think it was a mistake." I grab the courage to finally say. My words shocked her as she finally looked into my eyes.

"But, but you reacted so badly to it. I shouldn't have done it, it messed up our friendship. How can you say that? You know that I like you now, things will just be awkward-" I pulled her in for a hug to stop her from rambling on anymore. It was cute in a way but I didn't need her hurting herself from it.

"It was a shock to me at first, yes. But now I don't mind that you kissed me. I'm glad you did."

"What?" She pushes slightly away to look at me again.

"I've fallen for you, Natalie."

Those words were enough to stop my world and all existing time. I never thought I'd ever say those words again, but Natalie has somehow managed to break my walls down.

"Really?" She stares at me in awestruck.


We stand there for a minute letting everything that just said settle in. She thought I ran out was because I didn't like her, but she was wrong. I liked her and couldn't face that fact. Now I can.

"Then kiss me right now." She says, smiling after a couple of moments. It was now my turn to look confused as she now smirks. Kiss her? In the school hallway?

"Kiss me or I walk away." She says slightly turning, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. I pull her back, resting my hands on her waist as hers travel to my chest.

I know she was only joking, but it was fun to mess with her. Two can play that game. I bend my knees to get down closer to her lips.

"I think I'll pass." I say before our lips touch, gaining a gasp to fall from her lips.

"Bryson!" She whines pushing me back gaining the attention from stragglers and teachers still in the school hallway. I laugh as she pouts and closes her locker.

"C'here." I wave her closer to me but she just shakes her head as she bites back a smile. "I'll come to you then."

I close the distance bringing my hand up to her cheek while the other finds her lower back to pull her closer.

I lean into her lips and she pushes herself up to meet me halfway, moving her arms around my neck to hold her balance better. She was reluctant at first but soon gave in to my kiss fully. Her lips were soft against my chapped ones and I felt my knees slightly weaken. If I knew I'd feel this way, I would have made up with her a lot sooner.

Murmurs could be heard around us but it didn't bother me. I finally had someone again and I couldn't be happier.