
moving on 2

"Yes I will" sel said

He kissed her and both were so happy until sel remembered something

"What's wrong?"

"I am thinking of my sister"

"Don't worry I talked with her"

"So she knows you were going to propose"


"Thank you so much Brian"

"I should be the one saying that, for giving me the chance to love you, for forgiving me and waiting for me. Thank you so much"

They went home

"Mom Brian proposed to me"

"It's about time he did"

"Why do you not seem surprised about it? Did he tell you too"


"So I was the only one surprised that's not fair" sel said

"Sorry I need to leave" brian said after a while, sel escorted him outside

"You're really happy" her mom said

"Yes mom, I got my dream man" sel said as she looked at her ring

"But why do you seem sad"

"Mom brian said he talked with Aileen and she was cool about it"

"Then what's the problem?"

"Mom am I not being selfish? My sister is still in pain and I am happy"

"Your sister cares about your happiness too that's why she gave her approval and I think Aileen wants to heal and doesn't want to remain in the past so why would she let that past affect your happiness"

"Thank you mom" sel said and her mom went inside

She knocked on Aileen's door and went inside

"You're not asleep"

"I had some work" Aileen said

"Aileen can we talk"

"Sel is it about your wedding, if it is then stop. I am tired of explaining to everyone how I am okay with it"

"But are though?"


"Aileen, when we were kids we used to talk about this and how you will dance and bounce when it is my wedding, I don't feel that"

"Well that sister of yours also thought her life was going to be fill with only happiness but then for a long time she forgot how to be happy and kept a lot inside, she didn't grew up how you wanted her to grow and so she changed. Am I not allowed to change?"

"Aileen that's not what I meant"

"Sel stop it, why do you people continually ask me to forget the past but you same people keep bringing it up"


"Sel you are not to be bothered about my past, you weren't there so why does it have to affect you anyways congratulations on your wedding I have a lot of work tomorrow good night" Aileen said and sel had to get out

But before that she said

"I am sorry I wasn't around when you needed me the most, I am sorry I thought going away I will be able to make something for us, I thought we were done with this but I guess you partly blame me for what happened to you and I am sorry"

The next day

"Aileen have you really let things go?"


"I am sorry but I feel you haven't, you claimed that your wounds have healed, Aileen it's been seven years, seven years since he died and it's not your fault. Aileen I know it hurts, I know what happened to you was painful because you were young but are you going to dwell on it for the rest of your life? Aileen if they failed your childhood I pray you don't fail your adulthood" Julius said and her tears fell

Julius looked at her for a while and hugged her, he kissed her head

"Aileen if you didn't have a happy childhood, then makeup for it and live the best of your adulthood, one day when you look at your life you will realize it wasn't all sadness and pain but you were happy to, I promise you if you don't let things go and enjoy yourself, in your last moments you'll be disappointed in yourself for letting your pain and sadness get the best of you. It's painful I know, I have things that makes me sad too but I will not let it overcome me and be my identity, what I want people to see when they look at me is someone who is really happy and not just in front of people but when he's alone he looks in the mirror and say I am a happy person.

My sweet dear Aileen let it go and let's be happy" he said and wiped her tears

"Thank you for much Julius"

"Now go to your sister and have a heart to heart talk with her, I know you're really happy for her, show her let her know she still has her sister ok?"

"Ok" Aileen said

"I also want you do something, I want you to sit down and think of how you wanted your childhood to be and tell me all about it"


"I am going to erase that awful memory of your childhood, from tomorrow you're going to be a child again and I will be your parent, I am going to give you the childhood you deserved" Julius said