

"You are more beautiful than I thought. Your body, it's such a great view." Richard said, staring lustfully at her. 

"Don't look at me, you don't deserve to. My body only belongs to Jasper." She protested. 

He frowned slightly, "Belongs to Jasper? Please don't tell me you think you are going back to him?" 

She slowly walked to the bed and sat down, "Yes, he's going to find me and rescue me. I'm never going to be yours! Never!" 

Richard mocked her, "I see. You won't see him ever again. I'm sure his body has even been devoured by the fishes in the river. He's dead, Raina. Deal with it." 

Raina clenched her fists and ended up falling on the floor. "No... That's not true. You're just saying that to make me feel bad. He's not dead!"