
Study Time!


Goku yelled as he rushed at Shin. fired multiple ki blasts before he tried to land an overhead kick

Shin who had his eyes closed, dodged all the blasts, and before Goku could land the overhead kick, left an afterimage and appeared right behind Goku and landed a kick on his back. sending Goku tumbling forward

Goku took a few steps forward before he face-planted onto the ground "It's so unfair how you can dodge everything!"

Shin just chuckled and turned off the gravity and helped his brother up "It's because you're not used to the gravity just yet. besides, I'm stronger so I'm not really affected by the gravity"

it's been almost a week since they picked up their gravity chamber. Ever since then, they were constantly been inside the gravity chamber. Shin slowly helped Goku get used to the gravity and was slowly increasing it. Goku being the combat genius he is was steadily getting used to it and getting stronger. Shin believed that he still wasn't enough to beat the androids replicas but was strong enough to stall them for a while. but he wouldn't be surprised In a few weeks he will surpass them

Goku rubbed his face "How's your Ultra instinct training going? have you managed to tap into it?" When he heard what happened during the fight between the androids, he was shocked. he knew everything about fighting stance and when he witnessed Shin move like he had never seen before completely baffled him. It was only when Shin explained to him what it was and how he felt did he get a basic understanding of it

Shin shook his head and clenched his fist "No luck so far. every time I meditate it's feels so close like it can touch it yet something blocking me from reaching it. I don't know what to do. meditation seems to be not working anymore and I'm not making any progress. maybe one day somebody will push me over the edge"

Even though he didn't tap into ultra instinct as he did before, his training did bring many benefits. His mind was calmer. his strikes were more shaper and every time he dodged it felt more instinctive than it is forced. he didn't know it but he had partial mastery over ultra instinct


"Let's see what we have today," Aizawa said to himself as he looked over his notebook. Its been a few days and both Shin and Goku had to return back to school

He still had a tired look on his face as he continued to read what he had written down. From what Shin heard from his friends, he and Goku missed a rescue-training race and an announcement stating they were planning on going to a forest lodge for the summer. They also had one more week before the end of term-exams

"Ah right, just a reminder for all of you. summer break is approaching and we will be going to a forest lodge. if you want to come and participate you must make sure to pass your end term exams"

"Should any of you fall short and somehow ending up failing.... then you will be stuck here in school for the rest of the summer!" Aizawa said as he activated his quirk for an intimidation factor

He listed off a few more things before he left the room. giving the rest of the class time to study and prepare for their upcoming tests

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I BEEN TO BUSY PLAYING MINECRAFT THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO STUDY! I'M GOING TO FUCKING FAIL!" Denki yelled as he began to panic. soonly Goku and Mina started panicking as well. they tried to play it off by action all cool and calm but the pressure was too much for them to handle

"If you three just paid attention in class and decided to actually study once in a while, maybe you wouldn't be in this situation" Todoroki commented. adding salt to their wounds

"Don't worry you three, just do your best and I'm sure you'll do well. I want to go alongside everybody so do your best!" Midoriya said as he tried to encourage the trio

Momo who witnessed all of it, was about to speak up before she felt something attaching to her legs. She looked down to see both Goku and Mina clinging to her as the tears were dripping down on their faces "Momo You Got to help us! Please help us study or we're going to be stuck here forever! you're our only hope!"

Before she could agree, other students came asking if they could also receive some help. Since they were lacking behind and knew Momo guidance would be beneficial for their academics

Momo happily agreed without hesitation. She rarely had any friends that would come over to her house often besides Shin

Thinking of Shin, she walked up to up to him. He was listing to music when he felt a little tap and looked up to see Momo " I'm organizing a studying group tomorrow so I'm asking if you would like to come to my house and help me with the studying. Besides"

She then whispered into his ear something bold "We could spend some alone time"

"YES!" Shin yelled without hesitation as he stood up from his desk. gaining some odd looks from everybody in the class. soon receiving laugher from his strange behavior

In her mind, Momo was ecstatic yet extremely embarrassed about it. She mentally made a note to ask some advice from her mother tonight

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, the students who asked Momo to teach them gathered up in the local park and waited for Shin and Goku. All of them were wearing their causal clothes and were talking among themselves to pass the time

As they talked, they heard footsteps and turned their heads to see Shin and Goku walking up to them. Shin was wearing a tank top while his hair was back in a ponytail while Goku was wearing an orange shirt and blue pants. They greeted all of them and talked for a few minutes before he used instant transmission teleported them in front of the Yaoyorozu residence

"We made it," Shin said as he walked forward

"I knew she was rich, but I never believed she was this rich!" Krillin said as he looked over the massive house in front of him. It screamed wealth all over

"I was shocked too but after a while, you get used to it," Mina said as she walked beside's goku going forward

Shin used the intercom and contacted Momo which she quickly replied and opened the gate. Allowing them to enter the residence without no issue


Hours had gone by in an instant as Momo began teaching everybody with the assistance of Shin helping them with different things like Math and science

She had hoped that they could get a night to themselves, but her jealous father came in and snatched him away. telling her that he needed to have a conversation with him before he could stay the night

Shin was dragged all the way towards the living room. Shin just sat down quietly while drinking the coffee that Momo made for him. all while her father sat in front of him staring daggers.

"I'm here to only ask you one thing. are you trying to court my daughter?"

Shin anticipated this question for a long time and took a sip from his coffee before answering. He made up his mind for a long time now " You know what the single ladies said"

"If you like it you should put a ring on it"

Momo's dad didn't say anything for a while as he registered Shin's words. Shin honestly expected for him to flip and curse him out like he usually does but was surprised he didn't. after a minute of silence he spoke up "And you have no ulterior motives whats so ever? You're not planning on using her and toss her away once you're bored with her?"

Shin shook his head "That wasn't and never will be my plan. Despite the clear hate that you and I have share for each other, I truly do love Momo and I plan on marrying her one day. That won't be for a while of course, but I will be anxiously waiting for that day to come. I cherish every single moment I spend time with her. Hell, tomorrow night we're even going on a special dinner date on top of the Eiffel Tower overlooking the entirety of the city of Paris. I love her to death and I will gladly give up my life to protect her"

He said nothing as he placed down his cup of tea. He seemed to be thinking something as he didn't respond.

Shin sat there drinking his coffee in the awkward silence. He had to admit that it was getting to him a little but felt relieved when he just sighed and began talking

"I won't lie to you Shin, even if it pains me to admit it. you seem to be the best husband for my daughter. A lot of people are bothering us to engage their sons with our daughter. But we know that there only doing it to get their hands on our fortune and her quirk. Countless times has she went on dates with these kids only for them to try forcing themselves on her. She truly never seemed happy and just focused on her quirk. That was until you came along"

"Ever since you been together, She's been more brighter than she ever was before. She talks to her mother lots of times about you. All I care is to see my daughter happy and you provide it"

"I don't like you but I respect you. So thank you for making my daughter happy" He said as he bowed his head. Showing off his gratitude

Shin couden't say anything as he was too shocked by what he just witnessed. He came here expecting to be yelled at in which would turn to each other cursing each other out. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect this to occur

He pulled his head back up and looked at Shin

"In return, I'll grant you my blessing. But in return, I want you to promise me"

"To never hurt her in any way. To always make her happy. and lastly.."

"To always be there and protect her"

Shin didn't have any problems with these demands and agreed with no issue. He was going to do it regardless if he was told to do so. Besides, If anybody had any thought of trying to do something, he would beat them black and blue

He then got up, drank the rest of his tea, and began to walk out of the living room. but before he left he turned his head towards Shin

"I know that you're staying for the night"

"Don't try any funny business" He finally left the room. leaving Shin by himself

Everything was silent as Shin just sat there pondering to himself. He finished drinking his coffee and looked at the door he went through

"You must be a fool if you think if I'm not going to tap that"


[LOV Base]


A chamber had opened and the gas started pouring out of it

Dr. Gero and Shigaraki were sitting around discussing their plans when they heard the chamber and immediately started running towards it. It's been months since he went under the procedure and after months of wanting, it was finally time!

A man could be seen walking out of the chamber. He was a tall, bulk man wearing what appears to be a black suit. His face was covered in a skull-like gas mask with angular tubes at the top. completely hiding his face. He radiated a powerful yet terrifying aura

It was the Symbol of Evil, All For One!

After Months of sleeping and converting, he was finally awake! and he was more powerful than he ever imagined!

"It seems the procedure was a complete success! Tell me, how do you feel Sir?" Dr. Gero asked. he needed to be sure that everything was fine and there was no issue

All for one didn't say anything as he slammed his fist into a nearby wall. soon the whole building was beginning to shake and was even on the verge of breaking down. He removed his fist and there was a gigantic hole where his fist used to be

He couden't show it but he was ecstatic! That wasn't even a fraction of what he could do now and if an extremely weak punch of his could make a whole building tremble then there wasn't anybody that could stop him now. He could even kill All Might with his pinky if he wanted to

He put these emotions to the side and redirected his focus onto his son. He would test his new strength soon " Tell me, was the assassination attempt successful ?"

Shigaraki who was completely aw struck quickly regained his focus and spoke out with anger in his voice " No sensei, the mission was a complete failure! Not only did we not kill him, but we all also lost all of the Nomus and Androids replicas in the process. Androids 17 and 18 are the only ones that made it out alive but were extremely damaged. most of their body parts were vaporized in that blast and their faces were practically unrecognizable. I don't know how long but It will take a long time for them to recover"

Shigaraki continued talking "Sensei, that brat had already proven himself a threat to our cause! If he could kill all the Androids and Nomus in the city without breaking a sweat and even take on 17/18 by himself, then we have to find a way to eliminate him as fast as possible"

All For One shook his head " Do not worry Tomura, everything is according to plan. It truly matters not if the assassination worked or not as we benefit either way. This was more of a trial than it is an actual threat. If he is required to defeat the Nomu and the replicas then so be it. He even almost died at the hands of the twins did he not. he was required to put much effort to defeat them. Since he almost tasted defeat by them then there is no way he could ever beat me. I am more powerful than he will ever be. Don't worry, when he dies only then will you become the new symbol of fear"

"And that day is shortly coming up"

He turned his head to Gero " Get everyone and everything read for the next few days. it is time to set this city on fire along with everybody in it"

Dr. Gero was surprised by this " Id it truly that time sir?"

"We have been planning on this for a long time now. we now have the power and numbers to pull it off. We will crumble every single hero that stands in our way and ultimately the hero association

Shigaraki and Dr. Gero nodded their heads excitedly and started getting everything ready. All a long time of waiting, it was finally here. everybody will suffer

All For One walked back to his office as he needed to get a few things done himself

"Son Shin. All Might. with your deaths, will rise a new age of chaos"