
Glimpse Into True Power

"Ahhh my head! why does my head keep hurting!?" Shin yelled as he woke up. He still didn't feel well and his Ki was still extremely low

He then opened his eyes but became confused by his surroundings

"Where am I?" Shin said as he looked over his surrounding. He expected to wake up in a hospital room or somewhere familiar. He understood quickly that he was somewhere completely different

The sky that he knew was blue was now bright red. There was no sign of any architecture anywhere to be seen and It appeared that he was inside of a canyon. Shin felt that the gravity was stronger than it was before. at least 10x stronger or more than it usually was

It didn't make sense any sense as he continued to observe around. That's when it hit him

"What a minute! Am I not on Earth!?"

that was the only thing that could explain this situation he was in. He didn't feel any sign of life from what distance he could sense. The gravity on this planet would be too much for any normal human to withstand. and it would explain the lack of technology and architecture going for miles

Shin then realized that there was an open path right in front of him. He quickly checked around and saw there were no other paths for him to follow. only the one that was in front of him. Shin had no choice but to slowly walk forward as he tried to find out where he was. He only hoped that there were no things to attack him as he was in no shape to defend himself

He began to walk and what should have felt like minutes felt more like hours as he continued walking. He didn't where he was and where this path was taking him but he still marched on as he wanted to find out the truth

As he walking, he was suddenly washed in overwhelming power and he kneeled down to the ground and clenched his heart! Never in his life had he felt such power coming out of a person. compared to this, the androids were nothing but child's play. Hell even with Ultra Instinct he wouldn't be able to do anything to do this!

Then he heard footsteps that were increasingly getting louder as well the pressure. Shin was just having a hard time even breathing. He then looked to see a silhouette of a person standing over him. He couldn't distinguish any facial feature's and could only see their crimson eyes staring at him

"Follow me," they said before turning and walking towards the light

"That Voice!"

Shin yelled as he looked at the back of the person. He knew that voice! it was all too familiar as he heard it before

It was the same voice he heard from the time chamber! His own voice!

He quickly got up and started walking behind them. Walking turned to fast walking then it quickly turned to running as they were quickly making distance between them. Shin ran as fast he could and he was quickly reclosing the gap between them

"Who the hell are you!? what do you want from me!? why do you keep speaking to me through my head!? Shin yelled as he reached out to them. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask

He was quickly getting closer and closer. After what felt like hours of running he closed the gap between and when he was going to grab them

The both of them walked through the light


Then out of nowhere, there was a massive roar. Shin quickly shielded himself before he was sent flying back from the shockwave. He quickly realized that he was standing on a cliff that overlooked a massive land. He looked around saw the person from earlier disappeared. but that wasn't his issue as he had something more important going on

In front of him was a massive great ape going on a rampage. destroying anything it sees with its massive ki blast

But it wasn't a normal great ape

It was a Golden Great Ape!

But it seemed to be actually trying to hit something instead of just going on a rampage. Shin looked a little closer and was shocked to see somebody was actually fighting the Golden Great Ape. He became more shocked when he saw a blue and white aura around them and shining silver eyes

"Is that... Ultra Instinct!?"

At this point was completely baffled by what was going on! he was somehow on a planet he never knew before. He met the voice from before but couldn't get a single answer. And know he's witnessing a grand battle between a Golden Great Ape against somebody with Ultra Instinct. But the weirdest thing out of all of this was that he felt a connection with them. Like he needed to see this battle through for his own sake


The great yelled as it tried to swipe the other person away. They easily dodged the massive strike coming their way and instead of making distance, they actually landed on the ape's arm and started running up. They then gathered massive amounts of ki and started to rapidly fire them at the ape's face. The great ape infuriated by this tried to crush them with its other big fist. When the ape removed its hand, it was surprised to see no trace of them

It looked all over to see where they went, all before it looked to see they were right above them


Soon the Kamehameha was tried and decided on top of the Apes's head causing a massive explosion that engulfed the both of them

Shin had to try with all his might to just prevent himself from flying away. Even with this much between them, Shin had so much trouble staying in one spot as the shockwaves alone were immensely strong. Even though he was having trouble, he was gaining so much insight.

The raw power and strength that the great ape possesses. the divine finesse and ability that came with Ultra Instinct. It was a beautiful contrast of one another. It was like yin and yang. two opposite forces that are completely different yet always interconnected. and all of it was mesmerizing for him

Then it hit him. Did the voice from earlier want to show him this? yet he couldn't understand why it led him here. why did it lead him here? what did it have to gain from all of this? There were so many questions that he wanted to ask yet aren't being answered

Soon the dust dissipated and showed the Great Ape standing there as nothing happened and the person descended right in front of it. waiting to continue their endless battle

"ROOOOOOOAAARRR" The Great Ape yelled as it began to go full power. the energy could be seen all over it. slowly it started to get smaller and smaller and eventually, the energy exploded

Where the Golden Great Ape once stood, was replaced with a man that had red fur that covered the majority of his body besides the chest. He had crimson eyes and had red hair. The power he was radiating was so much that a red aura that covered his body head to toe

While that was happening, the other person closed his eyes and began to release all of the pent-up heat he gained during his fight. he then fully focused his heart and soul and took a deep breath while taking back all that heat. His hair that was previously black turned into a bright silver. his aura that consisted of blue and white now sported purple and red hues as well and is noticeably brighter

He finally opened his eyes to reveal a distinctive silver

They didn't do anything as they both silently stared at each other. suddenly something long was coming out of their auras and they began to form into something massive


they finally revealed their true forms as they both turned into massive red and white dragons. They looked at each other and roared as they announced their challenge to see who is truly more powerful

And so, all four of them charged at one another. both of them clench their fist, and soon the both of their fist connected with each other


As soon they made contact, a massive white light exploded and massive shockwaves went all over. The light was rapidly getting brighter and brighter

soon it reached shin and it covered his vision entirely



"Haaaaa!" Shin yelled as he stood up from his bed

He then began to calm himself and look over his surroundings. This time, he did recognize everything as he saw multiple medical pieces of equipment all over. it appears that once again, he was inside a patients room

He sighed with relief took a minute to organize himself mentally. He then suddenly felt something on his leg and when he looked down he just smiled, It was Momo who was taking a nap on his leg. he gently caressed her hair to tried to not wake her up in the process. He then looked outside to see the sun fully up with the sounds of birds chirping

He then began to recall everything he just witnessed

The strange planet he was on, the path that led towards the light, the mysterious voice. and most importantly, the fight between the great ape and the other person with Ultra Instinct

Even though it didn't look real. everything to him was real. especially the overwhelming power he felt. Never in his life had he felt something so powerful that could crush him within an instant. He couldn't shake the feeling like he knew them

Shin continued to gaze outside "Could I ever reach such a level?"

unbeknownst to him, his eyes flashed with a crimson and silver