
A Night To Remember(Skippable)

I guess I'm going to continue writing this.

I decided that I'll continue to write this all the way since I really want to see this story through all the way to the end. I even know how I want to end the story.

I also want to do it for myself. It's my first fan-fic after all and it's the first of many so I want to end it with good terms.

I do on planning on writing other fan-fics like the standalone as I mentioned before. I also have some ideas that I even liked and might even write about.

Like how would a Jojo: Stardust crusaders FF that would lead up to part 4 and after sound like?

Or a Reincarnated Sword and Magic world?

What about a level-up system?

what about a futuristic FF like Halo or Mass Effect?

During the time I was away, I took time for myself to think if I should really continue to write or not. I spent hours of thinking and just wondering.

and that's when I realized.

Why the fuck am I letting the negativity affect me?

It's my own story that I created myself. So why am I going out of my way to make those people, who don't like the story in the first place for what it is, to make them like it?

It took a bit for me to realize that I can't make the ones that don't like the story happy. There's just no point for me to continue even trying to please them.

So fuck it.

If I can't make them happy then who cares?

I accept myself for what I am.

I will use my crappy writing skills to make the best story that I can write. May it be good, bad, shit, cringy, or whatever. I don't care anymore.

I will write what I want without a care.

Sorry for the really long rant. I just wanted to get everything off my chest. You can expect more chapters and other stories in the future (Even though that won't happen for a while)

So for the people who like it, thank you for sticking with me.

and for the people who don't.

go suck on Popo's stool.

PS: After this chapter, it will mark the beginning of the end for the MHA arc and will officially begin the DBZ side of the story that will last for a good while. There will be a lot of MHA side contact though.

You also don't really have to read this chapter as it's just a chapter date between Shin and Momo. So if you don't want to read it (or just can't handle the cringe) that's fine. It doesn't contribute to the overall story so you can go ahead and skip this one.

I have more chapters on the works and some of them are pretty much done and I just need to look over them and fix some things while others I haven't even started on.

School has been a pain!

After this will start the countdown for the final showdown.

so if you're are one of the few who's sticking around.



"Hmmmmm. Which one should I pick?"

Inside of a jewelry store stood a handsome young man looking all over. He was having a tough time choosing a piece of jewelry. He had already spent an hour overlooking all the options in front of him and he wanted to make sure that he got the best one.

His black hair was spiky in all directions and was dressed in a black formal suit. He had a serious expression on his face as his piercing yellow eyes scanned everything in front of him. All until he spotted a beautiful red neckless that caught his attention. it's felt different compared to the other pieces of jewelry he had seen. Its special kind of red-colored had a cross inside it. It's seemed so perfect and had no fault whatsoever.

"It seems that the Red Stone Of Aja has caught your attention sir. have you decided to take it home with you? I must warn you though, it's the only one of its kind so it's more expensive than the rest "An employee walked up to him. She was excited that they had a buyer who wanted to buy it off their hands. they would be making a hefty profit soon. You could even see dollar signs in her eyes if you looked closely enough

"The price doesn't matter to me so I'll take it" It didn't matter how much he would have to spend. It was for somebody he loved so it would be worth it. He knew that a piece like this would cost more than a fortune but he didn't worry as he and his brother had enough money to last them multiple lifetimes. He handed over his credit card.

"A wise choice sir. Do you want me to wrap it in gift wrap?" The lady said as she took Shin's credit card and put the red stone of Aja inside of a small box with great care.

"Please do. It's for somebody who I hold dear" Shin responded as he took back his credit card.

"Than that person must be very lucky to have you," The lady said as she started wrapping the box in gift wrap. after a few minutes of waiting, she was finally done.

"Thank you for your patronage. Please come again!" she said as she waved her hand as Shin left the store.

Walking outside, he put the small box inside of his pocket tuxedo and looked up to the sky.

Shin had left the Yaoyorozu estate real early in the morning and had gone to prepare for their upcoming dinner date. He had spent most of the day preparing himself and getting everything ready. He wanted to make this night special.

In a blink of an eye, the sun that illuminated the sky disappeared and darkness took its place. He took a look at his watch and found out that it was already 9:00 PM. He had an hour and a half before their reservation so Shin quickly used Instant Transmission to teleport him back to the estate.


Using his instant transmission, He appeared right back in front of the Yayorozu estate once more. He walked up the stairs but instead of walking inside, he decided to wait outside and wait for Momo to get ready. As he waited, he pulled out his phone and texted Goku to pass the time.

"What you doing?" Shin typed before he sent.

It took a little bit for a response but eventually, Goku responded from whatever he was doing "I'm currently walking back inside from the gravity chamber. I've been training for the majority of the day but right now I'm about to go get in the shower. Me and Mina are going to Binge watch the entirety of Boku no Piko! From what I heard from Denki and Kirishima, it was really good anime and since we had nothing better to do we decided to watch it"


Shin went into a complete panic when he read the accursed name! he completely gave up on texting and decided to call him instead! He couldn't let his brother suffer a fate much worse than death.

After spamming multiple calls and waiting for what felt like an eternity, Goku finally answered the call. Shin yelled into the phone "GOKU WHATEVER YOU DO DONT WATCH THAT! IT WILL SCAR YOU FOR LIFE!"

Goku was confused by what he said "Why not? What's so wrong about it? I mean it looks innocent enough. I mean, the box cover shows a girl sharing ice cream with her boyfriend. and the other side shows her with her girlfriends and they seem pretty close. I fail to see what's so wrong with it"

Before Shin could explain what Boku no Piko truly was, he heard the doorbell ring from the other side of the phone. "Ah, it seems that Mina came early! Shin I'm going to have to cut you off. Have fun with your date! See you when you come home!" then Goku hung up the call.

Shin just removed his phone and looked at it deeply. His hand was shaking and a single tear was dropping from his eye. He was extremely sad for his brother as he was about to witness true terror. He knew once he returned home, the brother he once knew would be changed forever. He wouldn't be the same Goku anymore.

Before he could do anything else, the front door of the Yayzarozu residence opened revealing Momo Herself, She was wearing a fully red dress and her hair was fully let down.

"Wow" Shin couldn't say anything else as he stared right at her. He had seen Momo numerous amounts of times wheater it be at school or out in the public, she was always eye-catching. but compared to how she looked now and from other previous time to now. It wasn't even a competition.

Momo just smiled as she closed the door behind her and took the chance to look at her partner up and down sizing his fashion taste. "well look at you! you actually decided to put on a nice suit for tonight! knowing you, it must a taken a lot of effort to put it on. Because as we both know, Getting you into a suit is like trying to give a cat a bath "

Shin just pouted a little as he pulled the collar off his neck. Suits aren't his thing at all " First of all I like baths! I like playing with the little bubbles. Second of all, This suit is so stiff and uncomfortable. This is seriously not my look"

Momo just chuckled as she walked up and fixed up his collar. fixing it up and putting it back in place" Well in my opinion you look handsome. Seeing you in a nice suit for once made my night. Now, why don't start heading out before we're late for our reservation?"

Shin modded his head in response but instead of placing his fingers on his head and using instant transmission, he turned around and put himself into a crouching position "Alright, hop on"

Momo's face instantly turned into confusion "uh...What are you doing?"

"What do you mean by uh? what does it look like? I'm giving you a piggyback ride. We're going to fly our way there"

"Yeahhhh no! There is no way I'm riding you like a Yoshi until we get there! I refuse!" Momo Yelled as she instantly denied the flying. She already experienced enough flying to last a lifetime. No way she going back in the air any time soon.

Shin Pouted " What's so wrong with flying? It's not like we're going super fast or anything. I probably go around a causal 3,500 mph when I'm not trying to fast"

"Shin, that's faster than a blackbird! The faster jet in the world which goes around 2,100 mph! It goes so fast that it breaks the sound barrier! And you're telling me that's slow!?"

Shin nodded his head "Yup! That's exactly what I'm saying! Those are rookie numbers! it's not my fault that they make shitty jets! I can probably jog faster than that! Maybe next time they should make a better engine or something!"

Momo just stood there awestruck before she placed her hand on her face and sighed " I can't handle you sometimes. Look, flying Is off the table. I don't be sent flying like a cruising missile! Why don't we use that instant transmission of yours? It's easy, instant, AND IT DOSENT INVOLVE FLYING!"

"Fine, fine, fine. We'll use instant transmission instead of flying. Honestly flying is fun. I'm going to have to teach you how to fly yourself. Maybe you can finally see how great flying is"

"If it makes you happy and shut up about it then I'll at least try. pretty sure I won't like it though"

"Then it's a date!"

Shin smiled as he gently placed his hands on Momos's shoulder and placed two of his fingers on his forehead and soon, the two suddenly disappeared from where they were standing.


(The Eiffel Tower)

After waiting in line for a while, they finally managed to get their seats. it was directly near the window so they got the best seat in the house. unfortunately, it was blocked by the curtains so they couldn't see anything.

"Wow! there's so many people here," Shin said as he gazed over all the other customers. All of them were wearing high-class suits and dresses. Showing off their wealth.

"I looked into the history of the restaurant and found out this place is actually owned by Sōma Yukihira and his wife Erina Yukihira. They opened this restaurant a few years later after they got married"

Shin was surprised as heard this " Wait you mean the actual Soma and Erina Yukihira!? The ones that graduated from the Totsuki Saryo Culinary Institute?"

Momo shook her head and they began to talk about other topics. they talked for a while before a blond hair boy came up to them.

"Good afternoon Sir and Miss. My name is Giorno Giovanna and I will be your waiter for the rest of your stay. What will you be ordering for this fine evening?"

After contemplating on what to order, they finally decided what to eat.

"I will take the "WRYYY" Special with a simple cocktail" Shin answered after a minute of pondering.

"I'll take the ORA ORA beef with the same drink as well" Momo added as she handed Giorno the menu.

Giorno gently smiled as he walked away " FATHER! WE HAVE A "ORA ORA" BEEF WITH A "WRYYY" SPECIAL"

If you listen closely and ignore the massive commotion from everyone talking, you can hear a WRYYY coming for the kitchen. like as if they heard what need to be said

After a few more minutes of waiting, their orders were finally here and they began to speak for the rest of the night. They were both smiling, laughing, and enjoying themselves as they spoke about various topics.

"You should have seen the look on Goku's face! he was yelling and crying hysterically! We had to pin him down hard just to inject the needle. All of that just for a little measly flu shot! HAHAHA" Shin said as he laughed at the memory of his brother which was accompanied by Momo's laughter.

At this point, they were done eating their dinner and were mostly speaking among themselves. eventually, they were getting prepared to leave but Momo excused herself to go use the lady's room.

"When should I give it to her?" Shin thought as he was wondering when to give her the necklace. He had been in thought since from the beginning and was just waiting for the perfect moment to present it to her.

"Sorry for making you wait"

As he was thinking about the perfect time, Momo came back from the bathroom. They talked a little bit more before deciding to pay for the bill. But as soon as Shin was going to call the waiter, out of nowhere the intercom came on. the voice echoing through the restaurant.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on another special night once more"

"We wish you all an unforgettable evening, with one last remaining gift. This one is on the house"

As the intercom cut out, the curtains that were blocking the view started to slowly rise up from its place. which finally revealed to the glowing city of Paris down below. Lights illuminated the night sky as the city was bare for everybody to see.

"It's so beautiful! I've....never seen anything like this.." Momo said as she was mesmerized by the city of lights down below. she has never seen something so dazzling.

Shin put all of his fear and doubt aside and quickly mustered up his courage and pulled the small box out of his pocket tuxedo "I want you to have this" he then opened it up and it revealed the Red Stone Of Aja. wanting for its new owner

"Oh my god! Shin I.."

"Shhh.....You don't have to say anything.

Both of them didn't say anything as Shin began to get up from his chair. He slowly walked around the table and eventually right behind Momo's seat. He grabbed the Red Stone from the box and placed it around her neck.

As he finished wrapping the necklace around Momo's neck, She gently lifted it up to inspect it. All she saw was a beautiful perfect gemstone-like relic without a single flaw with a cross inside of it. It was so lustrous that she could see the beautiful lights of the city right below them and even a reflection of herself.

Without even realizing it, A massive smile appeared on her face "This seems unreal, like something that only ever happens in a movie or on TV"

"But now that's it's happening to me, I..... I don't what to even think. I'm just so happy"

She looked up from the pendant and looked right into Shin's eyes. Her face was fully red "Thank you...So much"

Shin inwardly sighed and Smiled as well. He was very nervous that she wouldn't like it but he was glad she did "I'm glad you liked it. I admit I was worried that I went a little overboard with it but I'm happy it all turned out well"

"But I have to ask...How much did this necklace cost?" Said Momo as curiosity appeared on her face. She knew this necklace just from its design alone would cost a small fortune.

Shin placed his hand on his chin and wondered for a second trying to recall just how much he spent in that quick moment "well... The lady said that it was the only one of its kind. So the transaction was mostly around...."

"30 million Zeni"


Momo was shocked at the revelation! "Shin how did you even get 30 million Zeni!? You didn't have to give me such an expensive gift. I would have been satisfied with anything if it was you"

Shin just chuckled a little at Momo's reaction "Hehe It' all alright. You see, Grampa was always kinda frugal when it came to spending Zeni. He didn't need anything extravagant besides the basic necessities to be happy. He made tons of money back when he was a hero and since we're Grampa Gohan's only grandchildren, We inherited the majority of the Zeni and split both ways while the rest stayed with Grampa for anything he needs. I have so much that I honestly don't know what to do with it"

"But that doesn't mean I just chose a random piece of jewelry based on its looks and called it a day"

He reached out and placed his hand on top of her hand "I choose this piece because it reminded it of you. A bright gemstone with no apparent flaws whats soever. It doesn't matter to me how much I Zeni spend, Just seeing you happy would make it all worth it "

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, He felt his fingers being interlocked and being squeezed by some immense force. He lifted his eyes only to be met with black eyes staring into his accompanied by a heartwarming smile "now that I think about it, this is just like you"

"I guess you put a lot of effort into this date. but I shouldn't have expected anything else. I've never been surprised like this "

"I keep falling in love with you all over again

"But still I don't want this to be one-sided. One day, I want to take care of you like you do for me"


"Wait! I-i didn't mean to come off as clingy or anything!" Momo said as she immediately recognized the words that came out of her mouth. Her face was filled with embarrassment as she looked away avoiding contact

"I-its j-just with all of this romance in the air. I don't know how to deal with it"

But before She could talk anymore, She felt something tugging her hand and she looked back to see Shin smiling back at her "Hehe! You don't have to be so embarrassed about it! it just makes you look cuter"

Momo blushed harder at the comment "Stop making fun of me!"

Shin continued to smile "I'm not making fun of you though, It's the truth!"

"But Still, I'll be patiently waiting for that day"

And so, the night went on as the two love birds continued to focus on one another as they completely ignored their surroundings and just enjoyed each other's company.


After the couple finished their dining session, it was finally time for them to go home for the night. Instead of just using instant transmission to get back, The two decided to have one final moment for themselves before they go back

They both stood at the edge of the balcony overlooking the city down below taking everything in. The moon overlooking the city, the cars honking down below, The sound of people talking, and the smell of baguettes in the air.

The two of them smile as they also took in the peace. No violence anywhere to be seen, No league of villains anywhere, No nothing. Only tranquillity and peace insight. This is what they were fighting for and for the first time in a while, they could completely forget their problems

As the both of them continued to gaze over the city, the two of them not saying a word, Momo shifted her gaze towards her boyfriend. You could clearly see there was something on her mind "Hey shin, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Hm?" Shin Hummed as he turned his head with confusion on his face. He was caught off guard by the sudden question

Momo went ahead and asked the question "What do you see yourself doing in the future? I mean, besides being a hero?"

"The future huh?"

Shin pondered for a while as the question rang throughout his mind. With all the things that have been happening, he never took the time to find out what he wanted to in near future. The only goal he had was just to get strong as he possibly could. Besides that, he had no idea what he wanted to achieve or do

Chisaki, The members of the L.O.V, Shigaraki, All For One, The other Saiyans, The universal tyrant Frieza, Dr.Gero, The slight possibility of a resurgence of androids 17 and 18, The perfect creation Cell, Majin Buu, threats so powerful that left unchecked could easily pose big threats to the earth in the future. And yet even they pale in comparison to godly beings like the God of Destruction Beerus and Goku Black. And in end, the fate of all universes, the Tournament Of Power and Jiren. How could he have time for himself when their so many beings that make him look so powerless?

Shin leaned in with his elbows on the railing and gazed back into the city with a serious look on his face " What do I see myself in the future? I honestly don't know what I want. I never actually sat down and thought about it "

Shin looked back to momo with a slight smile"There are so many things I want to do and accomplish. and all honestly, Being a hero is not a part of it"

Momo was greatly surprised by this "What really?! then why go through all this effort to become something you don't want to?"

For a minute or two, Shin didn't say anything before responding "At this point, I don't even know myself. It has always been a dream for Goku and me to become heroes. Big, fast, strong just like All Might. But I think that's where it all ended"

"All I and probably even Goku ever wanted was to fight. Nothing more, nothing less. Becoming a hero was just more of a means to an end than anything. The chance of fighting enemies stronger than me was something too tempting to pass up. I guess it just took me until now to realize what my heart truly desires"

Momo just stood there laying on the railing as she continued to listen to every word that came out of shins mouth "So all you want is to get stronger and continue fighting?"

Shin just chuckled at the response " No, not just that. If that's all I ever wanted then I would have just become a villain. Then I would have a non-stop surplus of people to constantly fight with. Even though it would probably get boring after a while"

"Within my life, I've met people with who I deeply connected. At first, it was truly just about fighting. But now I realized that my training has more meaning to it. I train myself to constantly improve and always overcome my limits but besides that, I now train to keep the people that I care about safe. People like Goku, Grampa, Mina, Krillin, Kirishima, Denki, Tien, You, and even Yamcha. I don't care about being the next number 1 hero. I can leave that spot open for the likes of Midoriya, Bakugo, Or even Todoroki. There are many so people out there in the world who are stronger than even me and if I can get stronger than even them, Then it doesn't matter to me If I become a hero"

Shin didn't say anything else as he looked back into the city once again taking the peace. Maybe it's was just his Saiyan blood primarily talking but at the end of the day, he just wants a good fight. Becoming a hero just wasn't a part of his nature. But even if he doesn't become a hero.

Maybe, in the end, He could become a hero in his own way.

Momo, who was listening intently, couldn't help herself but chuckle "I shouldn't have expected anything else. You twins are fighting maniacs so it makes sense you only joined to fight"

She laid her head on his shoulder "well, whatever you decide, I'll support you all the way. whether you decided you continue to be a hero or not"

A smile surfaced on his face as those words into his brain. Without even noticing, His hand went and reached Momo's hand. Their fingers intertwined with one another and their grip was tight so they couldn't let go. Not like they wanted to

Before they knew It was already time for them to get back home. As they were enjoying their final moments together before their departure, Shin felt his hand tighten for a quick second. Shin continued to smile as they both stared at each other passionately.

"I-I have one last thing ask you"

Shin wasn't surprised by the sudden question and looked at Momo with full confidence " One last question huh? I'm all ears! better be a good one though"

Before she could mutter the words out of her mouth, Shin immediately noticed something changed as she immediately became introverted. She was messing up with her words. And her face turned completely red

"D-dddd do you see yourself..."

"H-having a... Mmmmm-Mrs. Son in that future of yours?"

As those words fell out of her mouth, and for what felt like an eternity, The air became silent. Shin's hand was his chin and was pondering for an extremely long time. and as every second passed, Momo's face began to turn redder and redder as embarrassment filled her body.

And after what felt like years of pondering, Shin came to a conclusion " I honestly don't know how to answer that"

The red on Momo's face was instantly washed away and all that was was awkwardness. She didn't know what she was feeling "I-I see... I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you in such a spot I-"

But before she could say anything, She felt something touching her lips. She looked down to see a finger on top of her lips and she looked back up to see a pair of yellow eyes filled with passion staring right at her with the biggest smile "Even though I don't know how to answer that question. But let me tell you what I do see"

He placed his forehead on top of hers "I see myself having the perfect wedding and marrying the love of my life. I see ourselves moving into a big house together. I see ourselves getting a pet bird called Toriyama and it teaching a big dinosaur how to ride a ball. I see ourselves spending our lives with each other and making wonderful memories. And in the end maybe, just maybe, and this is just wishful thinking here..."

"We could have kids of our own. A boy, A girl, Or even twins?"

He lifted his forehead and placed a kiss " So does that partly answer your que-"


But before he could finish what he was saying, He was instantly cut off by something very sweet. He let his natural instinct take hold and just leand into it. Only after minutes of passionate kissing did their lips separate. leaving saliva in both of their mouths that connected with each other

Momo who was gasping for air, wiped away the drool from her mouth "D-does that mean we're official?"

Shin couden't help but to chuckle "I guess we are. Maybe in the future I'll go get a ring and I'll make sure to keep it a surprise. but for now.. "

"Lets make this dream of ours a reality"

Than out of nowhere, they instantly vanished.


(Son Family Residence)

If you look closely through the window of the house that opens to the living room. You could see a Spiky hair boy and pinked skin girl and they were both watching something on the TV, Their eyes filled with despair as they continued watching, They tried to look away many times but failed as their heads always turned back to the tv. They had no choice to continue watching. As if a cosmic horror was forcing them to continue.

The screen showed a sweet, innocent, cute-looking girl licking ice cream. eventually, a piece of the Ice cream fell on her, and before she could wipe it off, a Grape-head man helped her by licking it off her.

They continued to watch as the night went on all the while they were forced by some mysterious entity to view every single episode.


Cring or not, I enjoyed writing this one. I felt like I did better with this date compared to the previous date (well I hope I did). And I hope that you guys enjoyed reading it as I did writing it

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Overload_man32creators' thoughts