

Gabriel Armstrong the adopted child of the billionaire Armstrong family was born with an extremely weak body, at the age of 11 he was diagnosed with a rare disease and had been expected to have five years at most to live his life the Armstrongs had spent a vast amount of money on Gabriel alas fate was cruel and even with elite doctors his life came to an early at 18 this was supposed to be the last page in the book of Gabriel until he woke up in an unfamiliar room

venerable_jade · 奇幻
14 Chs

Guest From The Magus Tower

(thank you for reading, correct me if you see any mistake and feel free to give some advices)

As the people from the Magus Tower made their way towards us their car was led by a driver to the west section of the mansion where a garage was present. The group from magus tower removed the part of the cloak that was covering their faces and took a subtle bow to greet us.

"Greetings, young masters from the illustrious house of count ophelia, I am Greg, the grand mage tasked by the Magus Tower to assist the counts family in the awakening ceremony." Said the elderly man dawning the blue badge he had grey hair done in a slick back and a low stubble with golden bronze skin colour and a slim scar going from his forehead to his jaw on the left side of his face, only few wrinkles could be seen on his face.

"Beside me are fellow helpers dispatch by the tower to help us." the old man, now Greg then continued to introduce his three companions, two men and one woman.

"this is Amanda an up-and-coming air mage who will be helping us for the week." Grand Mage Greg said pointing his hands towards the petite black hair and black eye lady who looked no older than 21.

Then he pointed towards one of the male mages "this is joe, a member of the magus tower who specialises in mana control and sensitivity." Now his hand towards the short black haired and an average face mage.

"And lastly this is zorc who specialises in magic circles and will also be the one who sets and maintains the magic circle for the awakening ceremony, also a member of the Magus Tower." said grand mage Greg pointing towards the man with long wavy black hair and a hook nose

During his introduction Willow noticed how Greg called the two mages a member of the Magus Tower whereas he called Amanda a mage who will be 'helping' them. Amanda didn't seemed bothered by it, His thoughts raced towards discrimination ' but I couldn't find any sign regarding that and sexual discrimination doesn't exist in this world as people are busy being @$sh*!€ to other races and also due to presence of supernatural power leaving no special reason to be discriminating on.'

" greetings young master Willow, young master James" to Zorc's greeting Willow replied with a single nod whereas james asked in a humorous tone " I see well then I hope high mage Zorc is a specialist in his work and will not disappoint me" followed up by Zorc " I assure young master James that I am proficient in my work and will meet up with young master's expectations" James gave an elated smile to it and said"we'll see about that"

This exchange cause willows brow to rise as so far James either nodded to their greetings or ignored them, but he wrote it off as him being concerned about the ceremony as this Zorc guy will be playing a role of quite importance in it while the rest are here for other minor jobs, the woman Amanda an air mage incharge of the ventilation? Willow couldn't think of any particular task an air mage could do and the other mage Joe who specialises in mana sensitivity incharge of telling us when we can start our awakening and measuring the mana needed for the ceremony and Greg will be the supervisor and also the one who will secure us incase anything went wrong.

To be fair the only one truly needed for the ceremony was Zorc while the rest were sent to make sure no problems occurs as we are children's of the prominent house of Count Ophelia, otherwise they would've only sent Zorc here. An awakening isn't really cheap so much so that some low ranking nobles are not able to afford it, and thise who do are only able to receive a formation specialist by the Magus Tower.

The group were making their way towards the office of Elaine with the head butler Alfred leading the way behind him Grand Mage Greg and James having small conversation followed by Willow and Vin and the others two mages following silently. They arrived at the office where the head butler knocked on the door and opened it for them and then excused himself with a perfect bow. The conversation between Elaine and Greg were nothing but an exchange of pleasantries. As their conversation ended Elaine summoned Martha the head Maid to guide the mages to the guest room for a rest and Zorc who had requested to first visit the room where he will be arranging the magic circle, was guided by a maid to the Eastern section of the mansion.

While Willow followed by Vin made his way towards the library as he had nothing better to do in his room. Where he unfortunately met Primrose who yet again drowned him in a barrage of words in her excitement and then realised what she was doing then got embarrassed, this happens multiple times in their talks making Willow more or less used to it but he would still admired her cute flustered face.

" By the way dear sister Rose, I've been meaning to ask but do you know how did the rumours on James being a delinquent and gambling addict came to vendor so far I've seen him not once act inappropriately towards any person and not seen him leaving house for anything other than some walks either" Asked Willow with curiosity written on his innocent faced calling her by her nickname to which Primrose creased her forehead and looked around before replying in a low voice" Those rumours...are true"

Now it was Willow's turn to get confused as the James he had seen so far was nothing less than normal person with a little snobbish personality but not enough to warrant being called delinquent. Primrose seeing the confusion on Willow's face replied "James indeed used to act quite arrogantly and was often losing money in gambling.... but he stop acting like that altogether somewhere around two months ago, I and rest of the people thought that maybe he had gotten serious about his life or maybe now Awakening at 15 years caused him to be so troubled that he couldn't be bothered with anything else"

"hmmm..." Willow had been sent to his world of thoughts by this new revelation, he soon excused himself from Primrose as he couldn't quite focus on their talk with the new information being made known to him. When he arrived at his room he confirmed his new knowledge by Vin who added more clearance to this and telling him about some of old James acts a little while after they were done talking, Willow was invited to the dinner.

The dinner went as usual with the exception of the new guest from the Magus Tower who will be joining us for the week till awakening ceremony, Elaine and Greg were having a small narrating each other's achievements competition whereas the rest of mages were eating quietly and James just like every other dinner was acting like Willow's best friend. Primrose wasn't bothering him but the wind mage Amanda and from what he got from their conversation they seemed to know each other. The dinner ended in anti- climatic manner, and everyone was thus escorted to their rooms by a knight or servant.

Willow left the dining hall alongside Vin. He was slightly nervous and more excited as there was only a week left till his awakening ceremony, But his short conversation with Primrose and the incidents he heard from Vin came in his mind and then the short exchange between James and Zorc increasing his nervousness and forming a bad feeling in his heart. Though he had nothing to base these bad feeling truly on so he kept his thoughts in his head and went for a relaxing hot bath and then went to his dream land on his bed .

