
The Sad Truth That Lies Underneath

It seems to me that a high school sophomore is on the run for murder? A new girl enters a new school after being homeschooled her whole life. She wants nothing but to fit in and will stop at nothing to do so. A mysterious story of how a mental disorder compels a 15-year-old girl to commit the murder of her family and a popular guy in her school. Read to find out more and see how this twisted plot unravels.

Mia_Jetter · 现代言情
2 Chs


-This story can also be found on Wattpad.

-Mild use of language.

The moon shone on the late-night panorama of my classmates backyard. I was sitting in the living room where everything took place, reflecting on the events that were so unexpected a couple of days ago; as I watched the moonlight shine brightly, ever so lightly, softly caressing the side of my face with its pale white glow. It was so eerily quiet, and cold. It was beginning to feel unsettling. More than unsettling, knowing that I had something to do with it.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ring of the doorbell. It was almost three in the morning... D-did they tell the authorities that it was actually me? Maybe they had caught onto me. I wasn't ready to be a fugitive...

It rang and rang, it felt like an eternity before it stopped. They had only pressed it once, right? Why had it felt like it rang longer than usual? Was it another inspector? Cop? Or FBI Agent? Coming for more questioning to figure out what happened? How did they know I was here? The thoughts came spewing through my mind, Would they come and arrest me? Would I have to tell another lie? all the questions were making my body tense. My fists clenched tightly, my nails seeping through the skin of my sweaty palms.

I didn't even realize that a trace of crimson was slowly leaving my body, its all too familiar metallic smell right behind it all throughout its trail.

I ignored whomever it was that may have been here. I was too petrified at the thought of seeing who was on the other side of the door. I started to think about what my life has come to. Why did I do what I had done? There's no turning back now... If only there was a reverse button- I would be able to undo what had already been done. To bad such a thing doesn't exist. They used me! They used me and I failed to notice. How stupid could I be? The question just kept ringing inside of my head along with everything else. What had I just done? What had I just done? Idiot. Why had you done that!? Idiot idiot idiot. The cold reality of the situation just seemed to hit me harder than ever. Like someone just came barging in and began to slap me across the face. Shit! What the hell am I going to do?! It was getting harder to breathe by the second. Nothing could undo what I just did. Nothing.

Why did I have to get involved in all of this? I have to admit though, they did a damn good job. I didn't even realize what the hell it was that I was doing until it was too late. I let my curiosity get the best of me. And they took advantage of that. They knew I was an easy target. They knew I was vulnerable. And most of all, they knew I would've done anything just to fit in for once. Anything.

What I did was inexcusable. Unforgettable. And will haunt me forever. Taunt me forever.

I need to face it. I need to face the fact that... I'm a fugitive and I'm on the run for murder.