
The Runt Who Got Rejected

Being the smallest has advantages. But for Amelia James, it is a disadvantage because her mate, Elijah Roberts, the Alpha of the Silver Feather Pack, because of her size. She is heartbroken by the rejection. Now, she is going to learn how to be on her own after the rejection and how to become a parent. Meanwhile, Elijah is going to learn what a big mistake he has made by rejecting his one and only mate because of her appearance. Three years go by, and Amelia is the owner of a popular interior design company and a mother of two healthy twin boys. Meanwhile, Elijah has grown into his role as the Alpha of the largest, and still ever-growing, pack and decides it is time to expand with the land. Their paths cross once again.

Kora_Darden · 奇幻言情
6 Chs

Chapter 2

Amelia's P.O.V

I ran back to my house when I see my parents on the porch, waiting for me to come home. I ran into my mother's arms and sobbed loudly into her shirt.

She rubbed my back conformingly and said, "Sweetie, what happened?"

I looked up at her with broken eyes and replied, "I found my mate, Mama."

"That is wonderful. And now why are you crying about it, honey?"

I fell down to my knees and broke down crying, "He rejected me, Mommy. Alpha Elijah Roberts rejected me because I'm the runt of the pack! He rejected me after I had sex with him! TWICE, Mama."

"Oh, bunny bear! That is awful." She exclaimed and helped me back up as she held me in her warm embrace and entered the house.

Dad asked, "What happened to Amelia, Bella?"

"The future Alpha was her mate and had sex with her twice before rejecting her. All because she is the runt of the pack."

I looked to see my dad was frowning as he said, "Come here, Mia." I walked over to him and was held at arm's length while he spoke in assurance, "Elijah Roberts doesn't deserve someone so special and amazing like you, Mia. You may be the runt of this pack, but you're amazing and kind. If he doesn't want to be your mate, that's on him." He kissed the top of my head gently and said, "We love you with all our hearts."

Mom nodded her head and rubbed my back conformingly again as she commented, "Let me make you something to eat. You are probably starving right now."

I sniffled a little and wiped my tears with a shaky hand as I nodded in response and whispered, "A ham and cheese sandwich with potato chips, please."

"Okay," Mom said and kissed my forehead softly before she entered the kitchen to make my sandwich.

Dad stroked my hair softly and suggested, "How about you go upstairs to your room and sleep for a while, Mia?"

I nodded in response and headed up to my bedroom without a single word. I closed the door behind me and tried to hold back the tears, but they immediately streamed down my face. I felt so disgusted with myself for sleeping with a dickhead like Elijah and believing that we will together and I'll become the Luna of the pack when I'm the runt. Who would want the runt as their Luna?

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed some pajamas with my towel, hair products, and body products. I went into my adjacent bathroom and turned the shower on as I stripped my dirty clothes off and discarded them in the dirty laundry basket. I climbed in the shower and let the scorching hot water touch my skin as I started scrubbing my skin with my Amber-scented shower gel and loofah, trying to get rid of the dirty feeling I had. But it was still there, and I had red patches on my skin. I sat down in the bathtub and pulled my knees to my chest as I started crying again.

Why did Elijah reject me? Was I not good enough for him? Was I not strong enough for him? Was I not beautiful enough for him? Did he really reject me because I was a runt?

Madison howled sadly, Mate!

He's not our mate anymore, Mads.

I miss him.

I know, but he doesn't want us.

She asked quietly, Are we going to be okay?

I don't know, but we will try to okay. I assured her and bit my bottom lip slightly, getting out of the shower.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body before I picked up my baby blue detangling brush and brushed out all of the tangles that formed when I was sleeping next to the Alpha.

Just thinking about Elijah pulls my heartstring. No! I will not think about him. He doesn't deserve the time of the day anymore.

I finished brushing my hair and placed my brush down, putting my pajamas on and then putting my damp hair into a messy ponytail. I turned the lights off and entered my bedroom again, grabbing my laptop and turning it on before I clicked on my NetFlix and watched Mean Girls, I can get my mind off of the night before.

I heard a knock on the door, but I don't answer it because I don't want to talk to anybody right now. I sighed a little when my bedroom door was opened to see Nikki and Maggie with my sandwich and chips. They closed the door behind them and sat down next to me as Nikki wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her before I started crying all over again.

"He rejected me!" I cried out and curled into a ball in her arms.

Nikki looked at me and raised an eyebrow while she asked, "Your mate rejected you?"

"Yes! He doesn't want me after I gave him my virginity, and he paid me back by rejecting me!"

Maggie placed the sandwich and chips on my nightstand, rubbing my back softly while she said, "He did!?! That is terrible! Who is he?"

I quickly wiped my tears away and whispered, "Elijah Roberts, the alpha of our pack."

Both of my best friends gasped in shock and shook their heads with big surprised eyes. Nikki stroked my hair comfortingly and commented, "He is the definition of a fuckboy. If you look at the definition of a fuckboy, his picture would be under the definition."

Maggie rubbed my arm softly and said quietly, "It's going to be okay, Mia. You have us, and we would never leave you as he did."

"Thank you."


It's been about a week since I was rejected by my mate. I was sitting in my English class, my last class of the day, and unfortunately next to Elijah, but he wasn't paying attention to me. I could feel my heartstrings being pulled at as I glanced down at my notebook and looked over at the notes that I wrote down.

I jumped in surprise when I felt the spark all over again as I looked over to see Elijah touching my hand, and he asked, "Hey, are you coming to my Alpha ceremony tonight?"

"Um...yeah. I guess so."

I looked away from him and bit the cap of my blue pen, staring at the whiteboard and listening to the teacher. I tried not to glance at Elijah, but it was harder than I thought to forget about Elijah.

I glanced up at the clock to see we only have two minutes to the class as well as the school day. I closed my notebook and placed the cap of my blue pen back on, putting it in my chestnut fringe leather and gold studs purse. I quickly got up from my seat when the bell was rung and ran out of the classroom without looking back to see Elijah was following me.

I stopped running and headed to my locker, spinning the nozzle to unlock my locker. I was pushed down to the ground when I heard the familiar and horrible laugh from none other than Tatiana Grey. I didn't look up at her as I gathered everything that fell from my purse, but the bitch kicked my notebook across the hallways.

I screamed in pain when she pulled on my hair and hissed, "You are a waste of space, runt!" I cried out in pain when her foot slammed into my stomach as she said, "You are a disgrace to this strong pack!" I tried to curl up in a ball, but she continued to kick me in my stomach, "No one wants you here!"

I heard someone coming over to me when I heard Nikki's voice, "Get the fuck away from my friend, you slutty bitch!" I glanced up to see Nikki pushing Tatiana away from me and pulling a patch of her curls out of her scalp, dropping it on the ground as she said with venom, "If you don't get the fuck out of here, you are going to becoming a fucking bald bitch!"

Tatiana immediately placed her hand over her bald spot while she hissed, "You fucking bitch!"

Elijah came over to the scene and demanded in his Alpha tone, "Tatiana, leave now!"

"Okay, baby." She glared at me and Nikki and then disgustingly kissed Elijah.

I tried to hold back Madison, but she was fighting to get out and slap Tatiana.

No, Madison!

She's kissing our mate!

He's not our mate. He rejected us, remember?

I sighed quietly to myself when Madison whined at the memory of his rejection. I pushed the memory to the back of my mind as Nikki helped me back up and smiled softly at me. I held back the tears and grabbed my textbook for my homework, putting it in my bag and heading out of the school with my best friend when I saw Maggie running over to us.

Maggie threw her arms over our shoulders and panted heavily from running, "Are you two ready to go shopping?"

"Shopping for what?" I looked at my other best friend and raised an eyebrow at her while asking.

She rolled her eyes at me and replied, "Duh! For the ceremony and the after-party."

"I don't think I want to go to the after-party,"

Nikki glanced down at me and asked, "Why not?"

I sighed quietly and answered, "The last time we all went to a party, I had sex with my mate twice and got rejected the next morning. I'm just going to go to the ceremony and that's it."

Maggie started giving her famous puppy dog face and whined, "Please!" She clasped her hands together with her fingers overlapping one another as she whined again, "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

I groaned loudly and rolled my eyes at her while I commented, "Fine! I'll go to the after-party, but you better not leave me alone at the party."

"I promise unless I meet my mate at the party."

"You have yourself a deal, Maggie."

She pulled me into a tight hug and exclaimed, "We are going to have so much fun at the party!!"

I looked up to see Elijah walking out of the school with Tatiana clinging to him as I sighed quietly to myself and said to myself, "I hope you're right."

Elijah Roberts' P.O.V

I wrapped my arm around my "girlfriend" and winked a few girls as they passed me by. But this one in a black crop top and denim shorts with black knee high heels, black lace choker, and a black and white flannel wrapped around her small waist woke up my wolf, Zach. And I knew that it was my mate, Amelia James. She looked really adorable in that outfit as her amber scent took over my nose, and I bit my bottom lip slightly.

Just thinking about that night when we had sex twice made my cock hard and my pants tight around the bulge. I'm going to be honest-she was very much tight. And my god! When she took over control-well her wolf took over-I found that so sexy. I wanted to fuck her for the rest of the night, but we were both exhausted from those two rounds.

Zach was still upset with me for rejecting Amelia as my mate and the Luna of the pack, but I just don't want a runt leading the pack by my side.

So, what? She is beautiful, but you wouldn't know that if it hit you in the face!

Whatever, Zach! Tatiana will be a better Luna for the pack.

Zach scoffed at the comment, Because she isn't after your family's wealth and your power and isn't sleeping with every other guy in the school!

Shut up, Zach! I yelled and shook my head, leading Tatiana to my car.

"Baby, you're hard as a rock. Do you want me to fix it?"

I shook my head before Zach could decline the offer as I said, "No, not really." I looked back to see Amelia laughing with her best friends, Nikki Andrews and Maggie Coral before I suggested, "How about we meet each other at the ceremony if I have time?"

"Okay. You promise that I will become Luna."

I didn't say anything but climbed in the driver's seat and placed the key in the ignition, starting the car up. I didn't say goodbye to her as I put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot before I put the vehicle in drive and drove back to the pack mansion.

Amelia's P.O.V

Elijah's scent disappeared from the air, but I knew he was gone as I walked with my best friends to Nikki's car. I tried my best to look back, but I looked back to see his car was gone from his parking spot.

I sighed quietly and looked between my two best friends while I said, "Let's go shopping."

"YAS!" Maggie exclaimed as she skipped over to Nikki's car.

We rolled our eyes at her, but these two girls will always make me smile no matter what happened to me. I don't know what I would do without my best friends during this difficult time.